Counseling 544 Counseling Techniques

Fall 2008 Shamshad Ahmed Ph.D

Office: Rm. 1020 McGowanCenter Phone; 570-348-6211

Ext. 2319

1 Description

Counseling Techniques is an experiential laboratory course where counselors-in-training are taught strategies in counseling. Students are required to participate in demonstrating a variety of strategies and techniques in the lab setting.

  1. Objectives:

By the end of the semester, each student will be able to demonstrate appropriate progress toward the ability to:

  1. Become aware of the various strategies and techniques in counseling.
  2. Become aware of the appropriate utilization of the various strategies and techniques.
  3. Develop a proficiency in the use of counseling techniques.

4. Be receptive to instructor and peer feedback and participate in the supervision

sessions .

5. Actively and constructively participate in peer group supervision.

6. Conduct intake assessments and based on this information make appropriate

recommendations in accordance with the ACA Code of Ethics for counseling

services .

111 Required Text

Cormier, S., & Nurius, P.(2003). Interviewing & Change Strategies for Helpers.

United States, Brooks/ Cole, 5th Edition.

1V Required Reading:

Corey, Gerald, 2005 Theory & Practice of counseling & Psychotherapy (6th edition).

United States, Brookes/ Cole

V Teaching Strategies:

A Classroom Based:

  1. Role Playing – During the techniques course, the students will practice counseling skills with each other. This requires the students to be the clients or group member discussing a concern to allow the counselors to exercise their skills. It is suggested but not required that the students talk about real “concerns” not necessarily “problems” to create a genuine milieu.
  1. Modeling: - The instructor or colleagues will demonstrate techniques in class. If there is some procedure which the students would like demonstrated, they should feel free to request that the instructor do so. Occasionally the instructor may counsel the client in the lab, if this occurs the students should feel free to observe and critique.
  1. Didactic Instruction in Techniques and Principles – Some issues and techniques in counseling and their practical applications will be presented during the lab session.
  1. Feedback – A number of researchers have pointed out that concrete and specific feedback is an essential component in skill mastery. During each lab counseling session or role play, colleagues will offer feedback through the use of rating forms and/or notes taken. To be helpful the feedback must be honest, complete, concrete and specific.

B. Field Based:

  1. From time to time the students will either be teaching a peer about an area in which they are strong, or learning from a peer.
  2. Class participation, in order to demonstrate various techniques, is mandatory. Students will be called upon to “act” as counselors and/or clients. Class participation will be considered in the final grade. Participation in class is a contractual requirement.
  3. Students who refrain from participation are in violation of lieu contract, and will be given a C. (See Course Requirements).

VI Counseling Techniques Tentative Outline: Instructor holds the right to change/modify the syllabus/dates.

Aug 25th- chapters 2,3,4,5,6,7

Sep 8th- chapters-8.9.10,11

Sep- 15th-chapter 12

Sep-22nd- chapter 13

Sep-29th- chapter 14

Oct-6th- chapter 15

Oct-20th- chapter 16-

Oct-27th- chapter 17

Nov- 3rdth chapter 18

Nov 10th- Student presentation

Nov 17th-Student Presentations

Dec 1st - Finals & wrap up

  • V11 Moodle Go to the Marywood Homepage:
  • Click on “Academics”
  • Click on “Moodle”
  • Login (get instructions by clicking on “create a new account” if you do not have a login)
  • Click on “Fall 2008”
  • Click on “COUN(psy) 544: Counseling Techniques (Ahmed)”

NOTE: Corresponding chapters in the text will be announced in class/on moodle.. Students are advised to begin reading the text immediately, and continue to do so for the entire course.

VII Course Requirements and Process of Evaluation:

Attendance - Class attendance is mandatory.Coming to class is very important. To reflect this, 10 % of your grade will be determined by attendance. If you must miss a class because of an illness or an emergency, please contact the instructor via email or phone 348.6221 ext 2319

Class participation of a professional nature is also mandatory. Participation in class is important to active learning, your presence to contribute thoughtful questions and comments help you and others to learn. Students are responsible for the contents of the text, class discussion and presentations, assigned readings and other designated assignments. Students are expected to have read assignments before the topic is discussed in class. Such preparation facilitates learning and provides the student with sufficient background to discuss the topic in a class setting. Class participation will be considered in the final grade. 10% of the grade

Class presentations(30%)The students will be assigned at random, a particular technique.Class presentations may include 10 minutes of presenting the technique to the class via a short paper/power point/hand outs etc (10% of the grade) and 30 minutes for role play of the technique. You may ask your peer to be a volunteer or may bring in a client if you so prefer The time limit of 30 minutes will be maintained in fairness to all students (20% of the grade)

The Presentation:

The “in class” presentation should include a concise synopsis of the paper and in the invivo demonstration. The group should assist one another as necessary for these demonstrations. Students are not allowed to read their paper. This is not acceptable as a presentation. Students are reminded that attendance and participation in class are basic elements of contract.

Questions will be based on topics discussed in the first six weeks of the semester. Short answers between three to five sentences will be expected, the answers should be crisp and pertinent. There will be 10 short answers and you will be asked to select any five and respond. All questions will carry equal points.

Final Examination- multiple choice format (20 %of the grade) last week of the semester

This will include fill in the blanks, and true or false. Chapters 5,6,7 & 8 will be included.

Research Paper (30% of the grade)

The students will be assigned a technique at random, or the student may select a technique of his/her choice and search the professional literature, to identify current research on the uses of assigned techniques. It is important to note that students are encouraged to use original source documents and if used, are not held to the 2000 cut off. . Each individual student will submit a typed “paper” to the instructor on their specific technique and a copy of the research paper MUST be emailed to each peer.

  1. First draft of the research paperof the research paper due Oct 6th, this draft should include a brief outline of the history of the technique, rationale, steps involved and its application on diverse populations. (APA format)
  2. Final draftthis should be a very comprehensive paper about 10-12 pages of text which is to be followed by reference pages. The final paper should consist of an abstract, introduction (definition/and history), body (rationale and steps involved) indications and contraindications, applications of technique. DueNov 10th

V111-Final Grades

Final Grades are based on the following of total points

95-100% : A

90-94%: A-

85-89%: B+

80-84%: B

75-79%: B-

70-74%: C+

65-69%: C

<64% : F

1X- EXTRA CREDIT-Those interested students who wish to improve the grade may do so, by demonstrating a second technique and submitting a paper in the APA format.(3-5 points may be added to the final grade).

X. All counseling students should be aware of the fact the compliance with CACREP standards, each student is being evaluated on academic and professional performance by each counseling faculty member at the end of the semester. Any of my advisees who have questions or concerns, can simply contact me. All other students with concerns should contact their respective advisors.

X1-For Students with Disabilities: MarywoodUniversity complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students with disabilities who need special accommodations should advise their instructor and submit documentation of the disability to the Office of Student Support Services for reasonable accommodations to be granted. The Associate Director of Student Support Services, Ms. Diane Taylor, will partner with students to determine the appropriate accommodation and, in cooperation with the instructor, will work to ensure that all students have a fair opportunity to perform in this class. To best service the needs of the student, each student should notify the instructor and the Associate Director of Student Support Services of any special accommodation needs no later than the last day to register for semester classes.

For more information, please contact:

Diane Taylor, Associate Director of Student Support Services

LiberalArtsCenter - Room 223B

(570) 348.6211 x2335

X11- Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any written or orally presented material must be in your own words with appropriate citation for paraphrasing another's work.Any direct quotes from another source must be designated with quotation marks and cited appropriately. See the APA manual for additional information about plagiarism and visit Marywood library's webpage for useful links regarding plagiarism ( Please note that quoting or using the exact wording of another author because you do not understand what is written is unacceptable. Any assignments completed through plagiarism will earn 0 points.





Early Recollections / Empty Chair
Relaxation / Humor
Desensitization / Contracting
Meditation / Art
Guided Imagery / Cognitive Restructuring
Self control procedures