NH RESPONDS Tier 3 ConferenceMay 18, 2011
What is already known / Current literacy day•Repeated kindergarten
•Receives PT, OT, and SLP services
•Receptive vocab is stronger than expressive
•Single word vocabulary limited to environmental words
•Weak phonics skills
•Difficulty with rhyme
•Attention problems
•Para-educator assigned in the classroom
•Fine motor skills difficulties- writing
•Knows upper and lower case letters
•Sight word knowledge lost over summer
Reading level AB (on F & P Leveling) / •Listens to texts on CD during literacy block
•½ hour of guided reading group with classroom teacher
•Resource room for-Fundations
•Para educator working with sight words
Key Questions / Answer / Who Follows Up
Is student present for 90 minutes of core instruction? / Not every day / Classroom teacher
What other professionals work with the student? / PT, OT, SLP / Case Manager
When is word identification instruction provided at the students level? /
- Resource room
- Paraprofessional- sight words practice in classroom
When is language comprehension instruction provided at the students level? / When he is present for guiding reading group in classroom / Classroom teacher
What level of text does the student need to be independent? / A/B or pre-primer / Classroom teacher
Is that level of text available during independent classroom reading? A variety of texts? / No- listens to text on grade level / Classroom teacher
Has a whole-to-part assessment been done? If so what is it? / No / Case manager
- Highlight priorities to get information
- Designate individuals to gather more information
- Indicate when a change in interventions will begin
- Indicate when the team will meet to revisit progress and provide updated information
Instruction / Materials Needed / Progress Monitoring (what and when) / Person Responsible
Tier 1 Differentiation
•Reading books at his level during independent reading
•Can be more independent during teacher read aloud (or when text is read to him)—used during content area reading
•Word instruction is connected to Tier 2 & 3 interventions / Books from book room
Create some books/electronic books
Classroom reading materials- books on CD
Word Wall- portable between settings, in his writing folder / Teacher running records
Classroom spelling assessments / Classroom teacher
Tier 2 Supplemental or Targeted Intervention
•Supplemental Instruction
•Pulls small group of students together that need help with word identification
•Extra 30 mins is allotted to this
•Designated strategies are used
•Word Wall is used as anchor / Word Tiles
Sequence of phonics lessons
Portable word wall / Running records / Classroom teacher and paraeducator
Literacy coach- monitor implementation and provide support
Tier 3 Intensive Intervention
•Intensive Intervention
•Student works with another appropriate specialist for an additional period of time using designated program
•Word wall in folder is used as anchor that goes between Tier 3 and Tier 1 / Portable word wall with Key words for letters/sounds / Running records / Special Educator
Stephanie Spadorcia,
Literacy Consultant University of New Hampshire/Institute on Disability