CASES21 Finance Business Process Guide Finance Calendar

Section 14:


Personal and Health Information — Code of Conduct and Privacy

The school’s CASES21 Database contains personal and health information about students, family members and staff. Any querying of the database and extraction of data should only be done by a person authorised to do so and should comply with the Department of Education’s Information Privacy Policy [accessible online from

, the ICT Security Policy [accessible online from

and the Code of Conduct for the Victorian Public Sector [accessible online from

In accessing and/or disclosing information held on the school’s CASES21 database, the relevant information privacy principles which need to be considered are Collection, Use and Disclosure, Data Quality, Data Security and Unique Identifiers, Anonymity and Transborder Data Flows — for more information about these principles go to:

Last Updated: 24/02/2014 page 14:43 Version 3.3

CASES21 Finance Business Process Guide Finance Calendar


To assist you in undertaking your role as business manager by defining good business practice.

This document therefore provides you with a single reference detailing

z  Critical events to be performed during the year. This includes events that occur monthly and other events that occur only in specified month(s)

z  The reason WHY those events need to be performed

z  Steps you MUST take in performing those events

z  Good practice to effectively perform the events

z  Links to other relevant documentation

Please use the tick boxes to check off the actions as they are completed.

Table of Contents

Calendar of Events 7

Monthly 7

Monthly 10

School Level Payroll maintenance 10

Monthly 11

Superannuation 11

Maintenance of family invoices and allocations 11

Finalise camps and excursions 12

Provision for Non-Recoverables 12

Balance day adjustments 12

Review sundry debtors invoices and allocations 13

Provision for Doubtful Debts 13

Petty Cash (replenishment) 14

Petty Cash (replenishment) (contd.) 15

Purchasing card maintenance 16

Maintenance of School Maintenance System works orders and inspections 16

Unpresented /stale cheque management 17

Banks reconciliation management 17


Fuel Tax credit 18

School Council reports 19

Check balance sheet to ensure clearing account balances come back to zero at the end of each period 19

Monitor KLA budgets 21

Contract/s Reviews e.g. Canteen Licence, Maintenance Agreements, Cleaning Contract 21

Clean up/defrag each workstation 22

Check backups 22

Attend CASES21 Finance and Related Training 22

Attend SFLO Cluster sessions 22

January 23

Complete End of Year Rollover for Finance and Admin 23

Complete End of Year Rollover Procedures for School Maintenance System 23

Complete Start Of Year Procedures 23

Update school level payroll for new employees 24

Enter invoices for families 24

Bookstall 25

Bookseller 25

Receipt of quarterly Cash Grant (SRP) 26

Balance day adjustments 26

2nd part if created in previous year 26

February 27

Prepare Profit and loss Report for trading operations for previous year 27

EMA applications 27

Census 27

Conveyance allowance claims – Term 1 and Term 2 28

PSDMS Closing date for Funding for all new students by end of February 28

Investment Policy 29

Co Op Audit 29

Non profit sub entity activities 30

Input taxed activities 30

CASES21 Articles February 31

March 32

Receipt of 1st EMA instalment in school 32

Annual Report to School Community 33

Annual Report to Regional Office 33

Update Signatures at the Bank 33

Prepare for FBT declaration 33

Short Term Leave Reimbursement 34

Submit Conveyance Allowance claims 34

Confirmed SRP received 34

April 35

Submit FBT Declaration 35

Receipt of quarterly Cash Grant (SRP) 35

April 36

Adjust approved Budget in light of Confirmed SRP 36

May 36

EOFY training – book now 36

June 37

Central Payroll - overpayments need fixing (eduPay) 37

Possible 37

C21 Upgrade 37

Payroll adjustments before EOFY 37

Reconcile super and pay super by required date 38

Complete EOFY Procedures 38

Conveyancing allowance claims – Term 3 & Term 4 38

Short Term Leave Reimbursement 39

July 40

3rd instalment of SRP (Cash grant) 40

PSDMS closing date for all students currently enrolled in the school 40

Payments summaries 40

ATO Business Portal Account Details Reconciliation 40

July 41

Issue EMA form to new families 41

Workcover 41

Submit the Annual Letter of Assurance for the Schools Purchasing Card Facility 41

August 42


Creditors Withholding to ATO 42

Census 42

Next Years Budget Preparation 43

EMA applications 44

Submit Conveyance Allowance claims 44

Receipt of 2nd EMA instalment in school 45

September 46

Continue preparation of next year’s School Council approved budget 46

Short Term Leave Reimbursement 46

October 47

4th instalment of SRP (Cash grant) 47

Formulate 1st budget draft for next year 47

Close off purchasing 47

Finalise any capital expenditure 48

Send out final invoices and statements 48

Monitor KLA Budgets 49

November 50

Asset Stocktake Process 50

Finalise budget for current year 51

Review voluntary family invoices 51

Enter invoices for families for following year 52

Balance day adjustments 52

Bookstall 53

December 54

Trading Items Stocktake 54

Analyse Current year budget 54

Short Term Leave Reimbursement 54

Submit next year's budget and obtain School Council approval 55

Review Chart of Accounts codes at Program, Subprogram, Initiatives levels 55

Payment of 17.5% Leave Loading Allowance 56

Review list of outstanding orders 56

EMA applications 56

Petty Cash 56

Prepare End Of Year Procedures 57

ATO Business Portal Account Details Reconciliation 57

Update Signatures at the Bank 58

Update Authorised Contact Information with the ATO 58

Calendar of Events


·  School level payroll maintenance
·  Superannuation
·  Maintenance of family invoices and allocations
·  Finalise camps and excursions
·  Provision for Non-recoverables
·  Balance Day adjustments
·  Review sundry debtors invoices and allocations
·  Provision for Doubtful Debts
·  Petty Cash (replenishment)
·  Purchasing card maintenance
·  Maintenance of School Maintenance System works orders and inspections
·  Unpresented/stale cheque management
·  Banks reconciliation management
·  Diesel fuel rebate
·  School council reports
·  Check balance sheet to ensure clearing account balances come back to zero at the end of each period
·  Monitor KLA budgets
·  Contract/s reviews
·  Attend CASES21 Finance and related training
·  Attend SFLO Cluster sessions
·  Complete End of Year rollover for CASES21 Finance and Administration
·  Complete End of Year rollover procedures for School Maintenance System (SMS)
·  Complete Start of Year procedures
·  Update school level payroll for new employees
·  Enter invoices for families
·  Bookstalls
·  Bookseller
·  Receipt of quarterly cash grant (SRP)
·  Balance Day adjustments
·  Update Authorised Contact information with the ATO / February
·  Prepare profit and loss report for trading operations for previous year
·  Census
·  Conveyance Allowance – distribute forms
·  PSDMS closing date for funding for all new students
·  Investment Policy
·  Co operative Accounts Audit
·  Non profit entity activities approved by School Council
·  Input taxed activities approved by School Council
·  CASES21 Articles February – school council tasks for beginning of year
·  EMA applications - finalise and submit by end of month
·  / March
·  Receipt of 1st EMA instalment in school (if applicable)
·  Annual report to School Council and make a time to report to the Community
·  Submit Annual Report to Regional Office by 31 March
·  Update bank account Signatures
·  Prepare for FBT declaration
·  Short Term Leave Reimbursement (STLR) requests for Term 4 of the previous year closed as at last day of Term 1.
·  Confirmation of SRP
·  Submit Conveyance Allowance claims for terms 1 and 2 mid month
·  Submit FBT declaration
·  Receipt of quarterly cash grant (SRP)
·  Adjust approved Budget in light of confirmed SRP / May
·  EOFY training – book now / June
·  Central payroll – overpayments need correcting prior to EOFY (eduPay)
·  Payroll adjustments before EOFY
·  Reconcile superannuation pay super invoices amount to be received by companies prior to June 30
·  Complete EOFY procedures
·  Conveyance Allowance – distribute forms
·  STLR requests for Term 1 closed as at last day of Term 2.
·  3rd instalment of SRP (Cash grant)
·  PSDMS closing date for all students currently enrolled in the school
·  Payments summaries
·  Check ATO Business Portal Account Details confirm Balance equals 0
·  Issue EMA forms to new families
·  Workcover
·  Submit EMA claims by end of month
·  Submit Annual Letter of Assurance for the Schools Purchasing Card facility. / August
·  Creditor withholding to ATO
·  Census
·  Next Year’s Budget preparation
·  Submit Conveyance Allowance claims for terms 3 & 4 by mid month
·  Receipt of 2nd EMA instalment in school (if applicable) / September
·  Continue preparation of next year’s School Council approved budget
·  STLR requests for Term 2 closed as at last day of Term 3.
·  4th instalment of SRP (Cash grant)
·  Formulate 1st budget draft for next year
·  Close off purchasing
·  Finalise any capital expenditure
·  Send out final invoices/statements
·  Monitor KLA budgets / November
·  Asset stocktake process
·  Finalise budget for current year
·  Review voluntary contributions in family invoices
·  Enter invoices for families for following year
·  Balance Day Adjustments
·  Bookstall / December
·  Trading items stocktake
·  Analyse current year budget
·  STLR requests for Term 3 closed as at last day of Term 4.
·  Submit next year’s budget and obtain School Council approval
·  Review Chart of Accounts codes at Program, Subprogram, Initiatives levels
·  Review list of outstanding orders
·  EMA applications
·  Petty Cash
·  Prepare end of year procedures
·  Check ATO Business Portal Account Details Balance equals 0
·  Update signatures at the bank
·  Update Authorised Contact information with the ATO


Task / What / Why / Must Do / Good Practice / Relevant References

School Level Payroll maintenance

/ Remuneration of school council employed staff
/ Legal obligation to remunerate paid employees for services rendered in accordance with all compliance matters. / ¨  Ensure employee maintenance is accurate. If all information is not entered correctly then the payroll may be incorrect. e.g.. Superannuation not correct, payment summary not correct, incorrect taxation
¨  Ensure school level payroll cut off dates/times are communicated
¨  Ensure fortnightly payroll has been completed. Before updating the payroll batch, check number of hours against timesheets, and check date, GL and sub programs, hourly rate, gross and net
¨  Payroll processing needs to be based on documentation (timesheet) and verified by principal (and signed by payee)
¨  Maintain employee documentation (conditions, contracts, variations) in personal file (Tax File Number Declaration form and Payment Summary must be filed separately)
¨  Fortnightly pays consistent with eduPay
¨  Ensure SGL, Salary Sacrifice and Voluntary Super commitments are met / ¨  Maintain employee timesheets with details of hours and days worked, authorised by daily organiser and employee
¨  Payment of SGL, Salary Sacrifice and Voluntary Super is made through Creditors (preferably monthly) / Section 7: Payroll of the CASES 21 Finance Business Process Guide
and School Level Payroll Requirements Booklet, located on School Finance web site


Task / What / Why / Must Do / Good Practice / Relevant References


/ Tax structure where mandatory employer contribution is SGL and optional employee contribution is either salary sacrifice or voluntary payments after tax / Statutory obligation / ¨  Pay in time for Super company to receive by 28th of the month following the end of quarter (Note: if late, an administration fee of $20/person is charged plus interest charges on the late payment)
¨  Report to the employee when the SGL has been paid / ¨  If paying monthly, pay in time for super company to receive by 28th of following month. / For Vicsuper
- for employers: Employer obligations

Maintenance of family invoices and allocations

/ Review family debtor invoices and allocations / Families comprise the greatest number and value of debtors and need to be accurately and effectively maintained / ¨  Check that all invoices are valid
¨  Check that monies that can be allocated, have been allocated
¨  Ensure revenue figures are correctly reported
¨  Write off (with credit notes) invoices that are not going to be paid e.g. student hasn’t attended an excursion. Write off as soon as it is known the invoice will not be paid
¨  Allocate funds as soon as information available e.g. EMA / ¨  On a monthly basis, access a Families Trial Balance Report and check for any family balance anomalies e.g. irregular balance, negative balance etc.
¨  Use and review Provision for Non-Recoverables when the invoice is raised e.g. Voluntary Contributions estimate that you will receive 80% / Refer CASES 21 Finance Report DF21102, Family Trial Balance.
Section 1: Families of the CASES21 Finance Business Process Guide located on the School Finance website
Monthly /
Task / What / Why / Must Do / Good Practice / Relevant References /

Finalise camps and excursions

/ Review all camps/excursions conducted in the month that are now completed to apply credit notes, allocations etc to finalise the camp/excursion / To ensure accurate and up to date Family Statements, Also ensures the camps/excursions revenue and expenditure on the Operating Statement and Program /Subprogram reports are accurate / ¨  Apply credit notes to non-attendees, identified by comparing class list with teacher’s record / ¨  Avoid monthly carryover of any camps/ excursions balances that have been conducted.
¨  Compare actual revenue and expenditure with camp/excursion budgeted estimate and note for future planning / Section 1: Families of the CASES21 Finance Business Process Guide located on the School Finance website