This document provides advice and guidance on the changes being introduced to the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum assessments taking place in the week beginning 14 May 2012.

Externally marked tests will continue to take place for Mathematics and for English reading. National sample tests will continue to take place for Science. A small number of schools will also be selected to take part in a sample writing test in 2012.

Key Changes:

  • the English writing test will be replaced by a new writing skills test in 2013, interim teacher assessment arrangements have been put in place for the writing test for 2012; and
  • Level 6 test scores will be included in the 2012 primary school performance tables.

How will pupils’ writing be assessed in 2012?

Pupils’ National Curriculum level for writing will be determined by a teacher assessedjudgment of their work across Year 6. Teachers’judgments will be informed by and take account of (but not be limited by) the pupil’s result on a standard test that will be sent to schools earlier in the spring term.

The test can be administered by schools when they choose and then marked internally.Alternatively, schools may prefer to use the externally markedtest in the Key Stage 2 test week (as in previous years).

In either case, the test result should only inform a teacher assessment judgment, not determine it. It is solely the teacher assessment in writing (and not the test result) that will be published, that will contribute towards an overall English National Curriculum level and that will be used for accountability purposes.

The NUT recommends that head teachers should consult Year 6 teachers on when and how the writing test should be administered. If the test is used outside SATs week, additional time during the school day should be provided for marking and administration.

Will teacher assessment in writing be moderated?

A sample of schools’ teacher assessment judgments in writing will be subject to ‘light-touch’ external moderation. Moderation should look at the evidence from the children’s regular class work produced across Year 6. Schools will not be expected to produce any additional work or compile portfolios. If NUT members have concerns about workload generated by moderation arrangements, they should speak to their NUT school representative in the first instance, otherwise contact their NUT division or association for advice.

Which other subject areas will be teacher assessed?

Schools will continue to be required to submit teacher assessment judgments for all pupils in English, Maths and Science. It has not been proposed that any other existing Key Stage 2 tests should be replaced by teacher assessment.

Are the Science sample tests still taking place?

As in previous years, a small number of schools will be required to administer a sample test in science. This test will be used to monitor national standards and will not be used for school accountability.

What is the sample writing test?

A small number of schools will be required to administer a sample test in writing in 2012. Like the science sample test it will be used to monitor national standards and will not be used for school accountability.

A new writing skills test is due to be introduced in 2013 which is intended to complement teachers’ assessment of writing.

How will I know if my school has been selected to administer the sample writing test?

A letter was sent to selected schools confirming their inclusion in the sample writing test at the end of October 2011. An email was also sent to the headteachers of the selected schools on Wednesday, 2 November 2011 outlining the details of the test.

Selected schools have a statutory responsibility to administer the test on Tuesday, 15 May 2012. Approximately 10 per cent of schools in England have been selected to participate in the sample and will be required to administer an externally marked Key Stage 2 writing test.A list of the selected schools will be published on the Department for Education (DfE) website later in the year.

Further details of these arrangements are available at and will be included in the 2012 Key Stage 2 Assessment and reporting arrangementsbooklet, which will be distributed to schools in November 2011.

If your school has been selected to administer the sample writing test please contact at NUT Head Office as this will enable the Union to monitor the workload implications for members.

Is it true that Level 6 test results will now be included in primary school performance tables?

In 2012, for the first time, the outcomes of the level 6 tests will be included in the 2012 primary school performance tables.

Externally marked level 6 tests in English reading and mathematics will be available as options for schools to administer to high achieving pupils as in previous years. The tests will take place on Monday 21 May and Tuesday 22 May 2012.

The NUT is concerned that publication of the level 6 test results may lead to more schools entering pupils for these tests. Any NUT member who feels pressured to use the level 6 tests with pupils should contact their NUT school representative in the first instance, otherwise their NUT division or association.

Do the changes apply to academies and free schools as well?

Academies and free schools will be subject to the same statutory assessment requirements as maintained schools, as set out in their funding agreement.


Under the new arrangements:

  1. members should not be required to produce additional materials for the assessment of writing beyond the regular class work produced throughout the school year;
  1. the DfE has stated clearly that in a sample of schoolsthe‘teacher assessment judgements in writing will be subject to light-touch external moderation’ which will ‘look at the evidence from ordinary marked work produced across year 6. Schools will not be expected to produce any additional work or compile portfolios;’
  1. the timing of the new writing test is a matter for professional judgement. In schools which elect to carry out the writing test at a time other than ‘test week’, the NUT recommends that additional time for teacher marking and moderation should be provided during the school day; and
  1. if members have any concerns about the implications for their workload arising from the changes to the assessment arrangements for the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum assessments in 2012, they should contact their NUT school representative in the first instance, otherwise their NUT division or association for advice.


Created: 3 November 2011/JE&SA