Reader’s Workshop (Gradually Released within the Mini-lesson)
Standard and Learning Target: F1a-f (Academic, language, and social-emotional learning targets)
I can write about why I should notice descriptive writing.
Whole Group Mini-lesson
How am I teaming with the Special Education, AL, and/or ELL teachers to support our students?
Have I reviewed my classroom engagement plan and considered how individual students will have access to this lesson? / Focused Instruction
Text:F3a-b What Happens When it Rains (StepReads version 610L/O)

Day 5
Connection:F2aEarlier this week, we worked on… noticing descriptive language when we’re reading. Remember that descriptive language uses images that appeal to the reader's senses, helping the reader to imagine how a subject looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels. We talked about how paying attention to descriptive writing can help you as a reader in several ways.
Teach (What, Why, When, How, Misconception, Analogy): F2b-e
●Today we are going to...write down why we might want to pay attention to descriptive writing. By thinking about why we do something, we give it purpose so we’re more motivated to do it in the future. For example, if I list all the reasons why I want to get enough sleep at night, I will be more likely to actually get enough sleep.
●Watch me…I wrote down a few strategies for recording my thinking to any question (process anchor chart). First, I want to think of what might be some answers to this question. Model creating a list of answers while thinking aloud (possible list ideas from Monday’s lesson include: helps reader connect to text/feel part of the reading, helps to better understand text, helps enjoy text, helps reader with own writing). For step 2, I need to start my paragraph, using words from the question. Hmm…”Noticing descriptive language in the text can help me as a reader…” but I don’t want to start with one of my answers, I want to let them know the topic…(Reread what you have and finish sentence….in many ways”. Model rereading to check that it makes sense.
●Now for step 3, I’m going to look at my list for ideas. I can use these language scaffolds to help me. Since this is the first idea I’m writing, I’m not going to start with “also” or something like that. I’m going to write “First, noticing descriptive language can help me...feel a part of the text, like I’m right there”. Model repeating your idea to remember it, writing it, rereading it.
●Ok, writers, now it’s your turn to practice. I want you to try adding on to our shared writing, using steps 3 and 4 from our anchor chart. Before you write, though, you’re going to do a think-pair with an elbow partner. That will help you clarify your thinking and remember it. Have students think-pair-write a sentence to add to shared writing, then use pick-a-stick to share their sentence, adding to shared writing.
Process Anchor Chart
  1. Brainstorm answers to the questions (words, phrases)
  2. Begin your paragraph with a topic sentence that uses words from the question and lets the reader know the topic of your paragraph without giving details.
  3. Use language scaffolds and your brainstorm list to draft sentences that answer the question.
  4. Reread your writing to check that it makes sense.

Guided Practice/Collaborative Learning/Independent Practice
Tasks for Engagement (Check for Understanding): G2b, G3b, G4a-e, C1a-e, C2a-d, C4a-d, C5a-c, I1a-d, I2a-b, I3a-c, I5a-c, I6a
Elbow Partners / Question(s): G1a, F3b
How can noticing descriptive language in the text help you as a reader?
Discussion Protocols:G1b-c, G2a, C5c
Language Scaffolds: G3a, C3a-c, I4a-b
Also/In addition/Another way..
Noticing descriptive language can help me by ______.
Brainstorm list
Link: Today and everyday, we are going to…F1e,I1b
Read closely to notice descriptive language authors use, in order to better understand the text.
Workshop: I1a-d, I2a-b, I3a-c, I5a-c, I6a
What will students be doing during this time to transfer their understanding of the learning target over time? / Partner Reading
Use language scaffolds from Day 1 to notice and discuss descriptive language in the text. Record an example for sharing. / Independent Reading
Use language scaffolds from Day 1 to notice and record descriptive language in the text. / Writing about Reading
Have students answer question using language scaffolds.
Share: C5c, I6b-cShare your Writing about Reading.

Updated 5.18.17