September 2, 2014
Present: Sara, Rick, Lionel, Stephanie, Maureen, Justine, Kathryn, Norm
- Adoption of the Agenda – adopted, Sara
add Thrifty's Smile Card to agenda - Sara
- Approval of minutes: May 13, 2014 – approved, Rick
- Treasurer’s report – to be reviewed next month
- Section reports – not required
- Business arising:
- Kathaumixw – report from Sara
◦99 in attendance
◦$1310 tickets sales less $108.96 (cost) $1201.04 net. Profit $600.52 (50/50 split)
- 2014 - 2015 season
“Any Sing Goes” October 18
pieces: Choose Something Like a Star, Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Require piano accompaniment only
New members would need outfitted for costume prior to October 18th – Kathryn to inform Stella
Fall concert: November 16, St. Andrew’s, “Feel the Spirit”
November 15th in Duncan with Encore Women's Choir (Christine Dandy director) Publicity: Sara to discuss with Lionel
Duncan host choir will do front of house
location: Christian Reform Church
Peter Orme, organist
November 16th: day concert: tech rehearsal not required
Announcers in the choir? Yes – although check for length of speaking
Cordless mikes vs. one central mike- just need practice or, speak loudly.
Student prices? Do we charge $10 or $15? Sara to discuss with production committee; final decision by board for next meeting
Carol Festival December 3, St. Andrew’s
Two carols. Lionel to pick.
We perform along with 9-10 other choirs
Sing-Along Messiah: December 7, St. Andrew’s
Soloists: Erin Ronningen, Andrea Rodall, Dave Brown and Steve Price. Trumpeter: Stevan Paranosic
guests at Nanaimo Concert Band Christmas fundraiser, December 14 (Beban)
2 Messiah pieces. Plus the Hallelujah in D flat
Lionel to ask what carols they do so we can possibly work out harmonies
Collaboration with Nanaimo Concert Band March 8, 22 or 29, Port Theatre
this has been cancelled: too early in spring, Sharon unavailable. Sara to
release dates at the Port Theatre.
May concert 2015
Lionel: was going to be simple, now can be more complex given that we only have the one show
Proposal: hire Nanaimo Opera soloists plus local string quartet
Marriage of True Minds – was written for Chorfest in honour of Diane Loomer
$341 - score rental for 8 weeks plus cost of vocal scores
Need to commission an arrangement for one of the pieces
Violin will also play part in 3rd piece
Nanaimo Opera could do a 12- 15 minute set
Action: approved in principle. Lionel to do up a budget for the whole thing. Had budgeted $1000.
- New Business:
◦Request for concert ticket donation – had a request from The Wiltshire Education Society (an organization supporting two Afghani students to attend school) for donation to October auction. Donate 2 tickets to November concert and 2 tickets to Messiah.
◦Vancouver Island Symphony – not discussed
◦request from Stephanie to consider youth rep on board. Choir in agreement to have youth rep as a guest.
7. Adjournment: 6:00 pm
Next meeting: October 7, 2014