February 25, 2008 – 6:00 p.m.

Mark Management, Inc.

2755 Border Lake Road, Suite 101, Apopka, FL 32703

Mike Pettis, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Directors in attendance were Scott Brun and Robin Robinson. Also in attendance were members Lisa Kamer and Lynn Marqui. Meridythe Kanaga & Sherry Shackelford represented Mark Management, Managing Agent.

The minutes of the December 4, 2007 and January 7, 2008 meetings had been reviewed. A motion was made by SB and seconded by RR to approve with the correction of the new gate code of “7646”. Motion passed.

FINANCIAL – The January financial statement was reviewed reflecting an ending balance of $127 in Wachovia operating, $17,282 in RBC operating, $10,059 in savings, and $29,075 in reserves. There are several delinquents and reminder notices have been sent.


A.  Entry, Gates, & Video Camera – Mike Pettis reported Bart repaired the pedestrian gate.

B.  Retention Pond – A light on the fountain was replaced.

C.  Landscaping Maintenance – Mike Pettis reported he is meeting with Massey to go over lawn issues.

D.  Playground/Tennis Court/Lighting – Lynn Marqui reported there are two bushes in the hedge by the tennis court that are not doing well and should be replaced. Massed suggested changing the height of the irrigation head to spray the roots rather than the leaves. There is also an area by the tennis court hedge that needs to fill in with grass or have some sod replacement. The landscapers continue to run their edger, so it doesn’t grow in. Mike will discuss with Massey & landscaper. There are 2 lights out at the front; 1 by the telephone access panel and right of the gate under the magnolia tree. MK to call Carroll’s Electric to repair. It was reported that non-residents may be using the tennis court after some private lessons. MK to call owner to clarify if they are a guest.

E.  Architectural Review Board – Lisa Kamer reported the committee will be meeting on the 1st & 3rd Monday of every month until further notice.

F.  Recreational & Social – Carey Arzonico sent a report. The Block Party is scheduled for Saturday, April 26th. Robin Robinson will allow them to use his lawn, electric & water again. The DJ, waterslide & snow cone machine are booked. They are negotiating with a balloon artist to attend. The social committee purchased a neighborhood garage sale banner to be used out front for future garage sales with their left over funds from last year.

G.  Website – There was discussion as the need for a webmaster, keeping with the present webhost, change to banking institution webhost, or eliminate the website. The Board decided to include this as survey item to the residents providing detailed information to make an informed decision.


A.  ARB Guidelines – Lisa Kamer had sent the proposed guidelines to the Board for review. Some items were discussed for resolution. A motion was made by MP and seconded by RR to send the proposed guidelines to the attorney for review before sending the owners. Motion approved. Lisa will send final draft to MK for emailing to attorney. The Board has given authorization to Lisa to discuss the guidelines with the attorney if he should have questions.

B.  Tom Gurksnis inspected and repaired the exterior brick wall. He will need to get access to the interior of the brick wall in order to provide an estimate and make repairs. His initial estimate based on what he had already completed, he anticipated the cost to be around $1,000. MP will call Tom and set up a date, so we can send a letter to the members advising them of the date and request they keep their fence gates unlocked and pets kept inside that day. A motion was made by MP and seconded by RR that in this letter owners will be notified that any plant foliage extending over the exterior along McNeil Road will be cut back to complete inspection and maintain visible consistency. Motion approved.

C.  After the last meeting, the managing agent had conversation with legal counsel in regards to items that are done prior to turnover of the HOA that may be in conflict with the Covenants and Restrictions cannot be enforced after turnover. Based on this information, a motion was made by MP and seconded by RR to table the BB hoop that has been installed on Lot #36. Motion approved.


A.  The current collection law firm of Gasperoni & Fletcher have split. A motion was made by SB & seconded by MP to appoint Ninette Fletcher to continue are our collection attorney. Motion carried and new agreements were signed.

B.  There are 3 director terms expiring at the annual meeting that include Ken, Mike & J. Mike Pettis presented some items that could be sent out with the volunteer form that include the letter on the brick wall inspection; volunteer form; announce new gate code of 7646 with old code to be removed by 5/1/08; survey on website issue. Mike will draft and send out to the Board for their approval. He will have completed for mailing sometime next week. The annual meeting is scheduled for April 29th at the library. Annual notice, ballot, agenda, and completed ARB guidelines will be mailed approximately 4/11/08. The Board requested that Mark Management count the ballots at the annual meeting.

C.  Insurance policy renewal has come in at $6,241.51. A motion was made by MP and seconded by SB to renew since it is close to estimated budget. Motion approved.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. The next Board meeting will be held on April 10, 2008 at 6:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meridythe Kanaga

Meridythe Kanaga, CPM, LCAM

Managing Agent President