ProQuest Information and Learning APPENDIX TWO What’s New in PQNext?

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ProQuest Information and Learning APPENDIX TWO What’s New in PQNext?

The following list provides a summary of features new with PQNext.

For further information about any feature please don’t hesitate to contact the Sydney office on:

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Further information is also available from the PQNext web site :

Old Interface / PQNext
·  Cleaner, simpler look
·  More library branding
·  Contextual search tools, tips, Help
·  Database-specific features
Library branding options
·  Single text link at the top of the screen / Library branding options
·  Up to 3 text links at the top of the screen
·  Up to 2 logo links at bottom of screen
·  Free text area at bottom of screen
·  Ability to logout or link to LAD
Text Version
·  “Text Version” link at the top of the screen / Text-only interface
·  “Text-only interface” link at the bottom of the screen
·  Hidden 1px X 1px image at the top of the screen. (Visible only to screen readers.)
·  New features and changes to match the graphical interface
Local language interfaces
·  Dropdown menu visible by default
·  Interface languages available:
o  English
o  French
o  German
o  Spanish / Local language interfaces
·  Dropdown menu hidden by default for US and Canadian customers
·  Interface languages available:
o  English
o  French
o  German
o  Spanish
o  Chinese (simplified)
o  Chinese (traditional)
o  Korean
·  Available via the Collections button
·  Separate areas for cross-searchable and non-cross-searchable databases. Third-party databases grouped together.
·  Ability to select “All databases” (really only all cross-searchable databases)
·  Database descriptions include:
o  Database name
o  Description
o  Link to view titles / Databases
·  Available via:
o  “Databases selected” link below the Basic Search button
o  Databases dropdown menus in Basic and Advanced Search modes
o  “Select multiple databases” link to the right of the databases dropdown menu
·  Interfiling of cross-searchable and non-cross-searchable databases. Historical databases grouped together.
·  Only the ability to “Clear all databases”
·  Database descriptions include:
o  Database name
o  Quick glance info: subjects, source types
o  Description
o  Coverage dates
o  Link to view more product info
o  Link to view titles
·  Highlighting behavior when selecting DBs
·  Ability to include any PQIL product
View Titles / View Titles
·  Ability to download in Excel (CSV) format
·  Ability to browse issues for each title
Basic Search
·  Show results with full text availability only
·  Show articles from peer reviewed publications only
·  Show total number of articles
·  Search in:
o  Located below the search box
o  Options: A&I or Full Text
·  Publication type:
o  Located below the search box
o  Options:
§  Periodicals
§  Newspapers
·  Tips / Basic Search
·  Search tools
·  Databases dropdown menu
·  Dates tool, quick picks and to/from boxes
·  Limit results to:
o  Full text articles only
o  Scholarly journals, including peer-reviewed
o  N/A – counts are automatic
·  Look for terms in:
o  Located in More Search Options
o  Options: A&I or A&I and Full Text
·  Publication type:
o  Located in More Search Options
o  Options:
§  Scholarly journals
§  Magazines
§  Trade publications
§  Newspapers
§  Reference/Reports
·  About links (part of Help), Search Tips
·  More Search Options
Guided Search
·  “3 rows” of dropdown menus
·  Date range
·  Show results with full text availability only
·  Show articles from peer reviewed publications only
·  Show total number of articles
·  Publication type:
o  Located below the “3 rows”
o  Options:
§  Periodicals
§  Newspapers
·  Article type:
o  Located below publication type
·  Tips / Advanced Search
·  Search tools
·  “3 rows” of dropdown menus
·  Add/remove a row, 7 max. rows
·  Browse links (appear dynamically)
·  Databases dropdown menu
·  Dates tool, quick picks and to/from boxes
·  Limit results to:
o  Full text articles only
o  Scholarly journals, including peer-reviewed
o  N/A – counts are automatic
·  Publication type:
o  Located in More Search Options
o  Options:
§  Scholarly journals
§  Magazines
§  Trade publications
§  Newspapers
§  Reference/Reports
·  Article type:
o  Located in:
§  “3 rows” dropdowns (browsable)
§  More Search Options – special options for review types, opinions
·  About links (part of Help), Search Tips
·  More Search Options
Advanced Search
Natural Language Search
·  Separate search modes / ·  Absorbed into Basic and Advanced Search
Publication Search
·  Publications are numbered
·  Browse Issues
o  Max. 40 issues per page
o  Sort articles by: article title, page no.
·  Search Within Publication
o  Date range
o  Search in
o  Show results with full text…
o  Show total number of articles
·  Details: Click here for coverage details, publisher info and publication identifier (link)
·  Publication Information (APS) / Publication Search
·  Search tools: Tips
·  No numbering except in text-only interface
·  Result set info and navigation
o  Counts, e.g. 1-62 of 62
o  First, previous, next, last, pages 1-10
·  Browse Issues
o  Max. 390 issues per page
o  Sort by: relocated to the Results page
·  Search Within Publication
o  New dates tool (like Basic, Advanced)
o  Look for terms in
o  Full text articles only
o  N/A – counts are automatic
·  Publication Information (tab)
·  Title Information (APS)
Topic Finder
Browse Lists
·  Separate search modes / Topic Guide
·  This new search mode combines both
Browse Topics (a search tool)
·  Browse/search subjects, companies, people, and locations
·  ABI and general reference databases will have a link to the Thesaurus and “View Thesaurus entry” links for subjects
Browse links (appear after input boxes)
·  Ability to browse subjects, companies, people, and locations individually (flat list)
Results & Marked List
·  Results
·  Marked List
·  Recent Searches / Results
·  Links to Results appear in context
Marked List
·  Has its own tab
Recent Searches
·  Now a search tool in Basic, Advanced
Search Guide
·  Truncation and wildcard characters
·  Boolean operators
·  Basic & Other search fields
·  Stop words
·  Subjects (Thesaurus)
·  Classification codes
·  NAICS codes
·  Article types
·  Publication dates / Search Tips (a search tool, part of Help)
·  Special characters
·  Operators
·  Search field syntax
·  Stop words
·  Browsable via
o  Thesaurus
o  Browse Topics
o  A flat list (Browse subjects link)
Classification codes
·  Browsable in their own popup window
NAICS codes
·  Browsable in their own popup window
Article types
·  Browsable in their own popup window
·  Available via
o  More Search Options in Basic and Advanced Search modes, special options for review types, opinions
o  Advanced Search top dropdown menus
Dates dropdown menu (our new date tool)
·  Save Link button
·  At least 50 results
·  Article types “grid” to the right of articles
·  Ability to link to Results from:
o  Main navigation
o  Article Display
o  Recent Searches
·  Search form at the bottom of the page / Results
·  NO Save Link button, recent searches are saved to the Marked List automatically
·  Accurate counts
·  Publication/Source type tabs, limit to scholarly journals
·  Mark/Clear all articles on page
·  Link to view marked articles
·  Limit to full text articles only
·  Sort results: chronologically (historical databases only), reverse-chronologically, by relevance
·  Highlighting behavior when marking
·  Article types appear with labels below each article citation; new icons
·  Ability to link to Results from:
o  Links to Results appear in context
o  Article View (Page View, Page Map)
o  Recent Searches
o  Marked List, My Research Summary
·  Search form at the bottom of the page
You came from … You’ll see …
o  Basic Search Basic
o  Advanced Search Advanced
o  Recent Searches Depends*
o  Topic Guide Search Basic
o  Topic Guide Tree None
o  Browse Issues None
o  Search Within Pub. Basic
o  Article Depends*
o  Marked List Depends*
o  My Research Smry. Depends*
*Whatever search mode you used last. If you bookmark or download a page with a link to results, you will NOT see a search mode at the bottom of the Results page.
Article Display
·  Save Link button
·  Article formats in a dropdown menu
·  Indexing / Article View (aka. Page View, Page Map)
·  N/A, can bookmark articles, links are automatically created for marked articles
·  Article formats as links with icons (except for PDFs—article image and page image, which still use a dropdown menu)
·  Hyperlinked publication title in the citation links to Browse Issues
·  Hyperlinked volume/issue/date of publication links to Results page showing all articles from that issue
·  Jump to full text link
·  Indexing takes up less space
·  Abstract and Full Text areas called out
·  Navigation repeats at bottom of page
Marked List
·  Part of the Results & Marked List button
·  Print list
o  ProQuest Standard citation style
·  Email articles
·  Export citations
·  Convert to links
·  Remove
·  SiteBuilder
o  Convert articles to links
o  Page builder wizard (w/special acct) / Marked List
·  Has its own tab
·  Current number of marked articles displays inside the tab
·  Highlighting behavior when marking
·  Print Bibliography
o  ProQuest Standard citation style
o  AMA
o  APA
o  Chicago: Author-Date (Scientific)
o  Chicago: Humanities
o  MLA
o  Turabian
·  Email articles in your choice of format
·  Export citations (unchanged)
·  N/A, use My Research Summary
·  Mark/Clear all, Delete unmarked items
·  My Research Summary
o  Links provided in an html file
o  Capability to edit the page
·  Local language support for:
o  English
o  French
o  German
o  Spanish
o  Chinese (simplified)
o  Chinese (traditional)
o  Korean / Help
·  Local language support for:
o  English
o  French
o  German
o  Spanish
o  Chinese (simplified)
o  Chinese (traditional)
o  Korean

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