Insurance Professional of Greater Orlando
General Meeting
Date: November 16, 2011
Place: Hilton/Orlando – Altamonte Springs
The meeting came to order at 6: 05 P.M.
Karen Ramsey, ACSR, CPIW, DAE, PIAM, CPII, President of Insurance Professionals of Greater Orlando was the presiding officer opened the meeting. A brief description of the traditional Holiday Bazaar was given with details of the upcoming silent auction.
Gwen Smith, CISR, CPII lead the association in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of Inspiration.
Fran Hitchcock, AAI, PIAM, CIIP, CPII introduced the Corporate Partners for this evening.
· Premium Assignment Corporation- Tom Debronsky and Lee Jones
Due to the large number of guests attending the meeting they were not individually recognized, but asked to stand and be recognized.
Karen Ramsey introduced the following:
Officers of Insurance Professionals of Greater Orlando:
Patricia (Patti) French, ARM, AIC, PIAM, CPIW, President Elect
Frances Hitchcock AAI, PIAM, CIIP, CPII, Vice President
Paula Keyes, CPCU, Are, CPIW, AIR, treasurer
Jodi Kelley, CIC,CPIW, ACSR, API - secretary
Karen Bayless, AAI, CPIW, Parliamentarian
Our immediate past-president Mindy Bander Habib, ACSR, PIAM, CPIW, CPII
Members serving on the Florida Council and Regional III:
Debra Folendore, AAI, AIS, ACS,CPIW, Florida Council Education Liaison
Frances Hitchcock, AAI, PIAM, CIIP, CPII Florida Council Membership Liaison
Betty Ribeiro, PIAM, ASCR, CPIW, DAE – Regional Vice President
Karen asked that before the Bazaar a few matters of business for the Committees were reviewed:
· Insurance Professionals of Northeast Florida will be hosting the annual Combo Meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2012. This meeting will be held at the Sawgrass Marriott in Ponte Vedra Beach Florida just outside of Jacksonville Florida. As you know this is the property where the 2012 Florida Council Conference will be in September 2012. There will be a tour of the facility after the meeting. We will also have a silent auction with all proceeds going to the Florida Council so bring your items. More details to follow but wanted everyone to have the date now
Octobers’ General Board Minutes have been requested to be put up on the website, but has not made it up yet. Copies were distributed for review.
A motions to accept the October General Minutes was made by Joyce Wilson and a second made by Paula Keyes. No discussion or corrections were presented by the members and the minutes were approved.
October Treasurer’s report has not been posted on the website and were distributed. With no questions presented the report will be filled for audit.
Audit: Helen Wright
November 3, 2012 the audit was completed and report is available for review.
Public Relations: Sheryl Galloway
A summary report of the 2011 Boycott Food Drive participation was given.
Social: Jeri Cascio
A reminder that the 2011 Holiday Party will be held 12/14/11 at The Bistro on Park Ave in Winter Park. This event will serve as the December Program Meeting. Premium Assignment Corporation will be sponsoring the event. Donations for Toys for Tots will be accepted at the event.
An announcement was made of a fundraiser in the form of a raffle for a Miche Bag. Tickets are to be sold by members and the proceeds to fund the new IPOGO website.
Unfinished Business New Business:
No unfinished or new business was presented. With the business of the association completed the Bazaar was opened. The money raised from the silent auction will support our local association operating fund , the Judy McBurney Scholarship fund and the development of a new website.
Joyce Wilson and Lee Jones lead the auction proceedings.
Rebecca Miller completed the 50/50 drawing and the winner was Jennifer Dandy.
· Reminder of the fundraiser raffle of a Miche Bag.
· There will not be a General Meeting next month, but The Annual Holiday Party.
· Remember to bring your donations for Toys for Tots to The Holiday Party.
· The next Board meeting is on Monday , December 5, 2011 at CNA at 5.45 PM
No further business was brought before the Association and no objection, this meeting was adjourn at 8:58 PM.