Position applied for ______
This section will be removed from the application before the selection process begins
Personal Details
Surname ______
First Names ______
Address ______
Telephone number/s
Email ______
Is there any aspect of your general health that could affect your work? Please give details ______
How many days sickness absence have you had in the past three years? ______
Please give details______
Do you have a disability, physical or mental, that may be relevant to your application? If yes, please give details ______
List here all secondary schools and further education
From / To / School/College / Qualifications/CourseEmployment History
Starting with your most recent employment, briefly outline the duties and responsibilities of each position. Please include any voluntary work (use a continuation sheet if necessary)
From / To / Post & Description / Reason for leavingTraining
Give details of any relevant training received and/or courses attended
Please give details of activities outside work -hobbies, recreational pursuits or special areas of interest
Reason for Application
Please tell us why you are applying for this post and why you think you would be suitable for the position, giving detailed examples of any experience or training which shows how you meet the criteria for the job and person specification. Continue on a separate page as necessary
Please give names and addresses of two people whom we can approach for references, one of whom should be your present or previous employer,
Address & email / telephone number
I declare to the best of my knowledge the information I have given is correct. I understand that any information which is later found to be false may render any offer of employment invalid, or render me liable to disciplinary action which may include dismissal if employment has commenced.
Signed……………………………………………. / Date ...... …..NOTES:
· It is important that this application form is completed in full by applicants. A Curriculum Vitae (CV) may be sent to support application if desired, but is not an acceptable substitute.
· Please return the application form marked Private and Confidential to: Mr H.Gray, PCC Secretary, 55 Chesterton Park, Cirencester, Glos GL7 1XS
or email to