Almira Ousmanova
Professor of the Dept. of Media,
European Humanities University (Lithuania) (www.ehu.lt )
A. Personal details:
B. Educational background:
1985-1990 Department of Philosophy,
Belarusian State University (Minsk).
1990-1993 Ph.D. student, Dept. of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, BSU
1990 MA diploma in Philosophy with distinction.
1993 Ph.D in Social Philosophy
The title of the thesis: The semiotic conception of culture of Umberto Eco
in the context of European intellectual tradition
of the second half of the 20th century.
Languages: Russian – native, English, French, Italian – fluent, German – advanced.
Research area: Visual and Cultural Studies, Semiotics, Gender Studies, Film Theory
C. Academic/ Professional Experience:
Current position:
Since 2005 Professor, Dept. of Media, EHU (Vilnius)
Teaching positions held:
1998 – 2004 Associate Professor, Dept. of Culturology and Dept. of Art Theory, EHU
(Minsk, BELARUS).
1994 - 2000 Associate Professor, Department of Culturology , Belarusian State University
Invited lectures and courses (selected, last four years):
2012 “Beyond Representation:The Revolution as Word , as Image, as Event", lecture
given at the Museum of Contemporary Art (Leipzig, for the project Going Public
2011 “Struggle for Representation, Lust for Interpretation: studying visual culture
through feminist lenses -Master class, CEU, HUNGARY ( January)
2010 Invisible borders and magic transfers: the encounters with Europe in Post-Soviet
cinema , lecture in University of Manchester, UK (December)
2010 “ What do we actually see when we look at the pictures: “The Innocent Eye Test”//
lecture given at the Summer course Feminist Critical Analysis:
(Re)Mapping the Everyday through Visual Culture, Institute for Advanced
Studies (Dubrovnik, CROATIA), May
2010 Gender Representations in Soviet Cinema (course taught for the students of
GEMMA (Erasmus-Mundus MA program in Gender Studies)
at University of Bologna , February – May
2009 “Two cultures”: representations of Love and Sexuality in Soviet and Post-Soviet
cinema”, course given at the Summer School “Cultural Studies in Post-Soviet
Spaces” (HESP Re-SET Project Alternative Cultures Beyond Borders (Pärnu,
ESTONIA), August
2009 “Love and Idea in Soviet Cinema of the 1960s”, lecture at IKKM,
Bauhaus University (GERMANY), June
2009 “Media and (Post)Public Sphere: new forms of counter cultural politics
and cyberprotest in Eastern Europe”, lecture given in Alexanteri Institute
(Helsinki, FINNLAND), May
2008 Course on Visual Methods in Social Research, Summer course Race and
Gender Perspectives on Citizenship: Democracy and Globalization,
(CEU, Budapest, HUNGARY), June 30 – July 11
3. Administrative responsibilities:
Since 2009 Head of the Dept. of Media, EHU
2007 – 2010 Co-director of HESP Challenge Seminar Visual Studies of
Immedia: exploring the immediacy of postmodern media (EHU, Vilnius)
2003 – 2006 Co-director of HESP Re-SET project Rethinking Visual
and Cultural Studies: new subjects, methods, and teaching strategies (EHU,
2003 – 2005 Co-director of the monthly courses Sociology of Art, Center for Sociological
Education, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Sociology
of Everyday (Moscow, RUSSIA)
Since 2000 Director of MA Program in Gender Studies, EHU (Minsk)
D. Research:
Individual research fellowships and grants:
2009, April – October
Fellow, IKKM, Bauhaus University (Weimar, GERMANY)
2002 - 2004 - Research Fellow, at Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (Essen,
2002, January Kennan Institute Short-Term Research Grant (Washington, USA)
1999 - 2001 Research Support Scheme Individual Grant (OSI, Prague).
1999, August - September
British Academy Visiting Fellowship (Oxford, UK). .
1999, July - August
Getty Fellowship, Summer Institute in Art History and
Visual Studies (Rochester, USA)
1997/98 - Jean Monnet Fellowship (Department of History and Civilization,
European University Institute, Florence, ITALY).
1997, June-July
Visiting Scholar (TEMPUS, University Aix-Marseille I), FRANCE
1996, August - December
Fulbright Visiting Scholar; University of Madison- Wisconsin, Dept. of
Communication Arts, Madison, USA.
Participation in international projects and collective grants:
2009 - 2011 Member of the Advisory Board for Art Clark Institute’s project on Central and
East-European Art History
2008 – 2009 Researcher for the art project and exhibition Gender Check:
Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe (funded by ERSTE
Foundation, curated by Bojana Pejic, held in MUMOK (Vienna)
2007 – 2010 Gender Studies Curriculum development project,
joint project with Dept. of Gender Studies at CEU (Budapest) and Center
for Social Research at Tbilisi State University (funded by HESP)
2006 – 2008 HESP Challenge Seminar Visual Studies of Immedia: exploring the immediacy
of postmodern media
2003 – 2006 HESP Re-SET Project ‘Rethinking Visual and Cultural Studies: new subjects,
methods, and teaching strategies
2002 - 2004 - group research project “Europe: Emotions, Identities, Politics”,
directed by Luisa Passerini, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (Essen,
Editorial responsibilities:
Since 2000 Member of the Editorial Board of journal Topos (EHU)
Since 2003 Chief Editor of the book series in Cultural and Visual Studies (EHU Press)
Since 2011 – member of the editorial board of Art Margins (MIT Press) –
Since 2012 – member of the editorial board of International Journal of Cultural Research
(http://www.culturalresearch.ru/en/aboutl/23-editboard )
E. Publications[(]:
2000 Umberto Eco: the Paradoxes of Interpretation, Minsk: Propilei, 2000
Edited collective volumes:
1996 (ed.) The Philosophy of Postmodern Age ( Minsk: Krasiko-Print)
2000 (ed.) The Anthology of Gender Theory (Minsk: EHU Press : Propilei, co-editor –
2002 (ed.) Gender Histories of Eastern Europe (co-editors – E.Gapova and A.Peto)
2003 (ed.) Bi-Textuality and Cinema (Minsk: Propilei)
2007 (ed.) Gender and Transgression in Visual Arts (Vilnius: EHU Press).
2007 (ed.) Visual (as) Violence (Vilnius: EHU Press, 2008).
2008 (ed.) Belarusian Format: invisible reality (Vilnius:EHU Press)
Contributions to books (selected):
1999 “Female Gaze, Subjectivity and Ideology in Classical Soviet Cinema” ,in:
(English) Gender in International Film (Elzbieta Oleksy, Elzbieta Ostrowska, Mike
Stevenson, eds.). Peter Lang GmbH: Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaften
Frankfurt am Main, 1999, pp.156 – 164.
(Polish) Also published in Polish in 2001: “Spojrzenie, podmiotowość i ideologia w
klasycznym kinie sowieckim // Gender – Film – Media (pod red.E.H.Oleksy i
E.Ostrowskiej (Kraków 2001), pp.189 – 198.
2000 “Umberto Eco et la théorie contemporaine du cinéma”, in Umberto Eco:
(French) au nom de sens (J.Petitot, P.Fabbri, Eds. Paris: Grasset, 2000), pp.359 – 374.
2001 “Women and Art: Politics of Representation”, in Gender Studies Handbook .
Volume I (St.Petersburg: Aleteia, RUSSIA, 2001). Pp.465 – 492
2001 “Gender and Culture in Cultural Studies’ paradigm”, in Gender Studies
Handbook Volume I (St.Petersburg: Aleteia, RUSSIA, 2001) Pp.427 – 464
2002 “Sexuality and Politics in Belarusian Media”, in Temkina A., Zdravomyslova E.,
eds. In search of sexuality (St.- Petersburg, European University Press, 2002).
Pp.509 – 524.
2002 “ Umberto Eco et la teoria contemporanea del cinema”, in Nel nome del senso (a
(Italian) cura di P.Fabbri and J.Petitot, Sansoni Editore, 2001), pp.383 – 402.
2006 “Soviet visual culture as an object of anthropological research”, in Romanov
Pavel, Iarskaja-Smirnova Elena, eds. Visual Anthropology: new approaches to
social reality (Saratov, Russia: Academic press), pp.18 – 27.
2006 “Learning how to look: on methodology of film analysis”, in Romanov
Pavel, Jarskaja-Smirnova Elena, eds. Visual Anthropology: new approaches to
social reality (Saratov, Russia: Academic press), pp.18 – 27.
2006 “Aesthetics of Internet and visual consumption. On the RuNet's essence and
(English) specificity” (co-authored with Andrei Gornykh) in Control + Shift. Public and
Private Usages of the Russian Internet, Henrike Schmidt, Katy Teubener,
Natalja Konradova (eds.) Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2006), pp.198 – 214.
Published also in Russian in 2009.
2007 “Eastern Europe as a new Subaltern Subject”, in Shparaga Olga, ed. European
perspective for Belarus: intellectual models (Vilnius: EHU Press), pp.105 – 139.
2008 “Belarus Live: the way of life as the life of images”, in Belarusian Format:
invisible reality (ed. by A.Ousmanova. Vilnius: EHU Press, 2008), pp.9 – 29.
2009 «The Girls: the maiden pride and the age of love in Soviet comedy of the
1960s”, in Iarskaya-Smirnova Elena, Romanov Pavel, eds. Visual
Anthropology: Regimes of Visibility Under Socialism (Moscow: Variant, 2009),
pp.395 – 413.
2009 «Passions over Europe: Eurovision as a political and cultural phenomenon»,
(English) Kimminich Eva (Hrsg.) Utopien, Jugendkulturen und Lebenswirklichkeiten.
Ästhetische Praxis als politisches Handeln (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2009,
pp.55 – 70.
2010 “ Window to Europe: Social and Cinematic Phantasms of the post-Soviet subject”,
(English) in Passerini L., Ellena E., Geppert A., eds. New Dangerous Liasons: Discourses
on Europe and Love in the Twentieth century
Berghahn Publishing, 2010, pp. 95 – 113;
2012 “Multiple screens of Soviet modernity: at the threshold of digital world”, in Kurg
(English) Andres, ed. Our Metamorphic Futures. Design, technical aesthetics and
experimental architecture in the Soviet Union 1960-1980” (Tallinn) (in print)
Selected journal articles (from 1999):
1999 “The Political Aesthetics of Women’s Cinema in the context of Feminist Film
Theory”, in Gender Studies, No.3 (Khar’kov, UKRAINE), pp.225 – 235.
1999 “Visual Turn and Gender History”, in Gender Studies, No.4
(Khar’kov, UKRAINE), pp.149 – 176.
2000 “Indecent Hints: Hitchcock is experimenting”, in Topos, Journal of Philosophy,
No.2/2000 (Minsk), pp.132 – 142.
2001 “The Society of Spectacle in the age of Commodified Marxism”, in Topos, # 4
(1/2001) , pp.116 – 126.
2001 “Representation as Appropriation: on the Existence of the Other in discourse”,
In Topos, # 4 (2001). Pp.50 – 66. (in lithuanian : “Representacija kaip
pasisavinimas: apie Kito egzistavimo diskurse problemą”, ATHENA.
Filosofios studijos, 2008, Nr.4, pp.105 – 122.
2002 “War and the Germans”: gendered subject and ideological interpellation in
Soviet war time cinema”,, in Gender Studies (Kharkov, UKRAINE), # 6/2002,.
Pp.187 – 205
2002 ‘Violence as a Cultural Metaphor”, in Topos, # 5 (2-3/2001), pp.122 – 140.
2002 “Umberto Ecos Überlegungen zum semiotischen Paradox der kulturellen
(German) Imitation”, Zibaldone: Zeitschrift für italienische Kultur der Gegenwart,
No.33, 2002 (StauFFenburg Verlag), pp.56 – 74.
2003 «On the ruins of orthodox marxism: gender and Cultural Studies in
(English) Eastern Europe», in Studies in East European Thought, Vol.55, No.1, 2003
(E.Swidersky, ed., University of Friburg, Klouwer Academic Publ.) , pp.37 – 50
2003 “Crossing Borders, Shifting Paradigms: The Perspectives of Cultural Studies in
(English) Eastern Europe”, in American Studies International (ed. by D.Heller),Vol.41,
No.1&2, Feb.-June 2003, pp.64 – 81
2003 “Critical Intellectuals and Cultural Politics in the Age of Globalization”,
in Gender Studies, # 7/8, 2003 (Kharkov, UKRAINE), pp.45 – 75.
2003 “Cinematic Form and History: Private Life and “Woman’s Question” in Soviet
(English) Cinema of the 1920s, in KWI Jahrbuch (Essen, 2002/2003). Pp.247 – 261.
2004 “Repetition and Difference, or, “once again” about love in Soviet and Post-Soviet
cinema”, in New Literary Review, # 69, Moscow, RUSSIA), pp.179 – 212.
2004 “Fake at Stake: Semiotics and the Problem of Authenticity”, in Problemos
(English) # 66 (1), 2004 (Vilnius, LITHUANIA), pp.80-101.
2004 «From Soviet Russia with(out) Love: Left-wing intellectuals between Love and
(English) Politics in the 1920-1930s» , in KWI Jahrbuch (Bielefeld, 2003/2004), pp.210 –
2005 “Philosophy and the position of critical intellectual today”, in Topos,
(theme of the volume - “Academy and power in Belarus’), № 10 (2/2005),
pp.40 – 62.
2005 “Re-making Love: Love and Sexual Difference in Soviet and Post-Soviet cinema”,
(English, in Lytys, medijos, masinė kultūra (Gender, Media and Mass Culture),
Lithuanian) Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, 2005, pp.179-192.
2006 “Belarusian Détournement, or The art of outflanking manoeuvre as politics”, in
Topos, # 13 (2/2006) (special volume dedicated to the presidential elections
2006 in Belarus), pp.91 - 127.
2006 “The Anarchist, the Partizan and the Artist: on the neccessity and ability of
(Belarusian) constructing the situations”, pARTizan (Belarus), (04), 2006, pp.33 – 39.
2008 «Pouvoir, sexualité et politique dans les médias biélorusses”, Raisons
(French, politiques (Paris), No.31, 2008/3, pp.47 – 63. Italian translation: «Sessualità e
Italian) politica nei mass media bielorussi», eSamizdat, 2008 (VI) 2 – 3, pp.9 – 16.
2010 «The Loss of Privacy: „the technologies of deprivation“ in Soviet and
Post-Soviet contexts“ // Perekrestki (Crossroads), 2009, № 3-4, 2009, pp.88 –
2010 “Flashmob - the Divide Between Art and Politics in Belarus”, in
(English) Art Margins (http://www.artmargins.com)
2010 “Towards Marxist Theory of Love” //Topos # 3/2010, pp.195 – 227 (in Russian),; (+Lithuanian) and in ATHENA. Philosophical Studies, vol. 6, 2010, pp.139 – 168 (Vilnius).
2010 “Feminism and Philosophy: après Simone de Beauvoir” //Topos # 3/2010, pp.7 –
2012 “Fluid Publicness: on the performative unfolding of the frontiers between Art and
Politics”, in Well Connected - Kuratorisches Handeln im 21. Jahrhundert (Leipzig,
(theme of the volume - “Presence as a Strategic Tool?” (in print)
F. Art сuratorial experience:
2011 - Museum (monographic show of Ruslan Vashkevich, National Museum of Fine
Arts, Minsk, Belarus, September – October 2011)
2012 - “ARTES LIBERALES, or the reflection non-stop” (art exhibition and educational
program, at Gallery Y (Minsk), May 2012