Monday, October 31st

Mystery Monday! At our October Faculty meeting, the staff of Garden Oaks voted to have a “regular” day on Monday, October 31st. The teachers did decide, however to incorporate small mysteries or riddles throughout the day. Please note, NO costumes on campus. Note: we will be having a fire drill on Monday (evacuation drills are required every month)!


Students in 1st – 8th grades were given report cards to share with you last week. Please remember review the report card with your child and discuss effort and outcomes! In Montessori conversations you will often hear teachers and students talk about the “number of works” completed in a day. While this is a quantitative measure of progress, even more importantly is the qualitative indicator of depth and quality of work in which the child is engaged. Authentic research and a more difficult task may take more time so some teachers may count it as two “pieces” of work! Additionally, the Montessori report card looks different than a traditional one. We use HP, MP, LP and NP to share your child’s progress (refer to the key in the top right hand section of the report card). Since we are a public school we are required to provide numeric grades at the end of the year, however, the modified report card is used throughout the year. Remember to use Parent Connect online to monitor your child’s weekly progress. For more information about Montessori grading and progress monitoring go to

Ready Rosie

Ready Rosie is an exciting new HISD support for parents of PreKindergarteners. It consists of activities for parents to incorporate into daily routines to promote communications and inquiry between parent and child. Go to the HISD website

Weekly Montessori Moment

The things s/he sees are not just remembered; they forma a part of the soul. ---Dr. Maria Montessori


Thank you for your contributions to STUFF THE BUS! We are still counting the amazing show of support of our school but we have surpassed our goal of $30,000! Also, THANK YOU to everyone who donated and worked the GARAGE SALE! We raised just over $1,400 and had so much fun! Leftovers are in front of the office. Please take anything you see that you can use!

PTO is 100% made up of dedicated parents like YOU!


Remember - 5th graders must reapply for 6th grade! Magnet MIDDLE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT information meeting for all parents of 4 – 6thgraders Thursday, NOV 3rd 5 – 6pm Magnet campus tours every Thurs 9am Application deadline is Dec 9th. Zoned spaces begin in Kinder and end at 5th grade. Apply online at

ImportantNOVEMBER Reminders!

1Dia de los Muertos

1PAJAMA DAY school-wide (school appropriate)! Bring your favorite book for your class “read-in”.

3Montessori MATH NIGHT! 4 – 6pm

PTO General Meeting 6pm

5School Choice Fair Austin HS 9- 12

7Photo Retake


10GO PTO Fun Run!

12Beautification Day! 9a – 1p

15Thanksgiving feast!



21/22Geo Bee

23-25Thanksgiving Break! Gobble,gobble


PARENT ED – Neuhaus Dyslexia Interventions


Stay healthy! GO to bed early and eat “clean”!

From the desk of Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Principal

October 31, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 9