GENERAL BIOLOGY I(Biology 1406-60) SPRING 201816 weeks
INSTRUCTOR: / Nancy Baker / E-MAIL: /OFFICE: / S-227 / PHONE: / 281-756-5669
OFFICE HOURS: / Monday/ Wednesdays 6:00 pm -6:30pm
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus as needed and will notify the students of any changes using email or Blackboard.
Credit Hours: 4Lecture Hours: 45.82Lab Hours: 45.82
Term and Year: Spring 2018,16 weeks
Class Days & Times: MW 6:30-7:50pm(Lecture) and 8:00-9:20pm (Lab)
Classroom Location: S- Building, Room S-227 Lab
Preferred method of communicating with instructor is through the ACC email or by phone. Please leave first and last name, a phone number, or an e-mail address and a brief message. Instructor will normally respond within 24 hours Monday -- Thursday and by the next business day on Friday-Sunday.
B. Email: ; office phone; 218-281-5669
General Biology I is an introductory survey of contemporary biology. Topics emphasized will include the chemical basis of life, structure function of cells, energy transformations, molecular biology, genetics.
By the end of this course the learner will be able to:
1. Describe the characteristics of life.
2. Explain the methods of inquiry used by scientists.
3. Identify the basic requirements of life and the properties of the major molecules needed for life.
4. Compare and contrast the structures, reproduction, characteristics of viruses, prokaryotic eukaryotic cells.
5. Describe the structure of cell membranes and the movement of molecules across a membrane.
6. Identify the substrates, products, and important chemical pathways in metabolism.
7. Identify the principles of inheritance and solve classical genetic problems.
8. Identify the chemical structures, synthesis, and regulation of nucleic acids and proteins.
9. Describe the unity and diversity of life and the evidence for evolution through natural selection.
10. Apply scientific reasoning to investigatequestions and utilize scientific tools such as microscopes and laboratory equipment to collect and analyze data.
11. Use critical thinking and scientific problem-solving to make informed decisions in the laboratory.
12. Communicate effectively the results of scientific investigations.
E. CO-REQUISITES: The student must be in simultaneously enrolled in BIOL 1406 lecture and laboratory.
Lecture text:Campbell Biology in Focus, 2/e. Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, & Reece.
Modified Mastering Biology with Pearson eTextISBN: 0-134-25058-3
Lab manual:Laboratory Manual Biology: 7th edition (Perry, et al., 2013)ISBN: 978-1-305-29778-4
Lab manual can be purchased at the ACC bookstore, which is open Monday through Thursday 7:30 am to 7:00 pm. Bookstore hours can vary during holidays so please call the bookstore at 281-756-3681 for more information. The textbook can also be purchased online and mailed directly to your residence from
For more information about the textbooks, including details about how to order your book online and have it delivered to you, visit the ACC College Store at
G. CORE REQUIREMENTS (Only required for CORE courses)
Because this is a core course, certain core objectives must be met. Below is a chart which details which core requirements are applicable to this course, the activities in which you will participate to develop skills in the
required areas, how your mastery of those areas will be assessed, and the level of expertise you are expected to demonstrate (this is already included in your grade and is not a separate grade).
Core Objective / Activities / Assessments* / Critical Thinking Skills: to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. / Review data from a table and answer questions related to the data / You will be assessed on your ability to answer questions pertaining to the
data presented
* / Communication-Written: effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas / 500 -1000 word essay on a pertinent biological subject presented in your oral visual presentation / You will be assessed on your ability to develop a thesis statement with proper grammatical writing style
* / Communication-Oral: effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas / Select a topic discussed in class and make a 5-10 minute presentation / Present an oral presentation to the class
* / Communication-Visual: effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas / Prepare 5-10 slides to cover material Oral Presentation / Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to be used in your oral presentation
* / Empirical and Quantitative Skills: to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions. / Determine correlations from data from an experiment / You will be assessed on your interpretation of the data provided and the types of correlations described
* / Teamwork: to include the ability to consider different point of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared goal. / Work as a team member in developing a biological concept / You will be assessed by team members on your contribution in the development of the biological concept
Social Responsibility: to include intercultural competency, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities. / Not required
Personal Responsibility: to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making. / Not required
*Indicates core areas required for this course
Lecture:The lectures will cover the materials listed on the course schedule. If you are unclear about one or more areas of the material covered, please request clarification from your instructor. GOOD NOTE TAKING SKILLS ARE A MUST. If you must miss a lecture session, handouts and study guides can be obtained from classmates or your instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with all class work including class notes and reading the text book. Lecture exams will be handed out at the beginning of class. If you are late, you will not receive extra time for completion.
Laboratory:The lab will emphasize specific unit topic(s). Students will label diagrams and answer the questions found in their lab manual as assigned. Please bring your lab manual with you to the lab as it will be referenced for additional information.You are expected to attend each laboratory session. Quizzes and tests will be given at the beginning of class, according to the attached schedule.
EXAM POLICY:Four exams plus a final examwill be given in lecture and 2 laboratory exams will be given in lab. Prior notification, to the instructor, of not being able to take a lecture exam or lab exam must be done before the scheduled time for the exam or a “0” will be assigned for that exam. If a valid excuse is accepted by the instructor, the exam must be completed within the next 7 days.
QUIZZES:Quizzes are given in lab class as assigned byInstructor.Lab quizzes cannot be made up for any reason.
1) 4 Exams & Final Exam x 100 points each500 points (lowest score dropped)
2) Mastering Biology (online)100 points
1) 2 Lab Practicums x 100 points each200 points
2) 14 Lab Quizzes x 10 points each140 points
Lab quizzes cannot be made up for any reason.
Required Core Assessments (will be discussed in class):10 % of Total Grade
Grading Scale: A: 100-90% B: 89-80% C: 79-70% D: 69-60% F: 59-0%
It is recommended that the student talk to the instructor before withdrawing. Current course withdrawal information can be found in the printed version of the ACC Schedule for this semester or online atACC Course Withdrawal Instructions. Students who file withdrawal requests by the published deadline and have not exceeded the withdrawal maximum will receive a grade of W.
Six Drop Limit: The Texas Legislature passed a ruling that limits the number of classes a student can drop during their years as an undergraduate student to six. This policy applies to any student who was a first time college freshmen fall, 2007,or later, who attends a Texas public institution of higher education. Courses dropped while attending a private or out of state college do not count toward the six drop limit. For further information, refer to the ACC Catalog or contact Student Services.
L. GRADE APPEAL PROCESS: Students have one year from the date of the grade assignment to challenge a grade. Refer to the grade appeal process as published in the ACC Catalog at Degrees/Course-Catalogs.
Alvin Community College students are required to attend classes. If an absence is unavoidable, the student is responsible for completing all work missed during the absence. Instructors will not withdraw students for non-attendance, except in developmental courses. Absences in excess of two weeks are to be reported to the Office of Advising Services, along with appropriate recommendations. Departments and faculty may have other attendance policies for their course.
Alvin Community College students are members of an institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through a formalized program of instruction and learning. At the heart of this endeavor, lie the core values of academic integrity which include honesty, truth, and freedom from lies fraud. Because personal integrity is important in all aspects of life, students at Alvin Community College are expected to conduct themselves with honesty integrity both in and out of the classroom. Incidents of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated students guilty of such conduct are subject to severe disciplinary measures.
It is the right of each student to participate in his or her learning, it is the responsibility of each student to not interfere with the learning of other students. It is the expectation of the college that each student assumes the responsibility to follow college policies and procedures governing classroom conduct on campus and online. This information is published in the ACC Student Handbook on page 42.
Alvin Community College is dedicated to student success. As part of its ongoing improvement efforts, students will provide input for each course prior to the end of the semester enrolled. Evaluations will be completed in either online or paper format as directed by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Research.
The ACC Tutoring/Learning Lab, located upstairs in building A 9A-, provides students with a variety of services including tutoring (math, writing, and other disciplines); computers and printers; and tables/carrels. Call 281-756-3566 or visit the ACC Tutoring/Learning Lab Websitefor more information.
The ACC Testing Center, located in Building A, Room 144a provides a variety of testing services including instructor initiated testing. Email: ; Phone: 281-756-3526 for summer testing hours
The ACC Library is an excellent source for research and writing help. Quiet rooms are available for studying and doing class work. For more information, visit theACC Library Website or call 281-756-3559.
ACC Counseling Services assist students with issues that may negatively impact academic success. To contact a counselor, call the office of Advising Services at 281-756-353.
Americans with Disabilities Act: ACC complies with ADA 504 Federal guidelines by affording equal access to individuals who are seeking an education. Students who have a disability and would like classroom accommodations must register first with the Office of Disability Services, A 136, or call 281-756-3533. Instructors are not able to provide accommodations until the proper process has been followed.
Assessment and Care Team (ACT):The Assessment and Care Team (ACTS) at Alvin Community College is committed to improving community safety. College faculty, staff, students and community members may communicate safety concerns to the ACTs team by email, or through an electronic reporting option located on the the college website.
MY Blackboardsupport can be obtained by completing theOnline Support Form.
WEBACCESS, Passwords or ACC Computer Lab Information:If you experience problems with WebACCess, please call the Help Desk at 281-756-3544 or email .
As a student, you may experience a range of challenges that can interfere with learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, substance use, feeling down, difficulty concentrating, and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may diminish your academic performance and/or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. Advising services employs two Licensed Professional Counselors who can assist students with issues that negatively impact academic success. Consultation and referrals are confidential. The Counseling Referral form is located at:
Emergencies:If you or someone you know at ACC feels overwhelmed, hopeless, depressed, and/or is thinking about dying by suicide, supportive services are available by requests at the Enrollment Services Center or by calling 281-756-3531, ask for a Counselor. You may also call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255. This is a 24 hour, toll free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crises or emotional distress. If, however, you or someone you know is in an immediate crisis, go to the nearest Emergency Room, or call 911.