Name: ______Date: ______

My To-Do List and Personal Contract – EGUSD

L2 Word Training Unit 6

Lesson ONE:
 Untimed Reading: goal is 150-180 WPM ______(Your WPM)
VCe Syllable Type
Check Understanding ______(your score)
The Drop –e Rule
The Drop –e Rule skit
Check Understanding______(your score)
 Homophones
Decoding Activities
Big Word Strategy
Sentence Completion
Sort ______(your score)
Encoding Activities
Sentence Completion with Spelling
 Sentence Dictation
 Word Building
Adding Suffixes / Lesson THREE:
 Untimed Reading: goal is 150-180 WPM ______(Your WPM)
--ing Turns Verbs into Adjectives
--ing Can Be Confusing
Check Understanding ______(your score)
--w Can Change Vowel Sounds
Check Understanding ______(your score)
Decoding Activities
Read Sentences
Sentence Completion
Listen and Identify
Sort ______(your score)
Encoding Activities
Sentence Dictation
Lesson TWO:
Independent Reading: Did you record your independent reading with your best attempt?

Syllable Division Review
Check Understanding ______(your score)
VCe Syllable with Schwa
Check Understanding ______(your score)
Apostrophes Sow Possession
Check Understanding ______(your score)
Decoding Activities
Big Word Strategy
Sentence Completion
Key Concept Quiz ______(your score)
Encoding Activities
Word Building
Adding Suffixes / Lesson FOUR:
Independent Reading: Did you record your independent reading with your best attempt?

--ed as Past Participle
--en as Past Participle
Check Understanding ______(your score)
Decoding Activities
Sentence Completion
Listen and identify
Key Concept Quiz ______(your score)
Encoding Activities
Sentence Dictation
Word Building
Adding Suffixes

The Read Words goal allows a student to blend sounds together to form words. The goal test is a recording activity that will be submitted for review by peers and the teacher. /
The Spelling goal requires a student to correctly spell a number of words during a specific time. No peer or teacher review is necessary on this goal.

The Sentence Completion goal requires a student to select the correct words to complete sentences. /
The Fluency Check goal requires a student to read a timed passaged incorporating skills from the unit. The student’s fluency rate is measured by the teacher and compared to previous units. 150-180 WPM is the goal.
Teacher Comment Code for Improvement: ______

Student Reflection:

One thing I learned/stood out to me during the unit was…
One part I had particular trouble with was ….
As a result, my next steps are to….
One thing I would like to celebrate about my learning is….
Listen to one of your recordings, and give yourself advice. Use the teacher comment codes. What can you do to sound like a professional reader? (Consider your rate, accuracy, and prosody). Complete the frame below.
I listened to my ______(Lesson 2 recording, Lesson 4 recording, or my fluency check recording) and I noticed

Student Contract:

I understand that

  • by signing this form and turning it in, I am stating that I have tried my best at every activity and actually recorded my independent reading practice accurately.
  • if I did not record or perform to the best of my ability, I will be sent back to repeat the lesson and will lose the work that I did after that repeated lesson.
  • by completing all my work, I’m helping myself to have more successful opportunities in school and life by becoming a better reader.


Student Signature/Print Name