Class 3-301 Homework for Jan. 4– Jan. 8, 2016


SPELLING WORDS: see reverse side

Literacy: Define all vocabulary words,

Writing: Please do research on your topic. Bring in any resources that may assist you in writing your topic. Math: worksheets

Literacy: Write 8 7-up sentences (using any vocabulary words) underline the vocabulary word. Make sure the sentences begin with an uppercase letter and ends with the correct punctuation mark (. ? !)

Math: worksheet

Writing; Continue to research your topic,

Literacy: Use at least 7 vocabulary words in a short story. Please include story elements. Simply put. Who, WHAT, WHEN WHERE AND WHY.

Math worksheet

Writing: Find more information on your topic!

Literacy: Study Vocabulary words for unit test.

Math: Worksheet

Research information for your writing piece.


What time is a quarter past eight?

What time is a quarter after nine?

HOME-SCHOOL CONNECTION week of Jan. 4, 2016

Dear Family Member(s):

Below, please find a breakdown of topics that your scholar will be learning this week. We encourage you to have discussions with your child to reinforce concepts learned in order to bridge the home-school connection.

Thank you Mrs. Maharaj and Ms. Woods

Literacy: Lesson 5-8 Test Prep.
(Weekly skill: Author’s Purpose: The reason why an author writes a story. The main reasons are to persuade (to convince you of something), to inform (present information about a topic), to entertain (for your enjoyment). An author also writes a story to share his feelings. Finding the topic (can be found in the title or the beginning of the text) and identifying the purpose helps to better understand what is important as they read the selection. P.I.E.S. (Persuade / Inform / Entertain / Share feelings)
Weekly strategy: Monitoring Comprehension is what good readers use to understand what they are reading. If under-standing breaks down, they can make corrections and adjustments by rereading the text aloud, uses background knowledge to ask questions, or read ahead to get more information.
Main Selection: Grandma’s Secret ;
A Boy called Everest; An Earful
Voting for her Rights, Here comes Trouble,
Cleopatra finds her Voce./ True or False
The girl and the Apples
Zel, the Gentle Donkey
(ask your scholar to retell the story )
Area: the number of square units needed to cover a region. The number of square units inside a shape is the area of the shape.
Square Unit: a square with sides that are each 1-unit long.
Formula: a general fact or rule expressed in letters and numbers.
Think about the following.
What time does the clock show? /
Vocabulary Words:
1)  Dreamed
2)  Famous
3)  Attic
4)  Photographs
5)  Boulders
6)  Balance
7)  Basics
8)  Permission
9)  Everest
10)  Rappel
11)  Kazoo
12)  Groaned
13)  Scolding
14)  Corral
15)  Chattering
16)  Poured
17)  Thumped
18)  Rattled
19)  Chores
20)  Grinned
Strategy: Context Clues/Examples: Examples are clues to the meaning of unfamiliar words. Examples found in a sentence can help you figure out the meaning of some unknown words. (ex. robins and owls are examples of birds)