Fall 2016 FYS Course Syllabus INTD 101-12 4 Credits


FYS: Success as a Business Major - from College to Career

Monday/Thursday 6:00-7:40PM. Room TBD

Harry Bolton – (973) 224-5228
Office Hours – Hours by appointment (after class or I will visit Campus and arrange a room to meet)
College phone number for special announcements and college closings: (201) 236-2902
Peer Facilitators
Dana White – and Vanessa Ceballos –
As an added resource for first-year students, each section of First-Year Seminar (FYS) will have a peer facilitator. These upper-level students will attend FYS classes and assist the instructor with the academic topics covered in this seminar. They will serve as discussion leaders on issues that pertain to your personal and social development and they will facilitate weekly discussions on the class readings. Your peer facilitator will be your mentor and will be available to you to provide guidance on navigating the different personal and social hurdles that you may encounter in your first year at Ramapo.
Course Description – Success as a Business Major
Everyone wants and deserves a successful college career but only you have the opportunity to make it happen. Most first year college students are not quite sure what to expect when they come to college and are often overwhelmed by the freedom they are afforded. In this course we will discuss how college differs from high school in terms of work load, grading policies, and overall expectations. The Secrets of College Success, by Lynn Jacobs and Jeremy Hyman, will be used to highlight the differences and help to overcome the challenges faced by first year students.
Students will be introduced to the business majors offered at Ramapo in anticipation of the career opportunities that await them after graduation. Guest speakers from various businesses will be featured to provide insight into the day-to-day work performed and skills expected of college graduates. The course will also focus on the ten skills employers expect you to learn while in college and how to master them using the book 10 Things Employers Want You to Learn in College: The Know-How You Need to Succeed, by Bill Coplin (NOTE: YOU DO NOT NEED TO PURCHASE THIS BOOK. I WILL USE THE BOOK TO SUPPLEMENT THE COURSE). The final project requires in-depth research of a specific business career and a class presentation on the subject.
This course is project intensive and requires a strong work ethic and a high degree of motivation to succeed. Former students say the work load, approximately 3 hours for each class meeting, is time consuming and demanding yet provides a foundation that helps them succeed in their college career.
Course Description – First Year Seminar
Designed for first-time, full-time, first-year students, First-Year Seminar (FYS) provides a comprehensive introduction to college-level learning. Seminar courses are developed around an academic theme or topic that is based on one of Ramapo College’s academic pillars. First-Year students will have the opportunity to select a seminar that best suits their interests while learning about Ramapo’s academic foundation. The First-Year Seminar course helps students in their transition from high school to college life both in and out of the classroom. The common learning outcomes of FYS are: critical and creative thinking, college-level writing, oral communication, and information literacy. FYS classes are small to emphasize open discussion and experiential learning within the context of the theme of the seminar course. Peer facilitators play an essential role in each FYS class ensuring that first-year students have guidance from a more experienced student. FYS is also the home of the Ramapo Summer Reading Program; all first-year students read the same book and discuss and write about it in their seminars. FYS encourages new students to participate in a community of learners, to strengthen their critical thinking skills, and to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.

Course Goals

1)  Improve oral communication skills: through various projects students will be given several opportunities to speak in front of the class and improve their public speaking skills as the course progresses

2)  Improve written communication skills: several different types of writing assignments will allow the student to learn the writing process of drafting, reviewing, editing and finalizing their written work.

3)  Sharpen research skills: The student will learn what constitutes valid sources of information, how to find it, how to use it, and how to cite it.

4)  Become aware of different business disciplines and current events: Guest speakers will enhance the student's knowledge of business careers and interactive assignments will broaden the student's awareness of current business events and themes.

5)  Improve computer/technological skills: All projects will require use of Word, Excel or PowerPoint.

Measurable Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to demonstrate / Research Paper / Class Discussios and Essays / Final Project / Homework Assignments
The ability to think critically and creatively / X / X / X / X
Proficiency in written communication / X / X / X / X
Proficiency in oral communication / X / X / X
Information literacy / X / X / X
Technological competencies (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) / X / X / X

Required Texts and Reading Material

1.  Hacker, Diana, and Nancy Sommers. Rules for Writers.7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012. Print. ISBN-13: 978-0-312-64795-7.

2.  Jacobs, Lynn F., and Jeremy Hyman. The Secrets of College Success. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2013. Print. ISBN-978-1118575123.

3.  Rankine, Claudia. Citizen: An American Lyric. Graywolf Press, 2015. Print. ISBN: 978-1-55597-690-3.

Course Requirements & Policies

1.  Attendance

·  Regular class attendance is expected and will be taken at the beginning of each class.

·  College policy states that students must notify faculty within the first three weeks of the semester if they anticipate missing any classes due to religious observance.

·  If you will be absent from class the day an assignment is due, the assignment MUST be emailed to the instructors PRIOR to the start of class. Late assignments will not be accepted.

·  More than 3 absences will result in a failing grade and removal from the class.

·  Points will be deducted from your final grade for chronic lateness and leaving class early.

·  Missed tests, quizzes or exams can be made up only for an excused absence.

2.  Class Participation & Conduct

·  This is a seminar course therefore reading preparation and class participation are essential requirements. Participation and contribution to the general discussion in class is expected. If, for whatever reason, you fall asleep in class or sit with your eyes closed, this too will be counted as an absence.

·  The atmosphere in the classroom will remain neutral; courteous and professional behavior is expected.

·  Cell phones are strictly prohibited in the classroom. All cell phones should be turned off, including silent mode, while in class. If a cell phone is answered or you are observed texting during class, you will be asked to leave the class and will be marked with an unexcused absence.

3.  Assignments and Projects

Reading assignments are mandatory as class discussion will be based on what was read. Periodic assignments are used to assess your progress. These will include tests, quizzes, writing assignments, Excel and/or PowerPoint projects, research, presentations and group projects.
For guest speakers, students are expected to research the job and field related to the speaker in order to participate in the discussion and be able to ask intelligent questions.

The writing requirement for all FYS courses includes 1 essay on the summer reading and a research paper of approximately 10 pages. Requirements and details will follow.

·  Regular assignments and class participation is worth 60% of your grade

·  Final research project and presentation is 40% of your grade

Requirements for all assignments:

·  Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date required.

·  Late assignments will NOT be accepted without prior approval from the instructors. (Note: prior approval means you contact BOTH of us with enough time to discuss the potential extension.) In other words, unless you have arranged with us ahead of time for another due date, any assignment turned in after the due date will not be accepted. There will be no extra credit opportunities for you to “make up” an assignment.

·  More than 3 missed assignments will result in a failing grade and removal from the class.

·  Excel assignments MUST be submitted in Microsoft Excel (PC version). If your document cannot be opened in Microsoft Excel (PC version) it will not be graded.

·  Writing assignments:

·  MUST be typed, double spaced, with 1” margins and stapled.

·  MUST be converted to Microsoft Word (PC version). IT IS UP TO YOU to ensure your document can be opened in Microsoft Word before it is submitted. If it cannot be opened, it will not be graded.

·  All references and citations must be done in MLA format. Consult Rules for Writers, starting on page 479 for information regarding proper in text citations and how to create a list of works cited on page 490. Correct formatting will be part of your grade for all written assignments.

4.  Grading Policy

The final course grade is determined as follows: regular assignments and participation is 60% and the final research project and presentation is 40%.

Your participation grade will represent more than just your ability to make it to class, you will be expected to engage in thoughtful classroom discussions with your classmates, professors and peer facilitator(s). Your participation in class discussions, attitude, level of preparation and attendance will be used to assign your participation grade.

Grade Distribution

A / A- / B+ / B / B- / C+ / C / C- / D+ / D / F
100-93 / 92-90 / 89-85 / 84-82 / 81-80 / 79-75 / 74-72 / 71-70 / 69-65 / 64-60 / <60

Important Dates

Sep. 06 Convocation and brief class meeting

Sep. 07 First Day of Fall Classes

Sep. 13 Last Day for Class Adjustments (on the Web)

Last Day to Drop Class with 100% Tuition Refund

Last Day to request Independent Study and Audit Grade Options

Sep. 19 Last Day to request a Pass/Fail Grade Option

Sep. 20 Last Day to Drop Class with a 50% Tuition Refund

Oct. 19 Columbus Day (classes held, offices closed)

Nov. 08 Election Day (classes held, offices closed)

Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day (classes held, offices closed)

Nov. 18 Last Day to Withdraw from Classes with "W" Grade

Nov. 24-27 Thanksgiving Break (no classes)

Dec. 15 Reading Day

Dec. 16-22 Final Exam Week

Dec. 17 Common Finals

Dec. 22 Last Day of Semester

Last Day to Request "I" Grade

Dec. 23 Final Exam Make-up Day

Weekly Class Schedule (dates/assingments subject to change)

Date / Class Topic/Discussion / HW Assigned / HW/Projects Due
September 6th / Opening Convocation, Claudia Rankine, author of Citizen: An American Lyric. Brief class meeting. / Read Syllabus and bring questions to next class, CH 1&2 Secrets Book / Complete reading Citizen book
Week 1 / Peer Time, Discuss Summer Reading, CH 1&2 Secrets Book / Citizen Reaction Essay, CH 3&4 Secrets Book, Top 10 Things Research / CH 1&2 Secrets Book, Syllabus Quiz
Week 2 / Peer Time, Review Essays, CH 3&4 Secrets Book, Top 10 Things Research / Visit Campus Dept Presentation, Top 10 Things Research, Any Essay Revisions, CH 5&6 Secrets Book / Citizen Reaction Essay, CH 3&4 Secrets Book, Top 10 Things Research
Week 3 / Guest Speaker (Student Club), CH 5&6 Secrets, Campus Dept Presentations, Peer Class, Top 10 Things Research / CH 7&8 Secrets Book, Article (TBD), Top 10 Things Research / Revised Citizen Reactions Essay, Campus Dept Presentations, CH 5&6 Secrets Book, Top 10 Things Research
Week 4 / Guest Speaker (Corporation Finance), Campus Dept Presentations (continued), Library Session (in class), CH 7&8 Secrets Book, Top 10 Things Research / Resume/Career Research, Top 10 Things Research / CH 7&8 Secrets Book, Top 10 Things Research
Week 5 / , Guest Speaker (Corporation HR), Career Survey, Library Session (in library), Top 10 Things Research / Top 10 Things Research / Top 10 Things Research
Week 6 / Guest Speaker (Dean ASB), Peer Class, Top 10 Things Research, Resume Discussion / Working with Excel (Exercise 1 Pizza), Top 10 Things Research / Library & Plagiarism Quiz, Resume, Top 10 Things Research
Week 7 / Guest Speaker (IT), Working with Excel (Exercise 1 Pizza) Review, Top 10 Things Research / Working with Excel (Exercise 2 % Change), Top 10 Things Research / Working with Excel (Exercise 1 Pizza), Top 10 Things Research
Week 8 / Working with Excel (Exercise 2 % Change) Review, Peer Class, Advisement Session, Advisement assignment discussion, Top 10 Things Research / Working with Excel (Exercise 3 GPA), Top 10 Things Research / Working with Excel (Exercise 2 % Change), Top 10 Things Research, Advisement Assignment
Week 9 / Guest Speaker (Entrepreneur) , Working with Excel (Exercise 3 GPA) Review, Top 10 Things Research / Top 10 Things Research / Working with Excel (Exercise 3 GPA), Top 10 Things Research
Week 10 / Guest Speaker (CPA), Final Presentation/Research Paper Requirements Discussion, Top 10 Things Research / Top 10 Things Research / Top 10 Things Research
Week 11 / Guest Speaker (Attorney or Trader), Study Aboard Discussion, Top 10 Things Research / Archway Assignment, Top 10 Things Research / Top 10 Things Research
Date / Class Topic/Discussion / HW Assigned / HW/Projects Due
Week 12 / Guest Speaker (Marketing Agency) , Begin Business Related Video, Thanksgiving recess (Thursday, November 24th to Sunday, November 27th), Top 10 Things Research / Top 10 Things Research / Archway Assignment, Top 10 Things Research
Week 13 / Guest Speaker (VP Sales), Cahill Center Discussion, End Business Related Video, Top 10 Things Research / Continue to work on Final Research Paper/Presentations / Top 10 Things Research
Week 14 / Resume Help, Guest Speaker (Financial Advisor) / Continue to work on Final Presentations / Final Research Paper, Resume
Week 15 / Final Presentations / Final Exam Review (TBD, Case Study / Final Presentations
Final Exam / Final Exam (TBD), Case Study / N/A / Final Exam (TBD), Case Study

First-Year Academic Advising