The Kiwanis Club of Pulaski Heights meets each Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the
Gilbreath Conference Centre of Baptist Medical Centre 9601 Interstate 630, Exit 7
Bulletin Editor: c/o James Thomson 7700 Apache Road, Little Rock, AR 72205 (501) 225-2891
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
- Kiwanis defining statement, adopted October 2004.
January 14, 2008
Call to Order ………..… Dr. Vikki Stefans
America…………………Chris Thomson
Pledge of Allegiance……Larry Furrer
Invocation ………………
Introduction of guests ….Charlie Calkins
Happy Can
Introduction of Speaker … James Thomson
Speaker …………………..Rev. Ed Matthews
Heifer Project International
Board of Directors Meeting after adjournment
This Week’s Program….
Rev. Ed Matthews, Heifer Project International - Rev. Metthews is a native of Calico Rock -- U of A grad ...BS in agri. Master Theol, Perkins School Theology. He has been United Methodist minister since 1955 and retired from lst United Methodist Church, Little Rock in June of 1998. From 1959-63 he served the agricultural missionary with Methodist Bd. of Missions tothen Belgium Congo, Africa (served as agriculturist). He learned about Heifer International in those years, receiving dairy stock from them for use in Congo. The Rev. Matthews has been strong supporter since -- supporting Heifer Projects move from Indiana to Perryville ranch. After his retirement from pastorate, worked as part-time consultant for HI as relocated to new river front site.
He assisted in fund raising to acquire river front site, and first phase of new campus and remains as volunteer, mostly servicing with "speakers bureau".
Board members should be prepared to stay for the January Board of Directors meeting tonight. Last week we reviewed only a few items and postponed the board meeting due to the football game. (You should not have to ask WHICH football game.)
Board agenda new and old business items:
1. Lieutenant Gov nominee
2. Pancake ticket printing, initial meeting
3. Head Start
4. Kiwanis One Day
Next Week’s Program…
The AAFL is coming to Little Rock’s War Memorial Stadiums in Spring 2008. Join us January 21, 2008, 6 p.m., with family and guests to hear Coach Ron Calcagni, President Alicia Cooper, and Quarterback Clint Stoerner talk about Arkansas’ team and the competition.
Last Week’s Program …
Doc Holladay introduced us to Allen Kerr as a legislative candidate and fellow county worker who is in charge of Quorum Court for a year now in glowing terms. He then reciprocally admired Doc for a "tremendous turnaround" in the budget situation and overall, rejecting his claims to humility. He found out they were 5 million in the hole because revenues were overstated, and he got people riled up enough to get the job done right by explaining how they had been misled. He has an insurance background, and knows how to do the math; he got it turned around to 2.5 million in the black. They are not supposed to budget more than 90% of their projected revenue, and in another year they should have that back in line. Arizona has very different laws, but like them, we have to maintain our buildings and our laws a lot better. He wants to take care of that and make sure that monies that are not supposed to be commingled are kept apart. Road and Bridge is dedicated; public safety can be moved and used elsewhere. That contributed to the deterioration of the jail...he remembers when the hole was just a few inches wide; they got estimates of 1.3 million to fix the roof, but they only got 1 million, and estimates went up even higher. He always goes to the bottom line page - sort of like cheating and jumping to the end of the book - and found an item for over 5 million; the estimates for the roof and boiler were OK, but the place is "floor to ceiling mold" and is aging past what it should (built in 1970) due to lack of adherence to codes. Are we putting money into a point of diminishing returns? Not yet, but it was approaching. A new 200-bed structure would be 4 million dollars; we don't have the money for either right now!! There are 30 employees who have to bring out sheets of plastic and work on their computers under them when it rains. "I believe the Quorum Court has learned the lesson." "We said 'no' a lot this past year." People keep asking for huge raises and new positions, and he wonders when they will notice the pattern. Everyone asks for just one thing..."on a daily basis we are one-thinking government to the point where we don't have the money to pay for it." Yes, he has been asked to talk to Phillips County - "they have some big problems." One year we almost did not get a budget passed until the 12/17 meeting, which would have been bad because legally you can't operate without one. Usually it takes 3 months to put a passable budget together. This year it took 5 weeks; he asked people to come in a certain percentage under last year's budget and then they would not have to go through a full review. This empowered people to run their own departments, and they did find places they could cut. Those budgets got passed the first meeting, getting 75% of the work out of the way. If you want to know if you can vote for this man, has the info - the district is past 1-430, south of I-10, and covers the north side of Chenal. The term-limited fellow he is trying to replace really should run for the senate but went and bought a body shop. Call 225-3170. "I'm there most of the time when I am not speaking to groups." Q and A re road plans and consolidating elections - new roads yes, but no new freeway, and no.
Warrior Key Club Update
New HHS Key Club Members Inducted
Ceremonies at Hall High School.
Key Club Mo-Ark Division 17 Lieutenant Governor Ryan Todd, John Goss Mo-Ark District Key Leader Chair (Past Lt. Gov. MoArk Div. 21 & Past President of the Kiwanis Club of Pulaski Heights), John Bacon Hall High School Principal, and Alita Mantels – Hall High Key Club Faculty Advisor were guest speakers at the induction ceremony for new Hall High Key Club members, which was held in the HHS Media Center on Wednesday January 9, 2008. At the conclusion of the ceremony, members and guests enjoyed light refreshments provided byAssistant Faculty Advisor (and professional caterer) James Meadors. Besides John Goss Pulaski Heights Kiwanians present were Dr. Vikki Stefans – President, Jim Vetzner – Treasurer, Past Presidents James Thomson, Chris Thomson, and Ron Paulson attended the induction ceremony.
Key Club Meeting Schedules
All Warrior Key Club meetings are held in Hall High School room 102 from 4 p.m. until 5 p.m. A Board meeting (required for officers and grade-level directors) is held on the last "SCHOOL" Wednesday of each month: 30 January, 27 February, 19 March, 30 April, 28 May. A general meeting (required for all members) is held on the first "SCHOOL" Wednesday of each month: 9 January, 6 February, 5 March, 2 April, 7 May. For specific information about the Key Club of Hall High School, go to and click on theKey Clublink in the right sidebar.
Coming Events and Projects…
January 14, 2008 – Kiwanis Club of Pulaski Heights Board of Directors meets after the program.
January 30, 2008 – Stewpot, between 10:00 AM - 1 PM, First Presbyterian Church, 8th and Scott St., Downtown Little Rock. Contact James Thomson to volunteer (501) 225-2891.
February 4, 2007 – Tullio Jacuzzi Outstanding High School Seniors Awards Banquet, 6 PM, Thomson Hall of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Little Rock, 1818 Reservoir Road, Little Rock. Cost is $10 guests, $5 members, RSVP James Thomson 225-2891 by January 28, 2008.
February 1 through March 3, 2008 – Kiwanis “Read Around the World”
February 22 – 24, 2008 – Mo-Ark District Winter Conference,Branson, Missouri
March 7-9, 2008 – Key Club District Convention, Springdale, Arkansas
April 5, 2008 – Kiwanis One Day – One Way, One Day, One K. Kiwanis Club of Pulaski Heights and Warrior Key Club of Hall High School combined service project at the Little Rock Zoo, 9AM.
June 26-29, 2008 - Kiwanis International Convention, Orlando, Florida
July 9-13, 2008 – Key Club International Convention, Denver, Colorado
August 7-10, 2008 – Mo-Ark Kiwanis District Convention, Spingfield, Missouri.
2007-2008 Kiwanis Club of Pulaski Heights Officers and Board of Directors
President – Dr. Vikki Stefans
President Elect – Jim Turner
Vice President – Open
Imm. Past President. – James Thomson
Treasurer – Jim Vetzner
Secretary – Larry Furrer
Board Terms Expire Sept. 30, 2008: John Goss, Charles “Doc” Holladay, and Mike Voss
Board Terms Expire Sept. 30, 2009: Charlie Calkins, Ron Paulson, and Ed Smith
2007-2008 Membership Roster
Key: Member Name, (P – Past President, PLG - Past Lt. Gov., S – Senior, L – Life Status, HF – Hixon Fellow, TH- Tablet of Honour), (Spouse),Address, Employer, Phones 1HM 2WK 3Cell 4Fax, Email, DOB, and Wedding Anniversary
618 Hall Dr. Little Rock AR 72205
Ret., ABC Travel Trailer City 663-1148
2 Loretta Circle Little Rock, AR 72227
Ret., AP&L 224-6963
22 Cameronwood Ln. Little Rock, AR 72223
UALR Universal District Partnership, 868-4032, 683-7346,
772-2625 ,
FURRER,LARRY, (P), (Sandy)
20701 Colonel Glenn Little Rock, AR 72210
American Municipal Securities 821-4746
224-8360 580-4295 224-8365
GOSS,JOHN, (P, PLG, HF), (Mary Ellen)
218 Colonial Court Little Rock, AR 72205
Goss Appraisals 664-8654 223-4077 350-7279
11702 Pleasant Ridge Court, #217 Little Rock, AR 72223
ACH Assistant to the Senior Vice President / COO
837-9373, 364-4398, 364-4777
HOLLADAY, CHARLES E. “Doc” , (P), (Debbie),
4316 Atwood Road Little Rock, AR 72206
Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office 888-2992 340-6993
539-0125 340-7004
1819 Midland Road Alexander, AR 72002
Ret., Jacuzzi Bros, Inc. 847-4066
2124 Beechwood Little Rock, AR 72207
Ret., V.P. Nat'l. Old Line Ins. Co. 666-1293
LEE,JASON A., (P), (Carolyn)
7 Van Lee Little Rock, AR 72205
Ark. Dept. of Health 228-5372 661-2217
Mantels, ALITa
Forest Place, N-108
1421 North University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72207
Hall High School - LRSD, 661-1604, 447-1959,
912-5482, 447-1901
14005m Shepard Drive Little Rock,AR 72212
Principal, Poplar Heights Middle School,NLR
223-5174 771-8275
3312 Breckinridge Little Rock, AR 72227
Jolly Roger's Marina 551-1511 868-5558
13501 Ridgehaven Road Little Rock, AR 72211
Nesmak Healthcare, 233-9914 233-2686 804-6051
PAULSON,RONALD D., (P), (Sheila)
13817 Sweet Bay Dr. Little Rock, AR 72211
Shelter Ins. Agency 227-6048 221-2122 351-2122
221-2143 ,9/24/46,11/16/68
SMITH,J. EDWARD, (P,S), (Jay),
2112 Hinson Rd. #23 Little Rock, AR 72212
Ret., Insurance 227-5595 11/9/156/21/41
415 N. McKinley, Ste. 480, Little Rock, AR 72205
cell: 870-866-2928 and work: 501-223-4077
11700 Berchwood. Little Rock, AR 72211
Ark. Children's Hospital, 224-2156, 364-4374, 837-8470
7700 Apache Little Rock, AR 72205
Home Caregiver 225-2891, 680-1876
7700 Apache Little Rock, AR 72205
Musician, 225-2891 680-1876
7700 Apache Little Rock, AR 72205 Retired
225-2891 8/9/20 8/5/76
TURNER,JAMES B., (P,S), (Owreta)
400 Maplewood Drive Little Rock, AR 72211
Primitive Baptist Minister, 225-2576
11900 Pleasant Ridge Rd. #1214
Little Rock, AR 72223
ALLTEL 221-9682
VOSS, Michael (S)
P. O. Box 2200 Conway, AR 72032
Air Conditioning Contractor 425-8705
updated 12/03/07
2007-2008 Kiwanis Club of Pulaski Heights Committees
Commitees assignments in progress for 2007/08
Sponsored Youth *
John Goss – Chair
Alita Mantels – HHKC Advisor
Leighsan Harrod
Young Children
Priority One *
John Goss – Chair
Ron Paulson
Leighsan Harrod
Youth Services *
Ron Paulson – Chair
Charles “Doc” Holladay – Co-Chair
Larry Furrer
James Thomson
InterClub *
Chris Thomson - Chair
Charlie Calkins
Ed Smith
Mary Thomson
Community Service *
Charlie Calkins - Chair
Chris Thomson – Hyw. Pickup
Roger Nesuda – Stewpot
Fundraising/Pancake Festival
Jim Turner – Chair
James Thomson
Ron Paulson
Charlie Calkins
Russ King
John Goss
Mike Voss
Jim Vetzner
Fundraising/Golf Tournament
James Thomson - Chair
Ron Paulson
Doc Holladay
Larry Furrer
Jim Vetzner
Human & Spiritual Values *
Jim Turner – Chair
James Thomson
Ron Paulson
Membership *
Dr. Vikki Stefans – Chair
John Goss – Co-Chair
Everybody in Club!
Club Administration
Ron Paulson - Chair
Larry Furrer
Roger Nesuda
Tullio Jacuzzi
Charlie Calkins
Chris Thomson
- Bulletin/ Public Relations
James Thomson – Chair & Bulletin
Charles “Doc” Holladay – TV/Radio
Alita Mantels – Editor
Dr. Vikki Stefans - Website
- Finance
Jim Vetzner – Chair
Jim Turner
Vikki Stefans
- Audit
John Goss – Chair
Ron Paulson
- Social
Chris Thomson – Chair
Leighsan Harrod
John Stanley
Roger Nesuda
Mike Voss
- Program Committee
James Thomson - Chair
(Contact James if you can fill a Month)
October 2007 - James Thomson
November - Vikki Stefans
December – Jim Turner
January 2008 –
February - John Goss
March -
April – Leighsan Harrod
May - Ron Paulson
June - Doc Holladay
July - Larry Furrer
August - Chris Thomson
September - Ed Smith
- TELEPhone SubCommittee
Jim Turner - Chair
Ed Smith
Lillard L. Bolls, Jr.
Chris Thomson
President’s Advisor
John Goss
* Kiwanis Primary Committees must report monthly for
Outstanding Club
The Club President is a member of all standing committees.
Projects we sponsorprojects we contribute toKIWANIS CLUBS OF MO/ARK DIVISION 21
School Night for ScoutingArkansas Children’s HospitalBeebeWednesday/ 12 noonCollege Inn, ASU
Adopt A HighwayBoy Scouts of AmericaCabotWednesday/ 12 noonColten’s Steak House
Hall HS Key ClubReading Program at theCentral Little RockWednesday/ 12 noonArk. School for the Blind – Pete Stabnick (P) 501-412-3755
Parkview HS Key ClubJoseph Pfeifer Kiwanis Camp ConwayWednesday/ 12 noonRyan’s Steak House
LRSD Reading Day Single Parent Scholarship FundEngland 2nd & 4th Thursday 12 noonKathy's Pizza Diner
Little Rock Zoo Kiwanis Kids CornerKey Leader WeekendGreenbrier1st & 3rd Tuesday 12 noonOle Joe’s Pizza
Outstanding High School Seniors AwardsJr. Deputy BaseballLittle RockTuesday/ 12 noonFirst Methodist Church
C. R. Bates Spiritual Aims AwardsL. R. Zoo Kiwanis Kids Corner MorriltonThursday/ 12 noonU of A Morrilton Cafateria
ASGA Jr. State Four Ball ChampionshipArkansas Food Bank NetworkNorth Little RockThursday/ 12 noonAmerican Pizza Pie Company - Sherrie Y. Rine (P) 501-951-5755
StewpotArkansas Sheriff’s Youth RanchesPulaski Heights L.R.Monday/ 6 PMBaptist Medical Center
SearcyThursday/ 12 noonHarding Cafeteria
Southwest Thursday/ 12 noonFaith United Church of Christ
West Little RockWednesday/ 12:30 PM1st Baptist Church
2007/08 Lt. Governor. Missouri/Arkansas (MoArk) District Division 21
James Little – Kiwanis Club of North Little Rock
1510 Hawkwood Road, Sherwood, AR 72120
tel: 501-835-1098 wk: 501-753-0100 mobile: 501-551-3028