Cascade Austin Healey Club of Washington


Membership dues of $30.00 are for one year Starting November 1. Spouses or significant others are also considered members and are encouraged to participate in any and all activities. You do not have to own a Healey to join. If you own a car it does not need to be in running condition. Our cars range from Show cars to collections of boxes and parts. Club members can be a good source for locating needed parts and repair or assembly information or help.


Our club meetings are open and you are encouraged to attend. As a rule the club meets on the last Tuesday of the month at Angelo's of Burien. The address is 601 SW 153rd St., Burien, Washington. Our meeting starts at 7:30 PM but a number of the members come early and have dinner before the meeting. During meetings plans and details of upcoming tours and events are worked out.


The Cascade Club publishes a magazine six times a year. It contains articles on tour and events as well as tech tip and classified ads on cars and parts. Members are encouraged to submit pictures and or articles. If you would like your car's picture on the cover of the magazine, please submit a vertical oriented "jpg" digital picture to our magazine editor Craig Anderson. Accompany your picture with a little article about your car. We are always looking for Healey related articles, so if you would like to tell us about your car, a fix or repair that you made, a Healey event that you attended send it to our editor.


The Club maintains a web page that provides a calendar of events and meetings, links to other clubs, on line magazines and parts and service providers. We also publish pictures from our most recent events. The full club constitution can also be found on the web site. Current officers and chairpersons are listed on the web page along with their e-mail address if available. The page also hosts a bulletin board where anyone reading the web page can leave a message for members. It is regularly used by people, outside the club, to say hello or to post items for sale.


Members take turns leading our tours. We try to keep tours out of congested areas and off of freeways. Most tours are on quiet back roads that tend to be scenic with curves and hills. Tours can be from as few as 3-4 car to as many as 18 -20 cars. Most tours start about 10:00am and end about 3 or 4:00pm, depending on destination. Most often there are rest stops and a lunch stop along the way. A number of our members have CB radios in their cars. We use the CBs during tours to help keep the larger tours together. Our "normal" channel is channel 14. CB's are not required however they can be helpful. It does not have to be an expensive unit. I have 2, one cost $5.00 from e-bay and the other is a $40.00 unit. While on tour, breakdowns do occur, a tour will not leave you stranded. Many members carry parts and tools for roadside repairs. It would be wise to subscribe to a towing service such as AAA. A couple of members have trailers and depending on circumstances would be able to trailer you home.


Tours usually start at the Starbucks Store near South Center 333 Strander Blvd, Tukwila. A secondary meeting place if the tour goes north is the rest stop at Smokey Point (north of Marysville). On occasion tours will start at another location if the tour warrants it, if so the meeting place will be published in the magazine and on the web page.


Members of the Cascade Austin Healey Club are encouraged to subscribe to the Cascade e-mail list (this is a free service, but you must subscribe). The club uses this service to notify members of meetings, tours, events and other information of interest to members. It acts very much like a bulletin board. Any member can post a message to the list. Instructions on how to subscribe are on the web page.


Some times on a warm sunny Spring, Summer or Fall day someone will get a bug to get the Healey out and enjoy the good weather. We have a phone list of members that have indicated that they would like to be notified of such a spontaneous tour. Information on how to join this list is on the web page.


This is the first tour of the New Year. The tour leader looks for a favorable day, usually Saturday, and calls for a tour. This is somewhat of a spur of the moment tour and those interested usually signup and are called or notified from the e-mail list


This is the Official first tour of the season. Dates and times are published in the magazine and noted on the event calendar of the web page.


The MG club sponsors this rally. It takes place in the Mt Vernon area during the Tulip festival. We often tour up to the rally and tour home. In the past this has also been our Spring Opener.

VANDUSEN BC ABFM (All British Field Meet)

As a rule the Cascade Club tours to and participates in this British Columbia All British Field Meet. We usually make this an overnight tour going up to BC Friday or early Saturday morning, staying over night Saturday and returning to Seattle Sunday. The BC Club usually hosts a BBQ Saturday night.


This event was started to coincide with British Car Week however with Seattle weather it is sometimes moved to a more favorable date. The meeting time is moved up and members are encouraged to drive their cars.


The club participates in this event annually. We meet up Saturday morning and tour into the meet as a group so that all our cars are together. There is a registration party the night before (Friday) and usually a brunch Sunday morning. Sometimes there is an activity after breakfast.


This is an annual regional event hosted on a rotating basis by one of the five West Coast clubs. It is a five-day event that includes a popular choice car show, tours of the area and other events particular to the local. This venue can give a member the opportunity to have his/her car concour judged.


This is Saturday - Sunday overnight tour and meeting held at Steve Day's house in Wenatchee. Steve puts on a tech session followed by a regular meeting. This allows members from out of the Seattle area to attend a meeting. We stay overnight at a local hotel/motel and tour home to Seattle Sunday morning.


This event is similar to the Bellevue All British Field Meet. The cars are on display Saturday and is usually followed by a swap meet and racing on Sunday.


This is an annual Northwest event hosted on a rotating basis by one of the three Northwest clubs. It is a Friday Saturday and Sunday event that includes a tour and group dinner. It is more low key than the Rendezvous.


This is tour to the summit of Mt. Baker lead by member Jim Slostad. It usually meets at South Center Starbucks with a second meeting point at the Smokey Point rest stop. Dates and times are on the web page and in the magazine.


This annual event is usually scheduled around the December holidays. It usually includes dinner some games or activities and a white elephant gift exchange. Date and time are published in the magazine and on the web page.


We try to schedule a couple of (TLC tender loving care) tech sessions each year. In the past we have had sessions on carburetors, distributors, a trip to a machine shop to talk about rebuilding heads, a trip to a Healey shop to talk about maintenance, transmission repair and painting and paint care.


The club publishes a member list on a semi-regular basis. You can receive one by request. Member lists, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses are not sold or given to outside sources.


The club officers are listed on the web page with their e-mail address if available. Feel free to contact them for any club information.


The Club is registered in the State of Washington as a non-profit organization. The text of the constitution is available on the web site.

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