Survey: Crime against Older People – Barriers and solutions

Diverse Cymru is a leading Equalities organisation and we have been commissioned by the Welsh Government to conduct independent research into crimes against older people (anyone aged 50+). We will be gathering the views from members of the public as well as experts in the field.

We would be grateful if you could let us know what you think about the topic by completing this short survey. We would value your views and opinions regardless of your background or experience.

Any information you provide will be strictly anonymous. We will not use it for any other purpose or reveal it to any other organisation except under our statutory obligations.

If you have any questions, would like to be more involved or would like to share your views in a different way please contact Hannah Mason at u, on 029 2036 8888 (ext. 231) or 307-315 Cowbridge Road East, Cardiff, CF5 1JD.

This questionnaire is available on request in your preferred language and easy read.

English: Please fill in the short survey at:

Welsh: Plîs cwblhewch yr holiadur byr hwn at:

The closing date is 1st March 2016.

Are you filling this form as an Organisation/Agency or as an individual?

Organisation / Individual

1)Do you consider any of the following to be an age – related crime?(Please tick all that apply)

Antisocial behaviour directed at an older person ☐

Burglaries which purposely target the homes of older people☐

Domestic abuse which specifically relates to the age of a person☐

Malicious complaints made against a person because of their age ☐

‘Mate crime’, where friends and family take advantage of an older person ☐

Neglect of older people (for example in care homes)☐

Scams which target older people☐

Sexual abuse which is related to the age of a person☐

Threatening behaviour to relatives or acquaintances because of their relationship with an older person ☐

Threats and verbal insults which are related to the age of a person☐

Vandalism which is related to the age of a person☐

Violent crimes against older people☐

All of the above☐

None of the above☐

Don’t know☐

Other (please state):

2)Have you or someone you know experienced a crime which was related to their age? (Please tick all that apply)


Family member☐



Colleague ☐


Don’t know☐

Other (please state):

If you have any other thoughts you’d like to make about this topic, please feel free to comment in the box below:

3)Who do you think is most likely to carry out a crime against an older person?

Please rate the following 1 to 5.

1 = Least likely 5 = Most likely

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Don’t know
Children or family
Members of the community
Professionals (e.g. health or social workers)
Other (Please state):

4)Why do you think that crimes against older people happen?

5)Who would you feel most confident reporting a crime against an older person to? Please rate the following 1 to 5.

1 =Not confident at all 5 =Very confident

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Don’t Know
Victim Support
A healthcare professional
Your local council
An older people’s organisation
A Housing Association or landlord
A third party reporting centre or online scheme
The police
A social worker or case worker
Another charity or third sector organisation
Other (please state):

6)What barriers do you think there may be when reporting crimes relating to discrimination against an older person?

And how do you think these barriers can be removed?

7)Do you think there is sufficient information about what crimes against older people are?Please rate 1 to 5 by circling your answer.

1=Much less than is needed5=Far more than is needed

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Don’t know

8)How do you think someone who experiences crimes because they are an older person can be best supported?

9) Are there any other solutions that you think would help?

10) Do you have any other comments or further details relating to the questions above?

About you

The equality data you provide on this form will be used to help us analyse the survey answers further. Any identifying information you provide will be removed before the project’s report is published, unless you expressly give us permission to use a quote.

What is your age?

16-17 / 45-49 / 75-79
18-24 / 50-54 / 80-84
25-29 / 55-59 / 85+
30-34 / 60-64 / Prefer not to say
35-39 / 65-69
40-44 / 70-74

What is your ethnicity? ______Prefer not to say☐

What is your gender?______Prefer not to say☐

Do you consider yourself to be within any of the following categories?(you can tick more than one if you wish)

FTM / trans man☐

MTF / trans woman ☐

Intersex person☐

Androgyne / polygender / genderqueer person ☐

Cross-dressing / transvestite person ☐

Other type of gender variant person (specify if you wish): ______

Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?______Prefer not to say☐

What is your religion (including non-belief)?______Prefer not to say☐

What is your sexual orientation? ______Prefer not to say☐


We’re also will be holding a series of discussion events with older people all around Wales and experts in the field would like to be more involved or would like to share your views in a different way please provide your details below:

Your name:______

Your organisation (if applicable): ______

North / Mid / South East / South West

Where in Wales do you live:

Phone / Email / Meeting in person / Skype

Please tick if you’d like find out more about the interviews: ☐

How would you prefer to be contacted?

Your contact details: ______

Which language would you prefer to be contacted in: ______

Do you have any access requirements e.g. easy read: ______

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Your comments will now help us to identify ways to better tackle hate crimes against older people.

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this questionnaire then please contact Victim Support at or via their hotline 08081 689 111. Alternatively, you can contact Age Cymru at or via their advice line 08000 223 444.

Once completed please return to u or to the following address:

Diverse Cymru,

307-315 Cowbridge Road East / 307-315 Heol Ddwyreiniol y Bont-faen

Cardiff / Caerdydd,


If you have any questions you may also call 02920 36 88 88 (ext. 231).