The Roaring Twenties
Question: The 1920’s produced significant change in America. Identify several changes and if these changes had a positive or negative impact on the United States. Use the documents to support your response.
Background: The 1920s, a prosperous and optimistic time period, is known by a few names, such as the Roaring Twenties, the Jazz Age, the Age of Wonderful Nonsense, and the Age of Intolerance. It was a boisterous period characterized by rapidly changing lifestyles, financial excesses, and the fast pace of technological progress. It's also seen as a period
of great advance as the nation became urban and commercial. This era embodied the beginning of modern America and would be a time of change for everyone.
Document 1
Scoring Guide: DBQ
Score and Description
6 Excellent
· Insightfully addresses all parts of the prompt
· Takes a clear position and develops it consistently with well-chosen reasons and/or examples across the response
· Well organized with strong transitions.
· Sustains variety in sentence structure and exhibits good word choice.
· Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation are few and do not interfere with understanding
5 Skillful
· Fully addresses all parts of the prompt
· Takes a clear position and develops it with reasons and/or examples in parts of the response.
· Clearly organized, but may lack some transitions and/or have occasional lapses in continuity.
· Exhibits some variety in sentence structure and some good word choices.
· Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation do not interfere with understanding.
4 Sufficient
· Addresses all parts of the prompt
· Takes a clear position and supports it with some reasons and/or examples.
· Organized with ideas that are generally related, but has few or no transitions.
· Exhibits control over sentence boundaries and sentence structure, but sentences and word choice may be simple and unvaried.
· Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation do not interfere with understanding.
3 Uneven
May be characterized by one or more of the following:
· May fail to address some parts of the prompt.
· Takes a position and offers support, but may be unclear, repetitive, list-like, or undeveloped.
· Unevenly organized; the response may be disjointed.
· Exhibits uneven control over sentence boundaries and sentence structure; may have some inaccurate word choices.
· Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation sometimes interfere with understanding
2 Insufficient
May be characterized by one or more of the following:
· Fails to address some parts of the prompt.
· Attempts to take a position (addresses topic) but is incoherent OR takes a position but provides no support; may only paraphrase the prompt.
· Very disorganized; thoughts are tenuously connected OR the response is too brief to detect organization.
· Minimal control over sentence boundaries and sentence structure; word choice may often be inaccurate.
· Errors in grammar or usage (such as missing words or incorrect word use or word order), spelling, and punctuation interfere with understanding in much of the response.
1 Unsatisfactory
May be characterized by one or more of the following:
· Attempts to respond to prompt, but provides little or no coherent information; may only paraphrase the prompt.
· Has no apparent organization OR consists of a single statement.
· Minimal or no control over sentence boundaries and sentence structure; word choice may be inaccurate in much or all of the response.
· A multiplicity of errors in grammar or usage (such as missing words or incorrect word use or word order), spelling and punctuation severely impedes understanding across the response.
May be characterized by one or more of the following:
· No Original Work- plagiarized from another student or an online source
· Blank
· Completely illegible
· Deliberately off-topic