September 2, 2014


Present: Sara, Rick, Lionel, Stephanie, Maureen, Justine, Kathryn, Norm

  1. Adoption of the Agenda – adopted, Sara

add Thrifty's Smile Card to agenda - Sara

  1. Approval of minutes: May 13, 2014 – approved, Rick
  2. Treasurer’s report – to be reviewed next month
  3. Section reports – not required
  4. Business arising:
  5. Kathaumixw – report from Sara

◦99 in attendance

◦$1310 tickets sales less $108.96 (cost) $1201.04 net. Profit $600.52 (50/50 split)

  1. 2014 - 2015 season

“Any Sing Goes” October 18

pieces: Choose Something Like a Star, Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Require piano accompaniment only

New members would need outfitted for costume prior to October 18th – Kathryn to inform Stella

Fall concert: November 16, St. Andrew’s, “Feel the Spirit”

November 15th in Duncan with Encore Women's Choir (Christine Dandy director) Publicity: Sara to discuss with Lionel

Duncan host choir will do front of house

location: Christian Reform Church

Peter Orme, organist

November 16th: day concert: tech rehearsal not required

Announcers in the choir? Yes – although check for length of speaking

Cordless mikes vs. one central mike- just need practice or, speak loudly.

Student prices? Do we charge $10 or $15? Sara to discuss with production committee; final decision by board for next meeting

Carol Festival December 3, St. Andrew’s

Two carols. Lionel to pick.

We perform along with 9-10 other choirs

Sing-Along Messiah: December 7, St. Andrew’s

Soloists: Erin Ronningen, Andrea Rodall, Dave Brown and Steve Price. Trumpeter: Stevan Paranosic

guests at Nanaimo Concert Band Christmas fundraiser, December 14 (Beban)

2 Messiah pieces. Plus the Hallelujah in D flat

Lionel to ask what carols they do so we can possibly work out harmonies

Collaboration with Nanaimo Concert Band March 8, 22 or 29, Port Theatre

this has been cancelled: too early in spring, Sharon unavailable. Sara to

release dates at the Port Theatre.

May concert 2015

Lionel: was going to be simple, now can be more complex given that we only have the one show

Proposal: hire Nanaimo Opera soloists plus local string quartet

Marriage of True Minds – was written for Chorfest in honour of Diane Loomer

$341 - score rental for 8 weeks plus cost of vocal scores

Need to commission an arrangement for one of the pieces

Violin will also play part in 3rd piece

Nanaimo Opera could do a 12- 15 minute set

Action: approved in principle. Lionel to do up a budget for the whole thing. Had budgeted $1000.

  1. New Business:

◦Request for concert ticket donation – had a request from The Wiltshire Education Society (an organization supporting two Afghani students to attend school) for donation to October auction. Donate 2 tickets to November concert and 2 tickets to Messiah.

◦Vancouver Island Symphony – not discussed

◦request from Stephanie to consider youth rep on board. Choir in agreement to have youth rep as a guest.

7. Adjournment: 6:00 pm

Next meeting: October 7, 2014