Chapter 3: Banks and Other Financial Institutions

Multiple Choice

1. ______is the process by which individual savings are accumulated in depository institutions where the funds are then loaned out to consumers or invested in businesses.

a. Savings/investment

b. Financial intermediation

c. Contractual savings

d. Mortgage banking

Answer: b

Level: easy

Section: Types and Roles of Financial Institutions

2. Contractual savings organizations provide all of the following services with the exception of


a. collecting premiums on insurance policies

b. accepting deposits or savings from individuals and then lending these pooled savings to


c. providing retirement benefits and insurance against major financial losses.

d. collecting employee or employer contributions from pension fund participants.

Answer: b

Level: easy

Section: Types and Roles of Financial Institutions

3. ______receive contributions from employees or their employers and invest the proceeds on behalf of the employees.

a. Pension funds

b. Insurance companies

c. Credit unions

d. Savings banks

Answer: a

Level: medium

Section: Depository Institutions

4. All of the following are characteristics of a commercial bank EXCEPT

a. A commercial bank accepts deposits.

b. A commercial bank issues check writing accounts to facilitate purchases and pay bills.

c. A commercial bank helps businesses sell their new debt and equity securities to raise

financial capital.

d. A commercial bank makes loans to individuals and businesses.

Answer: c

Level: difficult

Section: Overview of the Banking System

5. Which legislative act provided for the separation of commercial banks and investment banks in the United States?

a. Glass-Steagall Act of 1933

b. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999

c. Hudson-Glenna Act of 1942

d. Van Buren-Cline Act of 1938

Answer: a

Level: easy

Section: Commercial Investment and Universal Banking

6. Who established the first incorporated bank in North America?

a. Alexander Hamilton

b. Andrew Jackson

c. Robert Morris

d. John Jacob Astor

Answer: c

Level: medium

Section: Historical Development of the U.S. Banking System

7. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913

a. gave more powers to state banks.

b. brought a system of central banks.

c. made it possible for banks to receive federal charters for the first time.

d. separated commercial banks and investment banks.

Answer: b

Level: medium

Section: Regulation of Banking System

8. When federal deposit insurance was increased from $40,000 to $100,000 for each account, the U.S. Treasury stated that ______.

a. it undermined market discipline and enabled depository institutions to make high risk loans

loans for which the taxpayers in the long run have become liable.

b. it amended the Home Owners’ Loan Act of 1933.

c. it expanded the uses of the funds of S&L’s.

d. it established interest rate ceilings on time and savings deposits.

Answer: a

Level: difficult

Section: Regulation of the Banking System

9. What allows commercial banks to obtain charters from either the federal government or a state government?

a. reserve requirements set by the Fed for member banks extended to state nonmember banks

b. dual banking system

c. reducing insurable deposit limits to protect only the small deposits

d. eliminating all deposit insurance

Answer: b

Level: easy

Section: Structure of Banks

10. The policies of banks controlled by a holding company are determined by ______.

a. the placement of branches.

b. the parent company and coordinated for the purposes of that organization.

c. both OBHCs and MBHCs.

d. limited branch banking.

Answer: b

Level: medium

Section: Structure of Banks

11. ______are the financial debts and obligations owed by the bank.

a. Liabilities

b. Owners’ capital

c. Financial equity

d. Assets

Answer: a

Level: easy

Section: The Bank Balance Sheet

12. The interest rate charged by banks for short term unsecured loans to their highest quality business customers is referred to as what rate?

a. unsecured

b. industrial

c. prime rate

d. secured

Answer: c

Level: medium

Section: The Bank Balance Sheet

13. ______reflects the ability to keep the value of a bank’s assets greater than its liabilities.

a. Bank solvency

b. Bank safety

c. Bank liquidity

d. Capital adequacy management

Answer: a

Level: difficult

Section: Bank Management

14. What is necessary to ensure that banks remain solvent, meet depositor demands, and pay their debts as they come due?

a. owners’ capital

b. underlying debt instruments

c. adequate capital

d. an inverse relationship between the price or value and interest rates

Answer: c

Level: difficult

Section: Bank Management

15. The purpose of the Basel Accord has been to

a. establish capital adequacy requirement for banks with international operations.

b. increase short term liquidity positions of key international banks.

c. try to stem capital flight to offshore tax havens.

d. improve the monetary coordination between the main economies of western Europe.

Answer: a

Level: difficult

Section: International Banking and Foreign System