West London clinical commissioning group (WLCCG)and Westminster local authority

A consultation on the redesign of cardiology rehabilitation and prevention programmes

Welcome - Your voice counts

We are asking for your views on cardiology rehabilitation and prevention programmes. This is an opportunity for you to have your say and help shape the future design of these programmes. West London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)and Westminster Local Authority are the organisations responsible for purchasing the provision of health promotion and health care services for our local residents in parts of Westminster, Kensington, and Chelsea. Our objective is to purchase health services which maximise the benefits for all. In line with NHS guidance, we need to find new ways of purchasing high quality care to the best standards. This means transforming how we currently deliver services.

This year we are planning to review and re-procure our cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programmes and welcome your thoughts on your experience of using our current programmes, or what you would like to see included in these programmes.

How your views will count in the redesign of services?

Your comments will help to shape the specifications that are used in the service redesign. This will also support commissioners to design questions to ask potential providers participating in the procurement process. Ultimately, we want to ensure that the new services reflect the needs of our local community.

How to have your say

Getting involved couldn’t be easier. You can either fill out the consultation response form below or complete the form online.

You have until 15th August 2014 to share your thoughts with us so please get in touch.

Here’s how:


You can complete this survey online at

In writing

You will find a consultation response form below that asks questions about our plans.

Once you have completed it you can post it back to us at:

Debbie Andrews

Interim Delivery Manager

West London CCG

15 Marylebone Road

LondonNW1 5JD


Responses must be received by 15th August 2014

Please indicate how important the following features of cardiac rehabilitation or prevention programme are to you. (Please tick only one)

Extremely Important / Very important / Somewhat important / Slightly important / Not important at all / No opinion / don’t know
Booking and accessing programmes
a. Being offered a course promptly after my diagnosis, or after realising I am at increased risk of cardiovascular disease /
b. The courses are run in a community centre near where I live
c. The courses are run in the hospital where I have been receiving my treatment
d. The courses are run in my GP practice
e. I get a one to one rehabilitation programme in my own home
f. Being able to park at or close to the venue
g. A venue that is accessible by public transport /
Design of the programmes
a. Family members are able to come along and join in, so they are learning the same things that I am / Extremely Important / Very important / Somewhat important / Slightly important / Not important at all / No opinion / don’t know
b. Participating in a programme with a mix of people; some people who have heart problems already, and some who may be at risk of heart problems /
c. Having support, advice, and education from a range of specialist health professionals /
d. Learning about nutrition and healthy eating
e. Learning about safe exercise
f. Support to stop smoking
g. Being able to speak to a doctor or nurse
h. Being able to speak to an exercise specialist
i. Being able to speak to a psychologist about my worries or my mood
j. Being able to speak to a dietitian about my diet and weight /

Please give us a little more detail on what your ideal rehabilitation or prevention programme would look like:

A)What would you want to learn in a rehabilitation programme? ______


B)How much time can you commit? (each session lasts 2 hours)

6 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks a weekend 4 sessions 1 session

C)When is best for you (day, evening, weekend?) ______

D)Would you prefer to learn in a group setting, or one to one with another health professional? Or a combination of the two?


Please provide us with some information on you. You can leave this section blank if you would prefer not to answer.

Your postcode: ______Your gender: Male Female Other

Your GP Practice Name: ______Your age: ______

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your opinions are really important to us and we will use your responses to help shape new services.