Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing - PreSchool Officer

Job Specification & Terms and Conditions

Job Title and Grade / Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing - PreSchool Officer
(Grade Code 281X)
Please note as of 1st January 2014 the title of “Pre School Officer” will change to “Early Years Inspector”.
Campaign Reference / NRS1025
Closing Date / Friday 13thDecember at 12 noon
Proposed Interview Date (s) / Week commencing 20thJanuary 2014
Taking up Appointment / A start date will be agreed at job offer stage.
Location of Posts / There are currently a number of vacancies:
  1. Sligo/ Leitrim/ West Cavan- there is 1 (whole time equivalent) vacancy available in Markievicz House, Sligo. A recruitment panel will be formed for Sligo/ Leitrim/ West Cavan. Informal Enquiries to: Ms Maria MacInnes, Area Manager, Donegal & Sligo/Leitrim, Euro House, Killybegs Road, Donegal, Co Donegal. Tel 074 9743026 E-Mail:
  1. Dublin South- There are 2 (whole time equivalent) vacancies available in Loughlinstown Health Centre, Dublin South. A recruitment panel will be formed for the areas of Dublin South, Dublin South East and Wicklow.Informal enquiries to: Colette McLoughlin, HSE Area Manager Children & Families, ph. 01 6299000
Dublin North East- a panel will be created for all Dublin North East covering Cavan/Monaghan, Louth/Meath, Dublin North and DublinNorthCity. There are existing vacancies in HSE Dublin North East in the following areas:
  1. Cavan Monaghan- there is 1 (whole time equivalent) vacancy available in Cavan/ Monaghan. The location for the post holder is as follows: ServiceSupportBuilding, Rooskey, Monaghan. Informal enquiries to: Mr. Gerry Lowry, Area Manager Child and Family Services, Service Support Rooskey, Monaghan, Tel: +353 (0) 47 30473 mobile: 087 2663949. email:
  1. DublinNorthCity-there is 1 (whole time equivalent) vacancy available in DublinNorthCity. Informal enquiries to:Linda Creamer, Area Manager Child and Family Services, email and tel. 01 846 7129 / 087 65 93 432

Organisational Area / HSE Dublin North East, HSE Dublin Mid Leinster, HSE West.
Please note that these posts are being recruited under control of the Health Services Executive, however, following the establishment of the Child and Family Agency the posts will automatically transfer into the Child and Family Agency.
Reporting Relationship / The Pre School Officer will report to the Area Manager of Children and FamilyServices or designate and will have a professional relationship with the Director of Public Health Nursing.
Purpose of the Post / The person appointed to the post will be required to have good working relationships with the Director of Childcare Services, Environmental Health Officers and voluntary services who provide pre school services, area public health nurses and other professionals.
The appointee will act as a resource person for pre school services and facilities. They will be required to have a good knowledge and understanding of the needs of the pre school child, be fully conversant with the relevant legislation, national policies and guidelines and be aware of any changes and developments in the pre-school area.
The appointee may also be required to work in other areas of Childcare, particularly in relation to the role of Public Health Nursing.
The Child Care Act, 1991 places responsibility on the HSE to carry out the functions as laid down by the Act, in terms of health, welfare and safety to very young and vulnerable pre-school children
The person appointed to this post will work within the Integrated Services Directorate; working as part of multi-disciplinary teams delivering a coordinated approach to client care.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities / Professional / Clinical
The Pre School Officer will
  • liaise with other professionals in relation to pre-school services.
  • support the development of existing pre-school services in the community.
  • provide advice and information to pre-school providers including voluntary agencies
  • identify areas where pre-school services could be established and to support the establishment of such services with multi disciplinary teams and staff relevant agencies.
  • work with the Community Development Worker and other professionals in identifying the need for Community Mother type programmes and assisting in the development, implementation and evaluation of such programmes.
  • identify service needs and trends in order to ensure the highest possible standards of care.
  • identify and assist in the organisation, delivery and evaluation of health promotion activities in the area.
  • formulate and organise the allocation and placement of students for community experience in conjunction with staff of 3rd level institutions.
  • undertake duties in connection with the organisation, delivery and evaluation of the pre-school health service as requested
  • deputise for the Director of Public Health Nursing as required.
  • monitor demographic trends in childcare with relevance to the effective delivery of Community Nursing Services.
  • organise, support and supervise Public Health Nurses and students and other members of the Community Nursing team in the provision of Community Nursing Services.
  • organise, supervise, monitor and evaluate the work of trainee Public Health Nurses during community placement.
  • undertake duties as required in the context of new legislation and relevant national guidelines and policies e.g. Nursing Home Act 1990, Child Care Act 1991, The Children First Guidelines & Policies 2006 and Pre-School Regs 2006.
  • arrange home help service and patient aid/home care assistance as required.
  • undertake duties in connection with the co-ordination, development and evaluation of services for the elderly.
The Pre-School Officer will:
  • contribute to monitoring the workload of the Community Nursing team and to administer and manage the assignment of relevant staff and leave applications (as relevant to the individual post).
  • collect and collate statistical and financial returns as appropriate and to keep such records as are required of him/her by the Director of Public Health Nursing
  • liaise with County Childcare Committees and represent the HSE on such committees where appropriate.
  • arrange for and monitor the usage of supplies and loan of equipment and to ensure its return (as relevant to the individual post).
  • prepare reports and advise on notification of pre-school services.
  • prepare the appropriate reports and documentation to initiate proceedings and liaise with legal representatives with regards to the enforcement of relevant legislation.
  • collate and return relevant statistical information as necessary.
  • work to agreed priorities and objectives and assist in developing and implementing HSE Service and Operational Plans.
  • prepare reports for and attend court cases where appropriate/required
  • improve liaison with PCCC and Primary Care Service in his/her area, and with hospitals, other institutions and appropriate voluntary organisations to promote continuity of patient care.
  • participate in the consultation process for the appraisal of funding applicants.
  • ensure an adequate supply of up to date nursing/first aid equipment for emergency use in pre-school services.
  • supervise and support staff within his/her area of responsibility.
  • monitor standards of service within the sector and ensure a high pre-school childcare service is delivered.
  • assist in the formation of policies and guidelines and monitor their implementation.
Education and Training
The Pre School Officer will
  • provide education and training to pre-school providers.
  • identify staff training needs of Public Health Nurses and other relevant nursing/midwifery/multidisciplinary staff.
  • co-operate in the on-going development of Community Care services, including use of new technology etc.
Health & Safety
The Pre-School Officer will:
  • ensure the health, safety and welfare of all children attending pre-school services in accordance with relevant legislation and standards.
  • investigate all complaints with regard to pre-school services.
The above Job Description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office.
Eligibility Criteria
Qualifications and/ or experience / Each candidate must have at the latest date of application: -
Be registered in the Public Health Division of theRegister of Nurses & Midwives maintained by Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland) or entitled to be registered
Have not less than 5 years satisfactory experience as a Public Health Nurse in the Irish Health Sector or in an analogous post in another jurisdiction, or an aggregate of five years such experience
Possess the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and
management ability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the post.
A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
Each candidate for and any person holding the office must be of good character
Age restrictions shall only apply to a candidate where he/she is not classified as a new entrant (within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation Act, 2004). A candidate who is not classified as a new entrant must be under 65 years of age on the first day of the month in which the latest date for receiving completed application forms for the office occurs.
Post Specific Requirements / Demonstrate experience and/ or knowledge of Pre-School services.
Other requirements specific to the post / Access to transport as the post will involve travel
Skills, competencies and/or knowledge / Knowledge and Professional Knowledge
  • Demonstrate excellent knowledge of nursing and evidence based practice
  • Demonstrate knowledge of legislative requirements relating to the healthcare services and the workplace
  • Commitment to continuous professional development and knowledge sharing
  • Demonstrate knowledge of clinical risk management
  • Demonstrate knowledge of strategic vision and policy framework of Health Service Executive
Planning and Organising
  • Demonstrate ability to plan, organize and deliver services in an efficient, effective and resourceful manner, within a model of patient centred care and value for money
  • Demonstrate ability to manage deadlines and effectively handle multiple tasks
Leadership and Staff Management
  • Demonstrate leadership skills and ability to influence others
  • Demonstrate flexibility and openness to change and ability to lead and support others in a changing environment
  • Demonstrate ability to manage, motivate and develop staff to maximize performance at work
  • Demonstrate effective problem solving and decision making skills.
Team Skills
  • Demonstrate the ability to foster a learning culture amongst staff and colleagues to drive continuous improvement in services to patients.
  • Demonstrate ability to work effectively with multi-disciplinary teams
Commitment to Quality Care
  • Demonstrate understanding of, and commitment to, the underpinning requirements and key processes in providing quality patient centred care
  • Demonstrate an ability to monitor and evaluate service performance and levels of care
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Demonstrate effective communications and interpersonal skills including: the ability to present information in a clear and concise manner: the ability to engage collaboratively with all stakeholders; the ability to give constructive feedback
  • Demonstrate competency in general use of information technology-computers, office functions, internet for research purposes, email, preparation of presentation materials etc.

Campaign Specific Selection Process
Shortlisting / Interview / Shortlisting may be carried out on the basis of information supplied in your application form. The criteria for shortlisting are based on the requirements of the post as outlined in the eligibility criteria and skills, competencies and/or knowledge section of this job specification. Therefore it is very important that you think about your experience in light of those requirements.
Failure to include information regarding these requirements may result in you not being called forward to the next stage of the selection process.
Those successful at the shortlisting stage of this process (where applied) will be called to interview.
Code of Practice / The HSEwill run this campaign in compliance with the Code of Practice prepared by the Commissioners for Public Service Appointments (CPSA). The Code of Practice sets out how the core principles of probity, merit, equity and fairness might be applied on a principle basis. The Code also specifies the responsibilities placed on candidates, feedback facilitates for applicants on matters relating to their application when requested, and outlines procedures in relation to requests for a review of the recruitment and selection process and review in relation to allegations of a breach of the Code of Practice. Additional information on the HSE’s review process is available in the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, Information for Candidates.
Codes of practice are published by the CPSA and are available on the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, Information for Candidates or on
The reform programme outlined for the Health Services may impact on this role and as structures change the job description may be reviewed.
This job description is a guide to the general range of duties assigned to the post holder. It is intended to be neither definitive nor restrictive and is subject to periodic review with the employee concerned.

Terms and Conditions of Employment

Director of Public Health Nursing Assistant – PreSchool Officer

Tenure / The initial vacancies are permanent, whole time and pensionable.
Panels will be formed from this recruitment campaign and future permanent or specified purpose vacancies of full or part time duration will be filled from these panels. The tenure of these posts will be indicated at ‘expression of interest’ stage.
Appointment as an employee of the Health Service Executive is governed by the Health Act 2004 and the Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointment) Act 2004.
Please note that these posts are being recruited under control of the Health Services Executive, however, following the establishment of the Child and Family Agency the posts will automatically transfer into the Child and Family Agency
Remuneration / The Salary Scale for the post is: -
€54,339 – €57,380 – €58,629 – €59,780 – €60,943 – €62,535
Working Week / The standard working week applying to the post is to be confirmed at Job Offer stage.
HSE Circular 003-2009 “Matching Working Patterns to Service Needs (Extended Working Day / Week Arrangements); Framework for Implementation of Clause 30.4 of Towards 2016” applies. Under the terms of this circular, all new entrants and staff appointed to promotional posts from Dec 16th 2008 will be required to work agreed roster / on call arrangements as advised by their line manager. Contracted hours of work are liable to change between the hours of 8am-8pm over seven days to meet the requirements for extended day services in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement (Implementation of Clause 30.4 of Towards 2016).
Annual Leave / The Annual Leave applying to the post is to be confirmed at Job Offer stage and as determined by the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997.
Superannuation / All pensionable staff become members of the pension scheme.
Membership of the HSE Employee Superannuation Scheme applies to this appointment. Existing Members who transferred to the HSE on 1st January 2005 pursuant to Section 60 of the Health Act 2004 are entitled to superannuation benefit terms under the HSE Scheme which are no less favourable to those to which they were entitled at
31st December 2004.
Appointees to posts in the Mental Health Services which formerly attracted fast accrual of service should note that the terms of Section 65 of the Mental Treatment Act 1945 do not apply to New Entrant Public Servants as defined by Section 12 of the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004.
Probation / Every appointment of a person who is not already a permanent officer of the Health Service Executive or of a Local Authority shall be subject to a probationary period of 12 months as stipulated in the Department of Health Circular No.10/71.
Protection of Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 / As this post is one of those designated under the Protection of Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998, appointment to this post appoints one as a designated officer in accordance with Section 2 of the Act. You will remain a designated officer for the duration of your appointment to your current post or for the duration of your appointment to such other post as is included in the categories specified in the Ministerial Direction. You will receive full information on your responsibilities under the Act on appointment.
Infection Control / All HSE Employees must have a working knowledge of HIQA Standards as they apply to the role, for example, Standards for Healthcare, National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections, Hygiene Standards etc.