Revelation 10:5-7


Revelation 10:1-7, The Scriptures:“And I saw another strong messenger coming down from the heaven, robed in a cloud, and a rainbow on his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like columns of fire, 2and having in his hand a little book opened. And he placed his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. And when he cried out, seven thunders spoke their sounds. 4And when the seven thunders spoke their sounds, I was about to write, but I heard a voice from the heaven saying to me, `Seal up what the seven thunders spoke, and do not write them.’ 5And the messenger whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to the heaven, 6and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it, that there shall be no further delay,

7but in the days of the sounding of the seventh messenger, when he is about to sound, the secret of Elohim shall also be ended, as He declared to His servants the prophets.”

My spirit jumps with excitement when I read this passage! When I think about Yochanan/John the Apostle sealing up the message of the seven thunders, for our day, to be given to the Bridal remnant--the remnant for whom he is the rallying point of the few before Messiah and the few after Messiah, my spirit soars with incredible excitement and expectancy. In two visions, I have seen Yochanan, and other brothers of the past bridal remnant who will join with those on earth today, and conversed with them. Yochanan is the center, the rally point, the one person that gathers the bridal remnant for Yahuwah from Enoch to present. He is the Apostle of the love of Yahuwah through Yahushua--our Messiah-Savior-and Redeemer. He is the guardian of the secrets of the seven thunders. These secrets will be revealed to the spirit of His set-apart ones when the time is right!

Please read--Revelation 10:5-7in four other translations to expand clarity:

King James Version: “5And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, 6And sware by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: 7But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets

The Aramaic Bible in Plain English: 5And the Angel whom I saw was standing on The Sea and upon the dry land, raising his hand to Heaven.6And he swore by him who lives to the eternity of eternities, him who created Heaven and that which is in it, and The Earth, and that which is in it: "Time shall be no more."7"But in the days of the seventh Angel, when he shall sound, the mystery of God is completed, which he evangelized to his Servants The Prophets."

The New American Standard 1977: “And the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven, 6and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, WHO CREATED HEAVEN AND THE THINGS IN IT, AND THE EARTH AND THE THINGS IN IT, AND THE SEA AND THE THINGS IN IT, that there shall be delay no longer,7but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then the mystery of God is finished, as He preached to His servants the prophets.”

The Jerusalem Bible, (this 1966 version uses the Name “Yahweh”): “Then the angel that I had seen standing on sea and the land raised his right hand to heaven and sword by the One who lives forever and ever and made heaven and all that is in it, and earth and all it bears, and the sea and all it holds that `the time of waiting is over.’ At the time the seventh angel is heard sounding the trumpet God’s secret intention will be fulfilled just as He announced in the Good News told to His servants the Prophets.”

*To understand what I write here, please re-read “Time Is Reversing Back to the Original Creation”/July 15, 2016. This is one of the most exciting articles I’ve ever written. Time is reversing. We are “in the days of Noah” once again, moving back to the days of Enoch, then the days of the Garden, back to the time before Elohim created heaven and earth – “in the beginning” of the beginning.

Do you notice that before the angel gives the proclamation that time will cease to exist, he praises Yahuwah as Creator? In Revelation 14:6-7, we read that not long before Messiah comes, Yahuwah will send out a mighty angel flying through the sky above earth with the “everlasting gospel,” calling on mankind to fear Yahuwah as Creator. [Refer to: “Just Acknowledge Me As Creator”/August 2008] He is Elohim. We are created beings. We must fear losing His Presence with us.

My 2016, and on-going, study of basic Quantum Physics from a Word-based perspective has really opened up the Word like nothing else. Time is literally racing backwards into eternity PAST… back to Genesis 1:1. The phenomenon is baffling physicists. I will quote a bit from that article here, but you really should read it, or re-read it, to expand your spiritual understanding of who you really are – an extra dimensional being who is being returned to what you should have always been if Adam and Eve had not sinned. That should flood you with joy!

From the beginning of these six millennium of Yahuwah’s family history--since Genesis 2:7-8--Lucifer, and his fallen companions, have been working to destroy the plan of salvation for Yahuwah’s highest creation – mankind – especially His family members, and to block the bloodline of the Messiah by mutating DNA by creating hybrids. That is going on today – furiously, aka “transgenics,” and “transhumanism.” But, Yahuwah will have His family!

Yahuwah plans to take a remnant “Back Beyond the Garden Gate” to dwell in His Presence forever (Revelation 22:3-5). His desire for a family began with Genesis 1:0 and will end back in eternity at His “ground zero.” (Refer to: “Back Beyond the Garden Gate”/January 2010 under the Mikvah of Separation and Set-Apartness, also refer to: “The Stump”/January 2010 same mikvah category] These were written to put excitement in your spirit and lift you higher into His dimension.

The mighty angel declares that Time will cease to exist … there will be no more delay. Time began with Genesis 1:1 when “in the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.” Earth was renewed beginning with Genesis 1:3, when Elohim declared “LIGHT BE.” In Genesis 1:3, the clock for mankind as a whole began to tick. We look forward to a future new heaven and a new earth – where righteousness dwells! (II Peter 3:8-13)

The cosmos/universe runs on time, based on the speed of light. At the beginning of creation, the speed of light was hundreds of thousands times faster than it is now. It has slowed down throughout time, so that a day with Yahuwah’s reasoning is a thousand years on earth – based on the speed of light now.

Interview Skywatch with Dr. Michael Lake about his new book, The Sheeryth Imperative. [“Sheeryth” is Hebrew for “remnant”]Josh Peck was also interviewing him with Derek and Sharon Gilbert. Michael said he was fascinated with the Super String Theory. He is learning Quantum Physics from Josh (like me). He said there are 11 spatial dimension plus one – the 12th one being light. In my article “Walking” I talk about Light and who you are as a child of Light.

Dr. Lake talked about time being Yahuwah’s WEAPON against Satan and his fallen forces. They were restricted to the second heaven. Time is restrictive. But, then they came to earth, and are still restricted by time in a three-dimensional world. They are limited by time. They have a “short time.”When time runs out, his time runs out … as we see in Revelation 20. Heaven was divided into three parts after the fall – the third heaven (Yahuwah’s abode), the second heaven, the planetary realm, and the 1st heaven the sky above us on earth.The speed of light, as per II Peter 3:8determines the radio between one of Yahuwah’s days and our 1,000 years.

I have many quotes, spanning multiple centuries, from Jewish sages BCE to Martin Luther, and in between, telling of their belief that a thousand years equals one day in Yahuwah’s plans, and that Messiah would come in the 7 thousandth millennium. Satan and the fallen ones were cast out into time in the second heaven, but in Revelation 12, we see that Satan is case into the earth. Gary Stearman, in his book Time Travelers of the Bible, said, “Satan is impaled on the arrow of time.”

I would not have understood many things without understanding basic quantum physics, about basic extra-dimensions. The term “spiritual” is equivalent to the term “extra-dimensional.” If you are truly born of the Spirit, you are an eternal being – one who can go into Yahuwah’s dimension through the portal of your re-born spirit. [Refer to: “Beyond This Dimension – Through Your Own Portal”/MQY 30, 2015.

Now it is January 4, 2017, and the whole Word, like the universe, is expanding. You will not learn the Word from Genesis to Revelation, nor will you know Yahuwah or Yahushua, through any religion, or depending on the teachings of man. At best, man can confirm what Abba has already shown you. At worst, man can lie and deceive and lead you into spiritual darkness. Yahuwah, by His Spirit, teaches your re-born spirit. He will not speak to the volatile intellect or emotions, nor can He, not until we are blameless before Him--our soul (mind, emotions, feelings, will, sin nature, carnal lusts, and rebellion) being totally closed off to the kingdom of darkness and totally submitted to Yahuwah. As you read whole books of the Word, asking the Spirit to teach you – you will be “Spirit-taught.” The world will fade away and your life will take on peace, joy, and expectancy like never before. Why die in the cesspool of man’s opinions? Be transformed by the Spirit into His nature, walking in His ways, knowing His thoughts like Yochanan tapped into Yahushua’s thoughts before He went to the stake (John 13).

Only the Creator who began time with the creation of light, can reverse it back to its origin (Genesis 1:0-1) in eternity past. Are you ready for the ride?

From the Interlinear original word comparison Bible:

Time: “chromos,” #5550 Strong’s Greek Concordance – meaning not just time in general, but a specific particular time – as when Yahushua said: “Let there be light, and there was light.” Thus time began.

“No more…”: #3765 “ouketi” – “No longer”…

“Will be”: #1510 “eimi” – “I exist; I am” it goes back to the name “Yahweh” – John 14:6 “I am …” #1510 “eimi”

In other words, the angel announces: “Time no longer exists,” or that “time should no longer exist.” The angel declared the passing from time into eternity.

When does time cease to exist? – Time totally ceases after Messiah’s 1000-year reign, which is a time-dated period. It begins with the coming of Yahuwah to earth and ends in Revelation 21 and 22. In Revelation 21:23-24, we read that the light shining from Yahuwah’s City hovering over the earth lightens the earth. His throne hovers over the City of David – Zion. So we actually will go back into eternity past BEFORE Genesis 1:1 – thus Genesis 0:0.

Physicists are puzzled at dark energy. Dark energy is a physicist phrase for category that ponders the expanding of the universe, and the reversal of entropy/time. Will the Kingdom Age be packed into a shorter period of time?

From my notes of December 26th, “Visitation Warning!” from the morning of December 18th about the visitation by one of Abba’s Messengers

“Sunday Morning, December 18, 2016: I got up at 8:30 and had breakfast but no one else was up. I went back downstairs. About 10:35, they left for church. I went upstairs again. Back upstairs in the living room, I stopped--I felt the presence of one of Abba’s messengers. I was numb…I stood very still…The messenger imparted to me: `the time is now; there is no more time.’ I felt that if I didn’t leave, I’d be trapped. Things are coming down quickly. It was a severe warning.”

Later that afternoon, I was listening to an interview of Steve Quayle by Rick Wiles. It confirmed what my messenger told me. Rick talked about a dream that his daughter-in-law had. She was at a Christmas party. Right in the middle of the party, an angel came and said, “there is no more time – you have to leave now.” He went to each individual at the party with the warning, but no one listened to him--they said: “This is a Christmas party.” But, Rick’s nephew, Jeremy, ran outside to find a boat, but the city was on fire. (I guess they were near a river) Rick said he’s heard many having similar dreams.

In the dream above, one boy immediately acted on what the angel said. The rest ignored the message of the messenger of Yahuwah. Isn’t this a picture of the ratio of the bridal remnant to the Laodicea-type lukewarm believers? (Revelation 3:14-18)

A few days later, I learned that Obama had proposed, and pushed, a resolution through the UN General Assembly to betray Israel. From the article: “Israel Betrayed – America Betrayed – Truth Betrayed”/January 1, 2017: “On Friday, December 23rd, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2334, and this never would have happened without the support and approval of Barack Obama. Since the United States has veto power on the Security Council, no resolution can ever pass unless the United States allows it to pass. For decades, it has been the policy of the U.S. government to veto all anti-Israel resolutions at the Security Council, and the Israeli government had been expecting that Barack Obama would not suddenly change that policy at the very end of his second term.” This is what the messenger called “urgent.”

Are you ready with backpack on your back, staff in hand, boots on your feet, and your spirit alert to the voice of Yahuwah’s Spirit?

On December 8th, Obama signed a bill that will shut down truth-telling in America, on top of all the Executive Orders he’s signed that give the government total power over all your have – even your children and your life.

The message words, the urgency, of the December 18th message was directly connected to my November 7, 2013 visitation by one of Abba’s messengers. Both have to do with America harming Israel. [Please refer to: “The Visitation”/February 5, 2014]

Please, get before Yahuwah and read Jeremiah 50-51 – this is America right now! In my article “Reality America…”/June 2015, I give 30 clues from these two chapters regarding the identity of this end-time nation. I have been writing and teaching on America as end-time Babylon since 1992, when Abba let me know that Jeremiah 50-51 and other related chapters of Scripture referred to America. Later I learned the historical connection, even though our Presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama.

Obama is provoking war with Russia, which China and North Korea will gladly join in. Read Isaiah 10, 13, 18, 47, and Revelation 18. These describe end-time Babylon/America. Also, refer to my article: “Jeremiah 25”/July 14, 2014 about America’s 70 years as a super power. Our time was up in August of 2015.

My two visitations are connected--man’s 6,000 years of history are ending. Yahushua will take control. Come Yahushua Come!

L.A. Marzulli’s wrote a novel trilogy about the end times. The first one is entitled: Nephilim. In this novel, he shows how Yochanan-- John the Apostle, never died. Many believe he never died. There is no record of his death. One thing’s for sure – Yochanan/John is back, along with Eliyahu, Moshe, Dani’el, Enoch, Iyob/Job, and others of the Tenach-era bridal remnant who will join with the bridal symbolic 144,000 of our day, and together do exploits before Messiah comes, in the face of Lucifer/Satan, and all his fallen angel friends, hybrids, and mutant humans who serve them. (Daniel 11:32b; Revelation 3:12, 7:1-8; 14:1-5; 21:3-5)

Here is a quote from L.A.’s first novel book about Yochanan and his visitation from the Master. Every time I read this, I feel Abba’s dimension opening, and my spirit reaches out for Messiah: “A thousand miles away, Johanen knelt in a cave once used as a retreat by Christians in the first century. The air in front of the cavern wall began to shimmer. He had seen this countless times, but always beheld the phenomenon with wonder. He watched as the veil that separates this world from the world of the spirit opened. A man clothed in brilliant raiment appeared, where moments before a cold cavern wall had been. Johanen bowed his head, `My Lord and My God, Ancient of Days,’ he proclaimed. `It is almost time,’ the shining figure stated. Johanen slowly raised his head and gazed into the eyes of his Lord. He beheld what, for him, was almost unbearable to witness--a holiness, a righteousness, awesome in its splendor, radiated and burned like a thousand galaxies from the noble face. Johanen bowed his head again, and felt hot tears streaming from his eyes, and falling to the cavern floor. But, these were tears of joy. He felt as if his whole being would burst with the emotion. `Yes, my Lord, it is almost time,’ he managed to repeat. `You have labored long, faithful one,’ and his Lord raised His head and blessed Johanen. Johanen felt a surge of joyous energy rippling through his body….`Soon your tasks will end. For a moment, Johanen thought the first time he’d heard those words. So long ago, he mused. He raised his hands in front of him and began to worship.”