STEM Careers

Mrs. Julie Gonzales – Room 106 Tutoring Hours

email: Wednesday: lunch & after school

Description of STEM Careers

Students will learn about the different STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers that are in current demand. Some of the careers will include Computers, Engineering, Life & Physical Science, Architects, Surveyors, and Mathematical Science occupations. While learning about these different careers through a problem solving approach, students will challenge their own assumptions, defend their conclusions, dig deep for answers, work cooperatively, and apply knowledge to solving these problems. Students will be using STEM skills of teamwork, creative thinking, communication skills and high level thinking skills that are high demand workforce skills.

Essential Outcomes for STEM Careers

1. Learn & Apply Rigorous STEM Content

2. Integrate STEM Content

3. Interpret and Communicate Information from STEM

4. Engage in Inquiry

5. Engage in Logical Reasoning

6. Collaborate as a STEM Team

7. Apply Technology Strategically

8. Employability Skills

Ways to stay informed about WPHS: All WPHS rules will be enforced!!!

  • website,
  • On Facebook, White Pine High School

Required Materials

  • Graphing Notebook (supplied by the teacher)
  • Pencil: I prefer ONLY pencils and this is supplied by the student
  • Folder: this is supplied by the teacher and will be located in the back of the room in the class bin. Every student will have their own folder with their name on it. You are welcome to keep any handouts that are given during class in this folder to keep you organized!!

Classroom Procedures and Policies

Assigned Calculators & Chromebooks

A graphing calculator and a chromebook will be assigned to each student. Please take care of these instruments as they can help you be successful!!


Homework will be given almost every day. It will consist of watching videos or looking at websites and taking appropriate notes as needed. This homework is essential to the work that will be completed in class the next day so please make sure it gets done on time. My room can be open at lunch and after school (Tuesday – Thursday) if students need to use my technology to access homework, just let me know if you intend to visit my classroom.

In Class Work

This class will be taking an inquiry learning/project based learning approach that is based on the STEM practices. Many times students will be working as part of a group to solve a problem based on a problem within a certain career. The teacher will be a guider (not a dispenser) of knowledge! Multiple brains working together will always be better than just one brain doing the thinking.


Tutoring is available Wednesdays at lunch and after school. Other times during the week may be possible if previous arrangements have been made with the teacher. Don’t assume I can help you at other times – please ask and will try my best to clear my time!

Authentic Assessment

Students will show their learning in multiple ways. Since this class is designed for students to explore the various STEM Careers, students will be able to choose their own way of presenting their knowledge, sometimes as a team and other times as an individual. The sky is the limit on showing me your knowledge.


Being in class is a necessity. The discussions that take place during an activity cannot be recreated when you come back to school. If you do miss class, please talk with another student in class about the activity you missed AND make sure you complete the in class work. Please know the school policy for tardies as I will enforce those detentions!

Teacher Webpage

Students will be able to access my lesson plans on my teacher page on the high school website. If students are absent, relevant web pages and homework will be listed! Again students are encouraged to talk with another student from class about the conversations that they missed while absent.


This class revolves heavily around technology. Students will be expected to turn in major assignments by submitting documents using Hapara folders. Class time will be given to create the major presentations and students are encouraged to share their technology knowledge when something new is discovered!Handwritten graphs and tables are NOT acceptable so please talk with your classmates on how to make a professional looking presentation.