ON MONDAY 13 MAY2013 AT 7.30 P.M.


Cllr Mrs L Edwards (LE)Cllr Dr C Hall (CH)Cllr Mrs A Steele (AS)

Cllr P Stott (PS)Cllr Mrs J Whiteley (JW)


Fiona Hill (FH) – Parish ClerkNone

1. To elect Chairman for 2013-2014 - PS, Proposed JW, Seconded: CH, Unanimous

2. To receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office - Done

3. To elect Vice- Chairman for 2013-2014 - AS, Proposed LE, Seconded CH, Unanimous

4. To receive apologies for absence

Parish Councillor R Smith, District Councillor S Collinson, County Councillor Mrs C Wood

5. Councillors to deal with following issues:

5.1 To approve accounts for year ending 31 March 2013

The accounts are as presented at the Parish Council Meeting on 08 April 2013 and are on what the Year End Annual Returns are based.

5.2 To confirm arrangements for Internal Audit and External Audit

FH to ask John Thompson to audit the accounts as last year.

The Audit Commission has appointed Littlejohn LLP as the External Auditor and the completed Annual Return was looked at and signed by PS and FH.

5.3 To review salary for Parish Clerk for 2013-2014

The 2009/2010 National Final Salary Award For Local Council Clerks is still current, but is currently under review by the national Joint Council for Local Government Services. FH had submitted online the HMRC PAYE Annual Return.

5.4 To review employment policies and procedures

A Parish Council, as an employee appointed a Personnel Manager – AS. The Contract of Employment and Job Description would be regularly reviewed to ensure they are still fit for purpose as part of the Annual Appraisal. There are two policies that an employer MUST have – Disciplinary and Grievance. The YLCA recommends that Parish Councils also have policies as follows - Bullying & Harassment, Equal Opportunities’ Health & Safety and Sickness. FH would check these were all in place.

5.5 To review training/Professional Development

The Statement of Intent was adopted 08 April 2013 and is not currently in need of updating. The Parish Council regularly monitor the training needs of its members and employees and take advantage of the excellent training provided by YLCA.

5.6 To review Insurance arrangements for 2013-2014

FH had obtained three quotes to compare against the renewal quote:

Aon Current Insurer £351.00

Zurich Main Competitor £230.00

Game & Co Broker who advertises in trade magazines £265.00

Norris & Fisher Broker who advertises in trade magazines £588.43

FH had done a quick cover comparison and she felt that the Zurich cover would be an excellent alternative for the Aon Cover, however, the quotes were obtained prior to the addition of the defibs, so an up to date quote will need to be obtained. The Parish Council agreed to insure with Zurich this year. The Parish Council briefly discussed the War Memorial and FH would seek advice.

5.7 To review Asset Register

The Parish Council has an up to date schedule

5.8 To review Financial Regulations

These are currently work in progress

5.9 To review Standing Orders

These are currently work in progress

5.10 To review Complaints Procedure

This was adopted 08 April 2012 and is not currently in need of updating

5.11 To review Grant Awarding Policy

The Parish Clerk has circulated drafts and the final version is nearly ready for adoption. The Charitable Donations Policy was adopted 08 April 2013 and is not in need of updating.

5.12 To review Risk Management

These are currently work in progress

5.13 To review Freedom Of Information Publication Scheme

The revised draft was approved08 April 2013

5.14 To review Quality Parish Council Scheme

This scheme is currently under review by the National Association of Local Councils and their training partners and should be re-launched Autumn 2013

5.15 To review Welcome Booklet

This was launched at the meeting 08 April 2013

5.16 To review Banking facilities

The Parish Clerk is in regular contact with all high street banks and they exhibit little or no interest in taking on new account, especially local council accounts.