MOCC Agenda
January6, 2006 * 10:00 to 12:00CDT * 605-773-2300
Conference ID# 1118 Conference PW# 2622
Minutes to be recorded byDon Ticknor
Roll Call:
Approval of Minutes: December 16, 2005 meeting.
MCR Discussion items:
MCR #20 – Immunizations
- Responses 1
- Responses 2
MCR #26 – Certificates/Certifications FINAL
- MCR 26 and the supporting documents were sent to AAC on 12/5 as an informational item for the 1/5/06AAC meeting. AAC approved MCR 26 and MOCC can proceed with implementation.
- A final MCR 26 and updated corresponding documents are attached.
- Implementation must be completed for Spring 2006 (Discuss "Clean Up Required" in the MCR 26 recommendation.
MCR #27– Coding for Multiple Majors/Degrees, Simultaneous Degrees, Additional Degrees FINAL
- Final MCR 27 as approved by AACwas sent to MOCC on 11/17.
- The approved MCR 27 has been send to the SDA for the writing of the official procedures.
MCR #28 – Enrollment Reporting
- MCR 28 (BOR Policy 2:24) is on the 1/5/06AAC agenda.
MCR #30 - Sharing Residual ACT Scores
- Draft of final recommendation
- Residual ACT Procedures review
- ACT – National ACT scores are to be recorded into student record. See attached response.
MCR #31 – SD Technical Institutes Program to Program Implementation Guidelines
- TheMCR31 procedural guidelines were discussed at the November 10 AAC. Minor changes were recommended and will be incorporated into the final document which will be forwarded to MOCC soon.
- Ranny to Dr. Turchen: I would like to request that AAC consider the approval of an additional delivery code of "027 - Technical Institute, non-term based" to use for general education sections offered by the universities on the vocational technical institute academic calendar, rather than the university academic calendar.This was deferred to the January 5 AAC meeting.
- The Fall 2005 Program to Program Students have been coded in Colleague according to MCR 31 procedures.
- The December BOR will require the number of students enrolled in program to program agreements for Fall 2005. This information has been provided.
- Ranny and Carla, working with the Registrars, will begin creating the programs and the pseudo courses required for implementation for Spring 2006. Information is due from the Registrars on January 6. (one attachment)
MCR #32 – SDBOR Student email Policy
- DraftMCR
- TAC comments – Monte Kramer
- Draft email proposals from TAC
- MOCC response– NSU comments on draft proposal
Future MCR Item(s):
- MCR #33 – Coordination scheduling of the calendar on ADPA, catalog on Programs and the catalog on Degree Audits.
Ranny will draft proposal for recommending coordination procedures after MCR 26 is
finalized. Not written yet. I have received some input from universities that will assist me
in writing the MCR.
- Is a student who applies to SD who has only attended a non-accredited post secondary institution after high school graduation coded as a first-time freshman or a transfer?
Discussion items:
1) System Academic Dates and System Processing Calendar - Ranny will maintain
a) An updated calendarwill be sent to MOCC early the week of January 9 to include the decisions made below. It will then be posted to the web site
b) Please check the calendar for accuracy and report corrections to me.
c) May Academic Calendar–The BOR action item for Academic Calendars that was
approved at the December BOR is attached. MOCC will discuss implementation.
d) Request from Joe/SDSU for discussion:
- Please add an entry into the semester calendar. It could be called Commit Group Inactivation of Programs or another name that would be most descriptive of the process. It needs to go between the minimum progression/deans list and the home location updater for each semester (including summer).
- The process is what the people in charge of following intra-system transfers must do after minimum progression/deans lists and before the home location updater is run. Primarily, it consists of inactivating programs at the ‘from’ school. If that is done properly, the home location updater will normally assign the correct new location. Of course, these people still normally need to be looked at because they can be complex.
- Michelle estimates that 4 hours would be an adequate amount of time if it’s in the schedule and people can prepare correctly for it. Having it in the schedule also documents who should be contacted (the commitment group) if there are problems with the procedures before this.
e) Census date extract frozen on February 9; 19th day for administrative withdrawal Feb10. The AR module has expressed concern on the 19th day of class for Spring 2006.
(Administrative Withdrawal Policy Attached)
- Whether administrative withdrawals should be counted in the frozen census date extract is based on the last day of academic activity as determined in collaboration with the faculty. If the last date of academic activity is on census date or before, the student is not counted in the extract. If the last date of academic activity is after the census date the student should be counted.
- From 12/16 Minutes: Administrative withdrawals - didn’t pay or make arrangements to pay, but has attended class. The date of the administrative withdrawal would be the last date of attendance as identified by the faculty member(s). If census date or earlier they wouldn’t in extract and no charges would be assessed due to the 100% refund period. If census date or later they would be in extract and more than likely would have a balance due based on refund period. Reminder – take this back to all modules for discussion and questions. Please provide additional input to Ranny – this is an open item.
f) Purging Preferred Lists – Registrars/Suzanne(one attachment)
g) Removal and entry of General Education Restrictions after grades and before early
registration each term – please note #3 in Discussion Items below.
2)Course sections (zero credit trackingcourse sections)to be graded with the new "NG" grade - will be discussed by AAC. (Using an instructional method of "Q" fortracking courses will be discussed). After the AAC decision is reached,during the spring semester, the rule for the "NG" grade will be revisited prior to Spring 2006 grading
3) General Education Restrictions – Exception majors to the gen ed requirements being met
within the first 64 hours (Restriction CGE1) and procedures to implement. (Attachment)
4) e-Commerce Transcript question
- Meetings have been held with the Registrars and RIS personnel to create a list of questions that will need resolution.
- Mike contacted Monte Kramer on 1/4/06 and responded that this will be part of our total solution for additional nodes through e-Commerce.
5) SAT to ACT Conversion procedure inquiry.
- Mike Merrill to draft procedure with Rose Hansen.
6)South DakotaOpportunity Scholarship
- High School GPA– request by BOR Staff to add boththe High School GPA asprinted on the high school transcript and therecalculated, unweighted GPA onColleague and move both to the SDOS database. Note: Policy on recalculation of high school retakes. (One Attachment)
- High School Units that Meet South DakotaOpportunity Scholarship -Lesta – Isent the email below and Dr. Perry has responded that we need the additional information on high school courses. Just the number of units is not enough. Our database (Colleague and SDOS) will need to include the additional information on high school courses.
From: Turchen, Lesta
Sent: Fri 12/30/200512:33 PM
To: Perry, Tad; Shekleton, Jim; Toman, Janelle
Subject: SDOS--Information needed on units and courses in database
We are working on the information related to SDOS requirements that needs to be included in Colleague and the SDOS database. Previously, we had questions about which courses students were taking in high school.Do you want the following information?
- Include in Colleague the number of units and prefix, number and title of the high school courses used to meet each SDOS requirement.
Currently, the public universities include only the number of units in the areas required for admissions.
8) Deployed Students and Concern About "W" Grades – A returning formerly military deployed student expressed concern over not being able to explain to a potential employer the grade of “W” and the possible consequences it may have on future employment.
Information Updates:
1)UDA Update – Don Ticknor
2)Residency Policy and Residency form –Rose Hansen/Admissions Module
- The Request for Residency Form revision has been submitted to Monte Kramer for review.
3) Lecture Designation - Dist Ed courses are displaying “Lecture/Room TBA” on WebAdvisor update.
4)High School Electronic Transcript Update
5)Document Imaging Update
6)e-Commerce Update
Added Agenda Items:
Next Meeting:
The next MOCC meeting and call will be January27th. Minutes to be taken by Barb Dolan.
10:00 to 12:00CDT * 605-773-2300, Conference ID# 1118, Conference PW# 2622.