Drugs Education Policy

ReviewedMay 2016

Next Review 2019

This policy is descriptive of current practice in Weetwood School in both drugs Education and in the handling of drug related incidents. It has been drawn up in consultation with staff, parents and governors. The school has also sought the advice of the Teacher Adviser for Drug Education.

Weetwood School defines the term “drugs” to mean all substances capable of being misused including alcohol, tobacco, medicines and volatile substances as well as illegal drugs.

Weetwood School takes the issue of drug use (legal and illegal) very seriously and seeks to give quality education on drugs to the pupils, which will enable them to make good decisions concerning drug usage now and in later life. The school seeks to provide accurate, unbiased information about drugs to its pupils in Science and PSHCE Drug Education. This has been shown to be most effective when it takes place in a life skills programme. Therefore the school seeks to provide sessions which are skills based and deal with assertiveness, risk taking and decision making. In other parts of the PSHCE programme staff will draw attention to the cross over skills which impact on Drugs education.

In addition to this, the school seeks to help any pupil who has drug related problems through caring pastoral support.

Recent research shows that drug use in young people is increasing and that it is not confined to any ethnic group or class. Research also shows that young people who use drugs recreationally do not necessarily come from difficult home background or have problems, but young people in such circumstances often take more risks with their drug use than those who have high self-esteem. Therefore all aspects of school life ought to contribute to the young people in the school community learning that they have value as an individual human being. It is our aim that in doing this we raise self-esteem and minimise risk in the area of drug use, as in other areas of life.

Science curriculum

We adhere to the National Curriculum requirements in Science and children will learn:

Key Stage 1: about the role of drugs as medicines.

Key Stage 2: that alcohol, tobacco and other drugs can have harmful effects.


The majority of drugs education at Weetwood is delivered through the PSHCE Scheme of work (see appendix 2).

School rules regarding drugs

Smoking on Site

Smoking is prohibited. Any pupil caught smoking on site will have their cigarettes taken away. Parents will be informed by letter.

Under the influence of drugs or alcohol

If any pupil is not ill but clearly under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the parents/carers will be contacted and the pupil taken home. If the pupil is ill, normal medicinal procedures would be followed, a first aider sent for and an ambulance called if necessary. Parents/carers would be called immediately. After the events described above, once the pupil is recovered parents/carers will be invited to a meeting with the Headteacher to discuss what further action will be taken. If the incident reveals regular drinks/drug use, the family will be given advice on where to get help. The Designated Teacher for Child Protection will also become involved.

Carrying of illegal drugs

Any drugs will be confiscated and handed over to the police. The pupils will be kept with the Headteacher until parents come to collect them. Circumstances surrounding the event will be thoroughly investigated before any further action is taken.

Dealing in illegal Drugs

Any pupil dealing or supplying illegal drugs on the school site will be excluded and referred to the Governing Body.

Lines of Action

If a member of staff is suspicious about drug use or possession they should contact the Headteacher. If an investigation is needed, the Headteacher or Deputy Head will inform the pupil of what is happening and why. If the allegations are substantiated the Headteacher will inform the parents/carers and take other appropriateaction if required.

Recording of incidents

The school will make a full record of all drug incidents. Storage of sensitive information will be kept securely. Notes will include time, date place and people present, as well as what was said.All instances of drug misuse by either children, staff or parents would be recorded in accordance with our Child Protection Policy and reporting/recording procedures.

Drug Paraphernalia on site

Any drug related paraphernalia found on the school site should be disposed of safely using thick gloves and tongs. All needles should bedisposed of in a sharp box. Police should be informed that people are using the site out of hours for drug taking.


Should the media wish, a statement about any drug related incidents or drug education will be given by the Headteacher. If the Headteacher is unavailable they should be referred to Education Leeds Press Office.


·Basic information about how the body works and ways of looking after the body
·Safe and unsafe substances in the home
·Simple safety rules
·Medicines and tablets – reasons why they are used.
·School rules
·People who are involved with medicines and drugs
·People who can help pupils when they have concerns
·Introduction to the drugs pupils may encounter
·Understanding that drugs can be harmful if not used properly / ·Personal likes and dislikes
·Being friends with others
·Communicating feelings and concerns about illness and taking medicines
·Following simple instructions to keep themselves and others safe
·When and how to get help from adults
·Knowing how to say NO / ·Respect and caring for yourself and valuing the uniqueness of your own body
·Respect and caring for others
·Realising that it is sometimes appropriate and important to say “NO”
·Realising that adults or older children are not always “friends”.


Detailed information on how the body works and how to keep it healthy
Different types of medicines, the value of some drugs, safety when using medicine
Effects of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco on the body and associated risks of drug taking
School rules relating to medicines, alcohol, tobacco, solvents and other drugs
Consideration of why some people take drugs
People who persuade others to take drugs: friends, known adults, peers, older children
Identifying pressures and influences.
Dangers from handling discarded drug-related equipment
First aid, where to get help, the law relating to legal and
illegal drugs / Personal strengths and weaknesses
Handling social relationships
Expressing and communicating feelings and concerns about drugs and their use
Identifying risks
Coping with peer influences
Communicating with adults
Making choices and knowing the consequences of actions
Keeping safe, giving and getting help / Valuing yourself and others
Attitudes towards the use of alcohol and tobacco within the home and the wider society
Parents’ and teachers’ reactions to drugs and their use
Attitudes and beliefs about different drugs, the people who use/misuse them, and why they use them
Responses to media and advertising presentations of medicines, alcohol, tobacco and other legal drugs


TERM / TOPIC / SEAL / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6
Autumn 1 / - Healthy Lifestyles / 1. New Beginnings /
  • Keeping The Body Healthy
  • Making Choices For A Healthy Life
  • Body Image And Self Esteem
  • Eating Healthily, Being Active
  • Keeping Safe
  • Recognising Risk And Responsibility
  • Body Image And Self Esteem
  • Personal Safety

Autumn 2 / - Friendships / 2. Getting On And Falling Out
3. Say No To Bullying /
  • Making Friends
  • Taking Care Of One Another
  • Feelings And Relationships
  • Resolving Conflicts
  • Friendship Groups And Peer Pressure
  • ECM Survey
  • Dealing With Barriers To Friendships

Spring 1 / - Sex And Relationship Education / 4. Going For Goals /
  • Myself And Others Feelings
  • Families
  • What’s Happening To Me? *
  • Addressing Worries About Growing And Changing *
  • Growing And Changing
  • Puberty And Sex Education

Spring 2 / - Drug Education / 5. Good To Be Me /
  • Around the house
(Alternative = “Nothing”) /
  • Medicines
(Alternative = PRIDE) /
  • Smoking
(Alternative = PRIDE) /
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs And Volatile Substances
  • How Drugs Affect Us

Summer 1 / - Global Dimensions
- Sustainability - Citizenship
- Transition / 6. Relationships /
  • My World Near And Far
  • Planet Protectors – Waste and Recycling
  • Health Promoting Environments
  • Valuing Others And Their Communities
  • Living In A Diverse World
  • Transfer to Secondary school
  • NW Leeds transfer project
  • “Changes”
  • “Mission transition”
  • “Bridging the Circle”
  • ECM Survey

Summer 2 / - Economic wellbeing
- Transition / 7. Changes /
  • Looking After My Money
  • Transfer work
  • SEAL - Changes
  • Circle Time transfer plans
  • Developing Economic Wellbeing
  • Transfer work
  • SEAL - Changes
  • Circle Time transfer plans
  • Work Related Learning And Enterprise

Appendix 2-Areas of study in the Leeds Primary PSHCE scheme of work.