Argumentation & Debate
Revised Tentative Schedule for October 10, 2016 – October 31, 2016
Mon Oct 10 Assessment § 2.2
Assignment: Form a team of three students to research the following resolution.
Resolved: Stronger gun laws will not significantly reduce violence in the United States. One student should research using only the Internet, the second student should only use books, and the third student should only use magazines and newspapers. Notes and sources due Fri., Oct. 14
Tues Oct 11 Discuss Chapter 2, pgs. 49-56 (§ 2.3—The Competition)
Wed Oct 12 Assignment: Find information on at least four high school debate tournaments.
You can look for invitations, schedules, formats, rules, scoring, or other information. Write several paragraphs discussing the similarities and differences among the tournaments.
Due: Research Worksheet
Thurs Oct 13 Quiz Chapter 2
Fri Oct 14 Discuss pg. 63 – Famous Debaters: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Due: Notes and sources on gun laws resolution
Mon Oct 17 Discuss Chapter 3—Lincoln-Douglas Debate Case Construction, pgs. 64-72 (§ 3.1—
Overview of the Speeches)
Tues Oct 18 Assessment § 3.1
Wed Oct 19 Assignment: With a partner, decide which of you will represent the affirmative and
which will represent the negative for the following resolution. Resolved: In matters of collecting military intelligence, the ends justify the means. The affirmative should prepare a constructive speech and be prepared to present it to the class. The negative should prepare at least two cross-examination questions in advance. Then the negative should come up with at least two more cross-exam questions during the affirmatives speech. After the affirmatives constrictive speech, the negative should ask the questions and allow the affirmative time to respond. Presentations begin Thurs, Oct. 27
Thurs Oct 20 Discuss Chapter 3, pgs. 74-81 (§ 3.2—Affirmative Case Construction)
Fri Oct 21 Assessment § 3.2
Mon Oct 24 Discuss Chapter 3, pgs. 83-90 (§ 3.3—Negative Case Construction)
Tues Oct 25 Assessment § 3.3
Wed Oct 26 Research Day
Thurs Oct 27 Military Intelligence Debate Presentations
Fri Oct 28 Military Intelligence Debate Presentations
Mon Oct 31 Quiz Chapter 3