The Grants Manager is responsible for managing a competitive program of Australian research grants for academic staff across the University in order to achieve an increase in income from research grants that will optimise UTS research outputs and associated impact.


(Approved RIO Staffing Level – 2007:26)

Research and Innovation Office Budget – 2007:$2.5 Million

UTS Research Income – 2006:$22 Million

National Competitive Grants Income 2006:$11M



The Grants Manager reports to the Executive Manager, Research Grants and Tenders, along with the Grants Coordinator (Linkage).. The Grants Manager supervises the positions of Grants Administrator,Grants Coordinator (Internal) and Grants Development Officer. During major grant rounds and as required, additional contract and casual staff are also recruited trained andsupervised.

Collaboration and Communication


  • Members of the Research Grants and Tender Team to collaborate in achieving the university’s objectives in regard to research funding and the administration of research grants
  • The Executive Manager, who is accountable for new international grants markets investigation and development and for providing strategic direction.
  • Members of the Research & Innovation office regarding research agreements and contracts.
  • Individuals and research strengths involved in research at UTS regarding grant administration and available grants.
  • Deputy-Vice Chancellor Research, members of the University’s Research and Research Training Committee, Associate Dean (Research), Institute Directors, Deans, Centre Directors and other members of the Senior Executive, as well as a wide range of senior administrative staff, to provide information and advice on research grants and their administration.
  • Members of the Financial Services Unit, Human Resources Unit, UniversityGraduateSchool and administrative staff of faculties and departments regarding administration of research grants.


  • Representatives of local, state and federal government funding bodies regarding the availability of funding for research and the associated requirements.
  • Staff of other universities with which UTS has collaborative involvement to coordinate the management of research funding.
  • Representatives of existing and potential industry partners to identify and maximise research funding opportunities. Primarily advise on how to best make grant applications competitive and how the grant can best be managed throughout the project.


  • Manage Australian competitive grants programs, developing and implementing systems and procedures to achieve improvements in grant application and administration processes, to increase the University’s income from grants and optimise the outcomes and impacts of University research.
  • Identify, investigate and develop new Australian grants markets to achieve the University’s objectives in terms of increased income from research grants, and implementation of its research strength and RQF strategies.
  • Analyse project requirements and provide high level consultation to academic staff and faculty managers across the University to ensure high quality, competitive grant applications are directed to appropriate funding sources.
  • Identify and optimise opportunities to develop innovative research collaborations with private industry and government through grant funding, in consultation with academic staff and the Industry Engagement & Commercialisation Team.
  • Analyse the policies, rules and instructions of external funding agencies in order to provide accurate and strategically aligned advice to the University’s researchersand to ensure a competitive edge.
  • Plan, develop and deliver a program of information and education activities for researchers covering the broad spectrum of funding opportunities, grant writing, research management and administration topics and issues, to ensure access to high quality information and educational support.
  • Manage the delivery of ongoing support to academics with approved grants to ensure compliance with report and audit requirements and prompt resolution of problems.
  • Design, develop and manage the University’s internal research granting policies and schemes to ensure effectiveness and strategic alignment with the University’s objectives.
  • Investigate and initiate quality assurance measures to ensure that the University’s research profile is enhanced and its contractual obligations are met
  • Direct and supervise the Grants staff, allocating work, monitoring performance and coordinating professional development, to ensure delivery of quality outcomes on time and within budget.

The position operates in an environment where the competition for research grants is extreme and there are over 400 types of grants available to researchers. It is therefore important that the Grants Manager critically examine the ever-changing Australian national research funding environment to maintain an in-depth knowledge of policy developments and funding trends that will impact on the ability of UTS researchers to attract funding. and takes the initiative in developing strategies and programs that respond to those developments and trends.

Research activity at UTS is growing at the rate of about 20% per annum as measured by a number of indices including the number of grant applications submitted and funded. The diversity and complexity of the applications and post-funding reporting requirements is also increasing as UTS seeks research funding from non-traditional national and international sources and as it seeks to engage with industry and government in complex commercial research funding and commercialisation arrangements. The position must maintain an up to date knowledge and understanding of this environment in order to identify and advise on appropriate funding opportunities for UTS researchers and to develop relevant education and training tools to assist University staff with the grant application process.

Given the competitive environment, it will also be important for the position to develop and maintain a network of contacts with funding agencies and with other Australian Universities, as well as with researchers throughout the University. This network will facilitate the process of assisting researchers to identify funding opportunities appropriate to their research projects and to prepare high quality and targeted funding applications.


The Grants Manager has significant autonomy under the broad direction of the Executive Manager Research Grants & Tenders. Within this scope the incumbent determines priorities, allocates work and makes decisions relating to staff managed and the provision of information, educational and administrative support to researchers throughout the University.

The positionholder has complete autonomy to advise both researchers and the University as to whether a grants application should or should not proceed, and whether a grant should be varied or terminated.

The Grants Manager interprets UTS policies as well as the requirements of a broad range of institutions and funding bodies and makes recommendations concerning the application of these to the requirements of University researchers. The position is accountable for the development of systems and procedures to ensure the quality administration of the research grants programs.

Safety & Wellbeing responsibilities

All staff must:

  • Take reasonable care of, and cooperate with actions taken to protect, the health and safety of both themselves and others
  • report all accidents, incidents and hazards to their supervisor as soon as is practicable

Supervisors and managers of staff and facilities must do whatever is reasonably practical to ensure that both the workplace and the work itself are safe, in consultation with staff affected.


(if currently occupied) /
(minimum level Dean/Director)

30 January 20071