The mission of athletics and activities at Crested Butte Community School is to provide programs which complement and support a challenging academic program. The goal is to foster the emotional, physical, and intellectual foundation for the growth and well-being of students.
Student-athletes will demonstrate high understanding and observance of the qualities in our Seek the Peak program.
Student-athletes will demonstrate compassion, responsibility, and dedication to their team and teammates as they act with integrity, honor, and an understanding of their role in the school and community. Spirit, loyalty, confidence, self-esteem, and enjoyment of the sport are components of a positive experience.
CBCS is committed to the personal development and well being of our student-athletes, coaches, and staff. The individuals who participate in the athletics department at all levels can learn the benefits of teamwork, self-discipline, personal responsibility, the setting of high standards, and the joy of achievement.
CBCS Athletics Core Values:
· Student welfare is our top priority
· Participation is a privilege
· Athletics and activities are an integral part of the secondary school experience
· Open communication and mutual respect among coaches, teachers, parents, and athletes
· Athletics/activities should be fun and rewarding
· Participation supports the development of positive character
· Participation supports the academic mission of the school
· Well-designed athletic programs promote community and school pride.
The purpose of the guidelines and policies in this handbook is to encourage commitment by participants and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to the principles of health, respect, responsibility, and sportsmanship during the season. Any exceptions to these policies must be pre-approved by the Principal or Athletic Director. However, only unforeseen or extenuating circumstances will be approved.
Assumption of Risk
By its nature, participation in supervised athletics includes a risk of injury which may range in severity from minor to long-term catastrophic injury, including death. Although serious injuries are not common in supervised athletics, it is impossible to eliminate all the risk. Participants must obey all safety rules, report all physical problems to their coach, follow a proper conditioning program, and inspect their own equipment daily.
Insurance Coverage
The Gunnison Watershed RE1J School District is not responsible for medical expenses in connection with injuries. Therefore, in order to protect participants, parents/guardians must have some form of insurance coverage.
Participation Requirements
All athletic participants must have a current physical exam (within the last year) on file prior to participate in any practices. Additionally, students and parents/guardians will be required to sign the Responsibility Pledge, acknowledging an understanding of the Crested Butte Community School (CBCS) Athletic Policies.
Athletic Fees and Paperwork
Athletic participation fees are $125 per high school sport and $70 per middle school sport. With a max of $400 per family for high school students, and $350 for middle school families or families with both middle and high school aged students.
The Crested Butte Booster Club has started an Athletic Fee Scholarship Fund. If you would like to apply, please speak to the athletic director about the process before the start of the season.
A season is defined as “from the first day of practice until the final contest”. A participant who is dismissed from any athletic team, and/or does not complete the entire season, will not receive a letter or recognition in that sport.
Titan Award
The Titan Award is an athletic award with academic and citizenship components presented to any graduating senior boy and girl who has met the following criteria for the Titan Award:
1. Participated in at least two school sports for at least three years, including two sports their senior year
2. At least a 3.5 GPA
3. Demonstrates superior sportsmanship, leadership, citizenship, integrity and pride
4. Must submit a resume and cover letter explaining why the student is a candidate for the award.
Teachers, administrators, and coaches vote on the student that will win the award. The award will be presented at the High School Award ceremony that takes place in the spring.
TABLE OF CONTENTS / PAGE #Consequences Chart / 6
· Appeals Process……………………………….. / 7
· Attendance……………………………………… / 7
· Academics……………………………………….. / 7
· Citizenship………………………………………... / 7
· Concussions…………………………………….. / 7
· Due Process……………………………………..
· Eligibility………………………………………….. / 8
· Felony…………………………………………….. / 8
· Proper Communication Procedure….. / 8
· Quitting…………………………………………….. / 8
· Substance Abuse………………………………. / 8
· Suspension……………………………………… / 8
· Traveling………………………………………….. / 9
· Uniforms…………………………………………….. / 9
Responsibility Pledge……………………………………… / 10
Note: The Crested Butte Community School (CBCS) is a member of the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA). CHSAA is the governing body of high school activities in our state. As a member of CHSAA, CBCS has agreed to follow its rules and bylaws. Here are a few of the areas affecting student eligibility:
· Academics
· Accepting Awards
· Age
· Game Conduct
· Outside Competition
· Practice
· Semesters of Participation
· Transfer from Another School
For the complete rules, see the CHSAA website at or refer to CHSSA Competitor’s Brochure.
Participation in athletics is a privilege:
As interscholastic athletics present a unique opportunity in our public education system, participants must exercise certain inherent responsibilities. Therefore, participants must be made aware of this fact and be educated as to their responsibilities as positive role models. All participants are role models by choice or circumstance. They must recognize this obligation and make a concerted effort to model high standards in sportsmanship, leadership, academics, citizenship, integrity, and pride.
Every participant who competes in CBCS athletics is an extension of this school and is expected to adhere to the following guidelines and policies as outlined in this handbook:
1. Participants are students first. Students are expected to maintain at least a “C” cumulative average in each class during the season.
2. Participants are citizens first. Students are expected to act appropriately at all times when they are in, on, or affiliated with this school.
Violations under school jurisdiction: there is a no tolerance policy. Any student unlawfully possessing and/or using alcohol or illegal drugs will be suspended.
Violations that fall under the following list will follow the consequence chart below:
· Excessive tardies
· Attendance issues, including unexcused absences
· Academics and eligibility issues
· Citizenship and behavioral issues
· A student charged with a felony
· School suspension
Eligibility will start after the second week of the first and second semester.
Academics/Eligibility / Citizenship/Behavior / Felony / School Suspension
1st Offense / Student will attend TWO days of mandatory after-school tutoring from 3:45-5:15.
Ski Program-an ineligible student may not train during a class for which he/she is ineligible / Consequence will depend on severity of the action. Will be decided by the athletic director or assistant principal. / meet with Athletic Council / suspended from practices and contests until suspension is complete. At a minimum, suspended from next contest
2nd Offense / Student will attend TWO days of mandatory after-school tutoring from 3:45-5:15 and will be
suspended for one contest. / n/a / Dismissed for remainder of season
3rd Offense / Student will attend FOUR days of mandatory after school tutoring. Will miss one week of practice, and one week of contests. / n/a / n/a
4th Offense / Meet with Athletic Council to discuss issues. / n/a / n/a
If a student does not complete the consequence specifications, they will move into the next level of consequence for the offence immediately.
Appeals Process:
A participant, parent/guardian, or coach may appeal an alleged violation by notifying the Athletic Director in writing within three days of the notification. The appeal will be made to a committee of the Principal and coaches at CBCS (excluding the coaches of the sport involved in the appeal).
Participants are expected to attend all classes, practices, and contests during a season.
**Athletes must be in school at least four periods (half day) the day of practice or a contest (or Friday for a Saturday contest) in order to participate **
** Athletes must be at practice the day before the event in order to participate**
** Unless it is an excused absence approved by the Athletic Director and/or Principal.
Participants are expected to be in school the day following a contest. Repeated offenses will be dealt with by the Principal and Athletic Director. Excused absences as stated in the CBCS Student Handbook include: “temporary illness or injury; suffering from a physical, mental, or emotional disability; observing a religious holiday; attending an appointment of a serious nature; experiencing the death of a family member; participating in an internship or work study; on school-related activities or given prior approval by the Principal or designee.” Students who are too ill or injured to attend school the day of an athletic contest (or Friday for a Saturday contest) are strongly discouraged from participating in the contest, and may be required to submit a doctor’s note allowing such.
It is the CBCS policy that all participants must maintain at least a cumulative “C” (at least 70%) in each class for a given semester. Academic eligibility runs from Monday noon to the following Monday noon during the season.
CHSAA guidelines require that any student completing a semester with an “F” in a class will be ineligible to participate in athletics the next semester.
Athletic or academic performance should not be your only concern. If a participant is habitually disruptive in practice or class, the coach or teacher has the authority to make the participant ineligible for reasons of conduct. Students are expected to behave appropriately at all times when they are at a practice/contest or in the classroom. Hazing will not be tolerated and will result in immediate suspension with a review by the Athletic Council.
Concussion Management Protocol:
Any athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion, or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from the contest and may not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health care professional.
It is important that students and parents communicate with the coach and the athletic director about concussions. They can support student-athletes in adapted academics during healing.
Due Process:
Information regarding an alleged violation must be submitted to the Athletic Director in writing. The Athletic Director will arrange for a meeting with the participant and coach regarding the alleged violation and will also inform the parents or guardian. The participant has a right to have an adult advocate present. If a violation has occurred, the participant, parent, coach, and Principal will be notified in writing (See Appeals Process for an appeal of this decision).
Participants are students first. Students are expected to maintain at least a “C” average in each class during the season. Eligibility is reported every Monday at 12:00 pm. Teachers are asked to report low C’s to the Athletic Director to preempt ineligible students. Teachers will communicate with the student, parent, and Athletic Director about ineligible students. The student will communicate with their coach, and the Athletic Director will communicate with the coach about the expectations and consequences of ineligibilities. Please see consequence chart on page six where the procedure is outlined for ineligible students.
Any participant formally convicted with a felony by a prosecuting attorney shall be suspended from participation in all activities. A meeting of the Athletic Council will determine their future eligibility status.
"Hazing" means any act committed by a person, whether individually or in concert with others, against a student in connection with pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization which is affiliated with any school or program operated by the District; and which is intended to have the effect of, or should reasonably be expected to have the effect of, humiliating, intimidating or demeaning the student
or endangering the mental or physical health of the student. "Hazing" also includes soliciting, directing, aiding, or otherwise participating actively or passively in the above acts. Hazing may occur on or off school grounds.
Examples of hazing include:
1. Any type of physical brutality such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electrical shocks, placing a harmful substance on or in the body, or other similar activity; or
2. Any type of physical activity such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, or other activity that creates or results in an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student; or
3. Any activity involving consumption of food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance that subjects a student to an unreasonable risk of harm; or
4. Any activity that induces, causes, or requires a student to perform a duty or task, which involves the commission of a crime or an act of hazing.
Crested Butte Community School has a no tolerance policy for hazing. Hazing should be reported to the coach and athletic director immediately.
Proper Communication:
Parents are asked not to discuss issues on the game day.
Step One: Athlete discusses issue with coach
Step Two: Parent discusses issue with coach
Step Three: Parent and/or athlete discusses issue with Athletic Director
Step Four: Parent and/or athlete discusses issue with Assistant Principal
We will not discuss playing time. Our coaches are professionals and are entitled to make decisions in the best interest of the team.
A participant may drop out of an activity after nine days of practice, if done properly. The participant must notify the coach of her/his reasons and return all issued equipment. A letter is not a sufficient means of notification. Any participation fees are non-refundable after the first contest. The participant may not participate in another activity during the same season unless approved by the Athletic Director.