Hospital Incident Command System

Exercise Evaluation Guide

Exercise Evaluation Guide Submittal

As the evaluator you will need to submit your Observations, Recommendations and Performance Ratings into the ONX System following the completion of the exercise.

Following the exercise access login using your USER NAME and PASSWORD. Once you have logged in click on the Accommodating Accommodations Tabletop Exercise listed under the header “Your Exercises” in the upper left hand corner. You will then be able to access the electronic version of this Exercise Evaluation Guide to submit your observations, recommendations and performance ratings.

Hospital Incident Command System
Capability Description: Onsite incident management is the capability to effectively direct and control incident management activities by using the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
This Target Capability is related to Joint Commission Standards EM.01.01.01, EM.02.01.01, and EM.02.02.03,
Capability Outcome: The incident is managed safely, effectively and efficiently through the integration of facilities, resources (personnel, equipment, supplies, and communications) and procedures using a common organizational structure that is ICS-based.
Activity 1: Implement On-Site Incident Management
Activity Description:In response to an incident, begin response operations; carry out management, planning and coordination of the incident.
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
1.1 / HICS staff establishes Incident Command.
  • Has copy of Hospital Emergency Response Plan
  • Determines:
Incident type and scope
Initial actions being taken
Need for specialized resources
Nature and quantity of additional resources required / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
1.2 / Initiate and implement HICS.
  • Command structure is identified and staffed with appropriate departments / personnel
/ Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 2: Establish Full On-Site Incident Command
Activity Description:Establish staff and facilities necessary to conduct on-site incident command.
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
2.1 / Establish the command structure and Hospital Command Center (HCC) to manage the incident and meet objectives.
  • Command staff: Incident Commander, Security Officer, Liaison Officer, Public Information Officer (PIO)
  • General staff: Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance/Administration sections
/ Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 3: Resource Management
Activity Description:Establish system to order, track, manage and deploy all resources required for effective incident command management.
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
3.1 / Establish processes to order, track, assign, and release incident resources.
  • Resources (people, personnel, equipment, and supplies) are tracked and managed within HICS
  • Resources are properly credentialed and certified
/ Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
3.2 / Monitor / measure performance of assigned resources and request additional resources as needed.
  • On-site resources are monitored and additional resources are requested, reassigned or released (fatigue, resource in short supply, etc.)
/ Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 4: Develop Incident Action Plan (IAP)
Activity Description:Develop necessary components of the IAP and obtain approval.
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
4.1 / Establish incident objectives, priorities, and operational periods.
  • Incident priorities: Life safety, incident stabilization, property conservation
  • Update IAP as necessary
  • Gather information from appropriate sources
/ Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
4.2 / Plans Officer develops IAP to establish priorities, procedures, and actions to be accomplished to meet the incident Objectives for each operational period. IAP is approved by IC.
  • IAP is implemented, communicated, distributed
/ Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 5: Demobilize Operations
Activity Description:As conditions warrant initiate demobilization actions with the goal of returning to normal operations.
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
5.1 / Evaluate conditions to determine actions to be taken to demobilize operations.
  • Establish demobilization trigger point
  • Account for all resources utilized during the operation
  • Develop demobilization plan with a phased timeline
/ Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:

HSEEP Exercise Evaluation Guide: Hospital Incident Command System 1 Caduceus Shield Exercise Initiative –