Legal tussle against Olubadan stool adjourned

Vanguard On April 20, 2013 · OLA AJAYI, IBADAN

AN Oyo State High Court has given more time to Mr. Yisau Olaogun and others who represent Lagelu Aboke family to regularise all court process in preparation for the hearing of a suit filed against the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Samuel Odulana and others.

The Lagelu Aboke family is praying the court to declare that its non-incorporation as part of royal lineages to be appointable into Olubadan-in-Council is against the native law and custom of Ibadanland.

Also, they are seeking an order of the court to direct the Commissioner for Chieftaincy Matters, the Attorney General of the state and the Olubadan of Ibadan to incorporate the claimants into the chieftaincy lineages. The family, who claimed to be descendants of Lagelu, the founder of Ibadanland, expressed their displeasure at the way they were sidelined by the kingmakers in the ancient city.

At the sitting of the court, on Tuesday, the court, presided over by Justice Ladeinde, adjourned to June 18, 2013 for the commencement of hearing.

Before the case was adjourned, counsel to the 1st and 2nd defendants, Dupe Awosemusi, argued that the court should not consider the counter-affidavit which, she said, was served on her at the hearing by the claimants. Responding, counsel to the claimants, Mr. Diekola Rufai, said the defendants violated the provisions of Order 39 Rule 1 of the court and as such should be deemed as not filed before the court.

He said, “whether it had been filed two or three years ago, so far it violated the rules of the court, it cannot stand. I applied for the needed documents in the file. I deliberately filed the counter-affidavit and written address. The time of this court cannot be taken against me”. The court adjourned the case to 18 June, 2013.

Ajimobi leads Oyo Executive Council to felicitate with Olubadan at 99.

Governor Abiola Ajimobi of OyoState, on Monday, led all members of the State Executive Council on a congratulatory visit to the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Samuel Odulana Odugade I on his 99thbirthday celebration.

Speaking at the palace of the monarch, the Governor felicitated with the Olubadan whom he described as a highly respected and principled personality, saying that his reign had brought peace not only to Ibadan land but also, the entire State.

The Governor, whom the monarch conferred with the chieftaincy title of Aare Atunluto of Ibadan land, pledged his administration’s support to the Olubadan-in-Council, while also praying for long life and sound health for the royal father.

Responding, Oba Odulana expressed satisfaction with the Urban Renewal Programme of the Ajimobi administration, saying it had succeeded in changing the face of the State for the better.

He said that the Ajimobi administration had recorded enviable achievements, especially in the area of environmental sanitation and beautification of the environment, a feat which he said had distinguished the administration from those before it.

The royal father said that this had accounted for the decision of the Olubadan-In-Council to honour Governor Ajimobi with the chieftaincy title of Aare Atunluto of Ibadan land.

Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes ( CCII )


On behalf of sons, daughters, husbands and wives of Ibadan indigenes, we felicitate with the Olubadan of Ibadan, Oba Samuel Odulana on his 99th birthday. May God continue to make you enjoy good health, long life, wisdom, knowledge and understanding to rule the great Ibadan. Igba odun, odun kan ni oo


CCII exists to increase citizen participation in governance through advocacy, capacity building and civic education in order to build a more informed civil populace and a democratic State.

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‘Olubadan, a distinguished ruler at 99’

Written by Stephen Gbadamosi – Nigerian Tribune – Wednesday, 17 April 2013 00:00

GOVERNORSHIP aspirant in Ekiti State, Mr Ayodele Fayose, has described the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Osundiran Odulana Odugade as a distinguished traditional ruler, even as he felicitates with the king on the occasion of his 99th birthday.
Fayose, in a statement, issued by his media aide, Mr Idowu Adelusi and made available to the Nigerian Tribune on Tuesday, noted that the traditional ruler had used his wealth of experience to contribute to the development of Ibadan, Oyo State and the South-West in the general.
The former governor, who is aspiring to govern Ekiti State on the ticket of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), while praying for more fruitful years for Oba Odugade, noted that the people of the ancient town of Ibadan still needed to drink from the traditional ruler’s stream of wisdom.
“As a mark of my respect for traditional rulers, not only in the South-West, but also across the country, I join the good people of Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, to celebrate our distinguished Oba Odulana Odugade, the Olubadan of Ibadan, as he clocked 99.

Jonathan hails Olubadan at 99

PUNCH – April 15, 2013 by Akinwale Aboluwade and Olalekan Adetayo 1 Comment

President Goodluck Jonathan on Sunday felicitated with the Olubadan of Ibadan, Oba Samuel Odulana, on his 99th birthday.

In a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati, the President prayed that God, who had blessed the traditional ruler with “extraordinary” longevity would grant him many more years of good health and commendable service to the nation.

The statement read, “President Goodluck Jonathan greets and felicitates with the Olubadan, Oba Samuel Odulana as the revered traditional ruler of Ibadanland celebrates his attainment of the remarkable age of 99 years today.

“On behalf of himself, his family, the Federal Government and the people of Nigeria, President Jonathan wishes the Olubadan very happy birthday celebrations.

“The President notes that Oba Odulana has deployed his immense experience, knowledge and wisdom for the great benefit of his people since his assumption of the ancient throne of Ibadanland.”

Meanwhile, Bishop of Oke Ogun Anglican Diocese, Solomon Amusan, has urged Ibadan people to remain committed to the call for creation of Ibadan State.

He also implored them to build a new palace in honour of the Olubadan.

Amusan spoke on Sunday at the thanksgiving service in commemoration of the Oba’s birthday.

Olubadan tasks indigenes on development

PUNCH – November 23, 2012 by Akinwale Aboluwade, Ibadan

Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Samuel Odugade 1, has tasked Ibadan indigenes both within and outside the city to be committed to the development of the city.

The monarch gave the charge on Thursday at his Monatan Palace, Ibadan while receiving sons and daughters of the ancient city led by the Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes.

The indigenes paid homage to the monarch as part of activities marking the 2012 Ibadan Week that kicked off on Thursday.

He advised that the people of the town should work assiduously towards reinforcing the position of the ancient town as the most populous city in the sub-Saharan Africa.

He said, “We are happy today that the Ibadan people are making marks in different areas of human endeavours. We want you to remember Ibadan anywhere you are because this is your home; this is where we all belong.”

The monarch, who commended the leadership of the CCII for the innovation brought to the annual celebration, urged the indigenes to work together to attract further development to the city.

Ibadan State viable, says Olubadan

Posted by: Emmanuel OladesuPosted: THE NATION – November 22, 2012In: Politics|

The Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oyo State, Oba SamuelOdulana, has justified the demand for the creation of Ibadan State, stressing that the metropolis is qualified for the status by population and historical evidences.

Also, the Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes (CCII), which had submitted a memoranda to the national Assembly on the agitation, pointed out that the people of Ibadan have more claims than the promoters of Oduduwa and Ijebu states.

CCII leader, Chief Adebayo Oyero, said the proposed Ibadan State would be viable because of the untapped potentials that would ultimately boost its internally-generated revenue. He said the population of Ibadan and Ibarapa districts, which are larger than many states in the country, have made the basis for the Ibadan State more compelling and convincing.

Oba Odulana, who was a member of House of Representatives and Parliamentary Secretary to former Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa in the First Republic, said Ibadan is the lone pre-independence administrative capital that is not enjoying the status of a state.

The monarch, who had personally written to the Senate President and House of Representatives Speaker, to demand for Ibadan State since 2008, pointed out that the two senators representing Oyo Central and Oyo South Districts are from Ibadan, adding that, out of 14 House of Representatives members, seven are also from Ibadan city.

Oba Odulana added: “Ibadan has 16 House of Assembly members out of 32 and 155 elected chairmenand councillors. We earnestly hope that the National Assembly will set in motion the necessary legislative machinery that will make the creation of Ibadan State a reality”.

CCII leader Chief Oyero said the total population of the proposed state is 45.61 percent of the present Oyo State. He added: “The population of the proposed Ibadan State is more than eight states in Nigeria-Bayelsa, Ebonyi, Ekiti, Gombe, Kwara, Nasarawa, Taraba and Yobe. He said Ibadan and Ibarapa have jointly submitted memoranda in 1989, 1991, 1996, 2003, and 2006 for the creation of the proposed state.

“I can tell you that Ibadan State will be more viable. We will eliminate waste. In Oyo State, Ibadan is the livewire. 80 percent of the internally generated revenue comes from Ibadan and Ibarapa. Our plan is that in Ibadan State, we will not have a bloated staff. ICT will reduce personnel cost. Currently, in Ibadan, there are untapped potentials. I moved into my house in Ibadan 31 years ago and up to now, I have not paid tenement rate. Ibadan is a gold mine untapped.

“Physical development in Ibadan is haphazard today. No policy on planning. No political will to implement planning regulations. Up to now, Ibadan has no master plan. The current administration is trying with the establishment of the Ministry of Planning and urban Development. Ibadan State will lay greater emphasis on this. Ibadan can be a mega city”.

Give us Ibadan State — Olubadan

PUNCH – November 11, 2012 by AKINWALE ABOLUWADE

The Olubadan of Ibadan, Oba Odulana Odugade I, and the Central Council of Ibadan Indegenes have called for the creation of Ibadan State and removal of immunity clause from the constitution.

The Olubadan and the CCII, which is the umbrella body of all socio-cultural organisations in Ibadan, spoke on Saturday at the public hearing coordinated by the representative of Akinyele/Lagelu Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Mr. Kayode Busari.

Among others, creation of new states and local government councils, abolition of state electoral commissions, removal of immunity clause, creation of state police, and terms of office of president, governors and local government chairmen topped the agenda of the Ibadan people.

The Olubadan who was represented by the Ekarun Olubadan, Chief Eddy Oyewole, advised the various towns and villages under Ibadan to stand by the resolution of Ibadan in the ongoing public hearing.

He said, “Creation of states, removal or reduction of immunity to the president, governors and local government chairmen and the recognition of traditional institution are very paramount to us as Ibadan people.

“Immunity is very good but has been grossly abused by the elected office holders. Elected officials should be ready to submit themselves for trials if charged for criminal matters.”

Busari, who is a lawmaker on the platform of the Accord Party, said the military designed the 1999 Constitution as the country’s guiding framework without proper consultation and inputs from Nigerians.

He said, “We have all seen that the constitution is due for a review. Many of us don’t even know when the 1999 Constitution was being put together. Our efforts at reviewing the constitution through public hearing today is being replicated in 359 other federal constituencies across the country.”

Alaafin shuns Olubadan, Soun as Oyo launches security trust fund

Published – PEOPLES DAILY on Friday, 20 July 2012 06:32, Written by Inumidun Ojelade, Ibadan

The royal rivalry amongthe first class traditionalrulers in Oyo state took another turn yesterday as the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III shunned the Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Jimoh Oyewunmi Ajagungbade II and Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Samuel Odulana Odugade I during the launch of Oyo State Security Trust Fund.

The monarchs' rivalry attracted attention of many when the Alaafin and his entourage stormed the Ibadan Civic Centre, venue of the launch in breach of protocol and by-passing the Olubadan and Soun who had arrived earlier before Alaafin.

Alaafin, who walked straight to the podium without greeting and refused to sit beside other traditional rulers, expressed displeasure with the sitting arrangement. Olubadan was represented by Ekarun Olubadan, High Chief Eddy Oyewole.

Meanwhile, Governor Abiola Ajimobi has reiterated his administration's commitment to ensuring a crime-free Oyo state.

Senator Ajimobi stated this at the launch of Oyo State Security Trust Fund, which would be private-sector driven, with a Board of Trustees comprising people of impeccable character to manage the pool of funds generated from all the stakeholders that graced the occasion.

Governor Ajimobi commended the commitment of his government's partners and other stakeholders in the task of ensuring a crime-free state and an atmosphere of tranquility conducive to business and good governance.

"Dead" Masquerade Storms Olubadan Palace

06/07/2012 10:14:00

It was a big shock, yesterday, at the palace of Olubadan of Ibadan, Oba Samuel Odulana, when the most- dreaded masquerade, Oloolu, and its entourage besieged the monarch with injuries allegedly sustained in a fracas between them and men of the state security outfit, Operation Burst.

The melee, which started Tuesday, worsened, yesterday, leading to the arrest of no fewer than 20 followers of the masquerade.

The masquerade which dismissed reports that it had been killed, complained bitterly about ”unprovoked attack” by some Islamic scholars.

How Oloolu was unmasked

Some parts of Ibadan city were embroiled in crisis when some muslims who were observing the eighth day fidau prayer of a colleague, at Popoyemoja, advised the masquerade and its supporters not to come to the area because there were women there who the masquerade should not see, according to their belief.

But the masquerade and its adherents allegedly ignored the warning.

The trouble, which later spread to Idi-Arere and Beere, among others places on Wednesday night, generated much tension in the affected areas.

The leader of the Oloolu family, Chief Ojetunde Asoleke, who led the team to the Olubadan Palace, appealed to the monarch to prevail on the police and the personnel of Operation Burst to release 20 of their men arrested.

He claimed that the mask of Oloolu was seized and later released to them.

He said: “We feel saddened by the report that our man was killed as this was farther from the truth. No doubt, he was badly wounded as you can all see (showing the wounds sustained by the Oloolu on his arm and head), but was not killed.

”The costume seized by the men of Operation Burst has been retrieved and the festival would resume in earnest.”

They threatened to come out today, but were prevailed upon that it negated the normal tradition.

Nigeria: Royal Tussle in Oyo Deepens - Alaafin, Olubadan, Soun in Supremacy Battle

By Sakin Babalola, ALL AFRICA – 11 June 2012

The simmering royal battle among first class traditional rulers in Oyo State over a permanent chairmanship position of the State Council of Obas persists as the kingpins trade tackle.

LEADERSHIP gathered that almost a year after the amendment of the former Act that conferred the status of permanent chairman of the Oyo State Council of Obas and Chiefs on the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, a new Act approving the rotation of the office has set the monarchs on collision course that may threaten the existing peace and unity among the monarchs.

Our correspondent exclusively gathered that the battle for supremacy is more pronounced among the Alaafin of Oyo, the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Samuel Odulana and the Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Jimoh Oyewumi.