Klein Forest High School Instructor: Mrs. Betsy Davis


PHONE: 832-484-4525


CONFERENCE: 1st Period (7:20 a.m.-8:00 a.m.)


This is a one credit course. This course introduces general accounting concepts, principles and procedures while emphasizing the need for financial records. The student performs accounting functions for service and merchandising businesses, completes account payable and receivable functions, determines inventory value, calculates and records payroll and associated taxes, verifies cash flow and analyzes financial data.


·  Pens and pencils

·  Calculator

·  Notebook paper

·  3 Ring Binder with dividers. Keep it organized.

o  Daily Assignments

o  Notes

o  Quizzes/Tests

o  Projects

Do not throw anything that I return to you away. This is what you will have to study during the year.


Accounting I – General Journal 7th edition


Accounting I – Multicolumn Journal 10E - Working Paper Pricing for 2016-17

Chapters 1-17 Cost is $35.81. All payments will be made online through Klein ISD School Cash Online. Instructions are attached to this syllabus.


·  60% Major (Tests, Projects), 40% Minor (Quizzes, Daily Jobs).

·  Make-up work is your responsibility! You have the number of days you were absent to make up assignments from the day you return to class.

·  Late work will be accepted for the current 6-weeks grading period. Each day it is late, the teacher may deduct 10 points for up to 3 days. After 3 days, there will be a student/teacher conference and a decision will be made as to the necessary time needed to complete the assignment and the maximum grade that can be earned.


Wednesday and Friday. It is the responsibility of the student to make up the missed test during tutorials.


Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-3:00 p.m.

Mrs. Davis, Room 124


·  Tuesday for a grade


1.  Be Punctual! Arrive on time

2.  Be Prepared! Have necessary materials and supplies

3.  Be Respectful! Show respect to everyone and everything.

4.  Be Responsible! You alone are completely responsible for your actions and your grade in this class

5.  Be Positive! Always do your best

6.  No Cheating! Results in a zero for everyone involved


  1. No Food or Drink allowed in the classroom/computer lab
  2. Be in your seat before tardy bell rings
  3. No sleeping in class
  4. Use only school appropriate language
  5. No electronics of any kind….No cell phones, headphones, etc. They will be confiscated
  6. No internet usage during class without teacher direction
  7. No hats, no inappropriate dress attire (Please see student handbook)
  8. No personal grooming…No makeup applied during class, no combing/brushing hair
  9. End of class dismissal – I dismiss you, not the bell. Stay seated until the bell rings, push chairs in, throw out trash, and put all materials away


Students and parents must review these guidelines together and sign the attached sheet acknowledging they have read and understand the guidelines for my class. Please fill out the attached page completely and send it back with your student as soon as possible. The actual guidelines need to remain in the student’s notebook throughout the rest of the year.


Mrs. Davis, Room 124


Dear Parents:

Let me welcome you and your child to my class. As your child’s teacher, I look forward to working with you throughout this school year. Together, we can make this a successful year. In order to carry out the programs of the district and school, it is important that we have good classroom discipline. Both the parents and the office will be notified when I feel it is necessary to do so in order to maintain a positive classroom environment.

I hope that you will take a few minutes from your busy schedule to discuss the need for good discipline with your child. Learning can only be accomplished appropriately in a well-disciplined classroom. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Please review the attached guidelines which detail the classroom rules and consequences. Sign and return this sheet. If you have any questions about the guidelines or need to talk to me about anything during the year, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to seeing you at our Open House on Tuesday, September 13, 7:00pm

Let’s have a terrific year!!!

Mrs. Davis

I have reviewed the Accounting I classroom guidelines for Mrs. Davis with my student. I understand that failure to follow the plan may result in my student being disciplined accordingly.

Student’s name (Print): ______Class Period: ______

Parent’s name (Print): 1. ______

2. ______

Home Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Email Addresses: 1. ______

2. ______

Parent Signature: X______Date: ______

Student Signature: X______Date: ______

If you have any additional comments or concerns about the class and/or your student, please list them below:


