Strategic Planning Meeting
July 29, 2013
Respectfully Submitted by Terri Eckel
Present – Frank Green, Jack Edwards, Steve Herndon , Luhui Whitebear, Kevin Jensen, Kay Soltis, Jeff Scofield, Terri Eckel, Oscar Verduzco
Call to order: The meeting convened at 2:08
Jack asked if there are any questions, omissions, edits to the Strategic Plan Measures Tracking Tool. Luhui suggested that Goal #7 may need to be edited – it is more common to see American Indian/Alaska Native rather than American Indian/ Native American. Steve said that was how ATAC had it designated. Steve said he’d want it to be consistent with what is commonly used outside of WASFAA . Within WASFAA docs, we generally state American Indian/Native America. Decided to leave as is.
Steve said that a lot of work went into the Strategic Plan and there was good representation in revising it.
Jack said he thinks the committee did a great job and the measures are great.
Kevin suggested that in the future we may want to change the way that we collect data and aggregate more efficiently.
Frank said that we are tying the Strategic Plan to end of year committee reports and that should help us to better gather and measure data.
Steve said that quarterly reports may be better way to go about it and have the elected officials be accountable and report out on data collected and measured.
Kevin clarified and said that he was referring more to ways in which we could better utilize technology to help us. Jack said that we’re relying on ATAC and we haven’t yet established costs that might be associated with collecting the data differently – other than how ATAC can accommodate us.
Kay explained that part of the challenge is gathering the data from each committee, particularly year end data. Steve said that there were deliberate efforts in capturing the date on end of year reports. Kay also said that providing checklists to committee chairs can be of help in getting the info that we need.
Kevin said that we might on 8/8 highlight the importance of getting the data to the appropriate EC member so that it’s easier on the Past President and future Past Presidents to insure that data is gathered.
Steve pointed out that some of that was outlined in the Strategic Plan itself. Appendix F in new Strategic Plan has it outlined and makes people accountable from year to year.
Frank asked if he or Jack should bring up the issue of data collection at our 8/8 meeting. Jack said he thinks that Frank should remind them of the importance of reporting in their committee reports data necessary for our Strategic Plan. Frank wants everyone to know about Appendix F. Jack said he’d remind everyone of that at the 8/8 EC meeting.
Frank said he thinks that it should be changed in Strategic Plan that President shouldn’t be giving NASFAA reports; should be Past Presidents.
Steve asked – Are we confident that committee chairs know that they need to come up with their own goals and not just copy the previous Chair’s goals? Should they be reminded? Kay said it’s a valid point. Frank said he hasn’t had any problems or questions with his EC. Suggested that Frank remind all of the Committee Chairs of this prior to the 8/8 meeting.
Jack asked if any other questions on DRAFT of Strategic Plan Measures Tracking Tool
Regarding Goal #5 - Frank checked with Ashley and found that 70 people signed up on blog. Plan is to have blog posts also sent to listserv because he doesn’t think that we are hitting many people with the blog.
Jack said that he started the blog posts and that he asked for his EC to sign up for it. Jack also said that he thinks this is a good year to really evaluate the usefulness of the blog.
Some read it on the website and don’t bother with signing up for it. Jack suggested that Frank do his highlights via the blog when he’s traveling. Frank is wondering if the blog post is enough. Jack suggested that Frank ask his EC what they think.
Luhui pointed out that some edits need to be made to the Strategic Plan and Kay said she will take care of those. TO DO: Kay will make edits to Strategic Plan as referenced by Luhui
Jack again asks if there are any edits to the draft Strategic Plan Measures Tracking Tool.
Jack wants to adopt Steve’s draft Strategic Plan Measures Tracking Tool and asked for vote
· All in favor, no nays and no abstentions
Goal #3 – membership survey - Jack asked when we did it last. Kay said we did one with original SP (2004). One was done subsequent to that and Kay thinks Tami was involved with it. Jack said he reviewed past minutes and it looks like it was done in 2009 last. When first 5 year plan was done. Didn’t do one with new SP cuz Gayle said we didn’t need to.
Luhui suggested that we do another one since it helps us to see how we are doing. Kay said it helps to get ALL members perspective which will include NEW people’s perspectives. Kevin thinks we should plan it this year and distribute it to membership in Kevin’s years. Luhui said that’s a good plan and we won’t be rushed to get it done.
Steve said we could find the old surveys and they would be good for comparisons.
TO DO: Jack will reach out to Tami re: data for 2009/2010 survey. He’ll check with Ashley, too. Jack asked if all were done in Survey Monkey – Kay doesn’t think so. TO DO: Terri will check in Survey Monkey and distribute to the group prior to November EC meeting.
Meeting convened at 2:58.