CimenterieNationale Finances the Installation of a Community Electric Generator

Chekka – February 2009, CimenterieNationales.a.l. substantially contributed to the installation of a community generator aimed at providing electricity to more than 400 households in Chekka during Electricite du Liban (EDL) power cuts. The generator was inaugurated on February 21st in the presence of the Chekka municipal council head Mr. FarjallahKfoury, as well as representatives of CimenterieNationale and other local personalities.

The project was initiated by the Chekka municipality in a bid to provide electric power to the inhabitants of the area at preferential rates that would be much lower than the ones currently charged. As such, CimenterieNationale was quick to respond to the idea and substantially contributed to the project that entailed the purchase of the generator that will be owned and operated by the Chekka municipality, as well as the installation of the electrical network that will ensure power transmission to the households.

Chekka has been suffering from chronic power cuts for years. Due to technical limitations, private generators were unable to compensate for these shortages thereby leaving the power needs of many households and businesses operating in the area unmet. However, and unlike other Lebanese regions, Chekka was able to solve the problem thanks to the care and social responsibility of local players. As such, this project will result in supplying several hours of electricity a day to inhabitants and local businesses, at a lower rate that only aims to cover the operating expenses of the generator in terms of fuel and maintenance. “Basically, citizens will be getting more electricity supply hours, while paying much less” said Mr. Roger Haddad, administrative manager at CimenterieNationale.

The initiative was widely acclaimed by the inhabitants of Chekka. As one community member put it, “CimenterieNationale has been showing an unparalleled dedication to fulfill the needs of the Chekka region, and we hope that the company will become an example for others to follow.” The head of the Chekka Municipal Council Mr. FarjallahKfoury stated that “this constructive step clearly reaffirms the long standing spirit of partnership that exists between CimenterieNationale and the Chekka community, which is built on dialogue and mutual trust”.

CimenterieNationale was founded in 1953, and has grown to become a leader in the cement sector. Throughout its years of activity, the company has sought to preserve high standards of ethics and integrity which are clearly reflected in the role that CimenterieNationale is playing as a community member. This role is expressed in numerous ways: being a factor of economic development by providing job opportunities and developing the industry, contributing to the well-being of the community, and safeguarding the environment. The ecological aspect has been of particular importance for CimenterieNationale, as the company continually and heavily invests in its production facilities to keep them environmentally friendly. CimenterieNationalehas obtained the ISO 14001environmental certification as a result of this effort.