Outside Ski Turns

Intermediate Zone/Level 2/3 Highlighted Skills

Activity Description:

These turns are skied from transition through shaping phase with only the outside ski on the snow. Inside ski is lifted and remains parallel to other ski and slope. In the finish phase of the turn, the skier transfers pressure/balance to the little toe edge of the old inside ski, and initiates the turn on this same ski, while keeping the new inside ski off the snow.

Why This Activity Will Be Useful:

In skiing, lateral pressure and balance dynamically shifts from outside ski to outside ski as the moves from turn to turn. Being skillful at adjusting body movements to manage ski to ski pressure is essential for higher level skiing whether in short turns, high speed carving, or variable conditions. This activity specifically develops movements and skills that can then be adapted to be able to ski on either ski at any point in a turn, a valuable skill in varied snow and terrain.

How the Body Moves (CAUSE):

·  Flexion of the (old) outside leg lifts the foot off the snow prior to edge change

·  Flexion on the new outside ankle and extension of the same knee move the COM forward through initiation and shaping phases

·  Outside leg creates a strong, skeletally stacked stance and maintains balance

·  Tipping/rolling the old inside/new outside ankle changes the skis’ edge from finish through initiation

·  Forward pressure on the shovel of the ski engages the skis sidecut and begins to shape the turn. Subtle tipping and turning movements of the outside leg adjust the turn shape through all phases

·  Tipping and turning movements originate in the legs under a stable upper body

·  Upper body counter-balances lower body tipping movements to maintain lateral balance and manage foot to foot pressure

·  Inside (in air) foot tipping/rolling movements match the tipping and turning movements of the outside leg

·  Extension of the inside knee and hip lowers the inside foot to the snow in the finish phase of the turn

What the Skis Do (EFFECT):

·  Outside ski is pressured though all phases of the turn

·  New inside ski is lifted off the snow prior to edge change

·  Inside ski is roughly parallel to the snow surface when off the snow

·  Inside ski matches the tipping and turning activities of the outside ski

·  Inside ski is placed on the snow in the finish phase of the turn

·  Ski creates round brushed/drifted arc that controls speed in Level 2 performance

·  Ski creates a round carved arc in Level 3 performance


·  L2 - Green/blue terrain

·  L3 - Blue/black terrain

·  Choose a safe low traffic area for this activity

Learning/Teaching Cues:

·  Traverse while alternately picking a ski off the snow (step at a slow cadence). When doing this, use flexion of the knee and hip to lift the ski. Stabilize the pelvis and torso through activation of the muscles of the core. The upper body should move very little when picking up a ski during this drill. Practice in both directions until able to do without gross upper body adjustments. (If this is challenging, first practice while stationary)

·  Practice uphill arcs in a fan progression until starting from directly down the fall line. Alternately pick-up a ski as in previous exercise. Spend more time balanced on outside ski than inside ski. Note how the upper body angulates laterally to manage lateral pressure

·  Extra practice: downhill ski traverses (may at first keep uphill ski tip on snow for balance). Again, note upper body angulation/counter balancing

·  Same but traversing on uphill foot/ski only

·  In activity experiment with counter-balancing of upper body and how it changes throughout the turn. Too little, or too static, and you will fall inward. Too much, or to active, and ability to employ inside (in air) foot tipping/rolling activity is compromised

·  Linked stepping turns. Alternately pickup skis throughout turn. Spend more time balancing on outside ski. Do not move the upper body laterally to shift weight from foot to foot, instead flex the knee and hip to lift the ski

·  Blend to pick up the inside ski as early as possible in the turn and keep it off the snow through as much of the turn as possible. May leave the tip of the inside ski on the snow at first as an aid. Keep the inside leg parallel to the outside leg, continue to tip and turn the inside leg as if it were on the snow

·  From a traverse, pick up the old downhill ski, move forward and use the foot/ankle of the old inside ski to roll the ski slowly onto its new edge (moving from little toe to big toe edge). Keep ankle flex on the stance leg! Turn to a stop. Repeat

·  Blend previous activity into whole turns