Minutes of the meeting of Baston Parish Council held on Thursday 11th December 2014 at The Barn @ 20:00hrs.

Present: Cllrs. J Affleck (Chairman) J Hartley J Kelly

D Wheatley A Hutchins M Parkin

Mrs L Gilliatt

Clerk: Miss R H Woolley C.Cllr: M Trollope-Bellew

D.Cllr: K Cooke

Public – 1

Public Forum – 20.00- 20.09hrs

A resident was concerned about the large number of burglaries which had taken place recently. He was informed that there was a greater police presence. It was agreed that Cllr Kelly would contact PCSO Laughton to enquire into Neighbourhood Watch Schemes. Action JK

D.Cllr Cooke reported that not all the village had received SK Today or the Christmas rubbish collection dates, he would chase. Finally he wished everyone a Happy Christmas on behalf of his fellow Councillor, Rosemary & himself.

Parish Council commenced 20:09hrs

137/14 Chairman’s Remarks

Cllr Affleck opened the meeting.

138/14 Apologies for absence & reasons given – Cllrs Easey & Knight - apologies were accepted.

139/14 Disclosure of Interests - None

140/14 Minutes of the last meeting

It was proposed by Cllr. Hutchins seconded by Cllr Kelly that the minutes of the last meeting held on 13th November 2014 be approved. It was resolved that the Chairman Cllr. Affleck sign the minutes as a correct record. All agreed.

141/14 Clerks report on matters outstanding

  1. 123/14 Cllr Mrs Gilliatt has signed the Acceptance of Office.
  2. 126/14 (1) Allotment Boundaries – the Clerk is obtaining information. Action Clerk.
  3. 126/14 (5) Allotments- overhanging trees – the clerk is still waiting for a reply from LCC Highways. Action Clerk.
  4. 126/14 (6) Parking problems at Cardyke Drive/Baston School. It has been confirmed by LCC that provision was made for parents to park within the school grounds.
  5. 126/14 (7) Reactive Signs – Permission has been received to use nine sites within Main Street, A15 & Greatford Road. Additional sites have yet to be approved.
  6. 129/14 Main Street/Cross Roads A15 pot hole reported 19.11.14 unfortunately nothing has been done to date. Action Clerk.
  7. 130/14 (d) Clerk has written to the Chairman of Baston Fireworks Committee regarding problems with parking. They have contacted the Police to help advice on future events.
  8. 132/14 (5) Parish Council took part in the Christmas Tree Festival at the Church, Cllr Gilliatt was thanked for her hard work.

142/14 Planning

a)  S14/3226 Gibbons, Manor Fm-erection of dwelling.

b)  PL/0246/14 PMK Recycling-erect 18m canopy extension to rear of materials recycling building.

It was proposed by Cllr Hutchins & seconded by Cllr Parkin that no representation to Item a & b applications. It was agreed that (a) should go to Development Control Committee at Grantham. All agreed. Action RHW

c)  S14/2748 & S14/2749/LB M Richardson-extension & alterations to property. Applications Withdrawn 17.11.14

d)  PL/0214/14 PMK Recycling-extension of existing lean too with additional 6m canopy. Approved 19.11.14

e)  Late Items – None.


a)  Reports on balances to date/quarterly update

Lloyds Bank Current A/c b/f / £4,074.13
-Payment-Clerk/Cleaner/village tubs
-BPFMC-Heating etc
+Transfer / (£528.51)
£10,000.00 / £3,790.62
Lloyds Bank BIAA / £33,729.38
-Transfer to current A.c / £1.49
(£10,000.00) / £24,070.87
Melton Mowbray Building Society / £10,504.74 / £10,504.74
TOTAL / £38,366.23

i.  It was proposed by Cllr Affleck & seconded by Cllr Hutchins that Cllrs Kelly & Gilliatt have dispensation to take part in the setting of the precept for 2015/16. All agreed. Cllrs Kelly & Gilliatt signed the forms.

ii.  Smartheat has signed the Councils Duty of Care Form, Councillors confirmed that the Invoice was correct and the Clerk could sign their Acceptance Letter. Action Clerk.

iii.  IntuInstallations has not replied to 3 requests to return ‘Duty of Care’ Form. Action Clerk.

iv.  Received confirmation of £300 towards the Defibrillator fund from C.Cllr Martin Trollope-Bellew’s ‘ Big Society Fund’.

v.  A request for £500 from Baston Fireworks Committee towards the defibrillator has been submitted, awaiting reply.

vi.  Ist Rainbows - It was proposed by Cllr Hutchins and seconded by Cllr Parkin that £150 be paid for the purchase of blankets at the February meeting. Agreed JA,JH,AH,LG,JK,MP. Abstained DW. Action Clerk.

vii.  BPFMC – It was agreed that before the Parish Council could give more money they needed to see the quotations for the kitchen refurbishment. All agreed. Action Clerk.

b)  Defibrillator for the community

  1. Community Heart Beat G3/G5 or Devise £1050 Cabinet £1090
  2. Physo Control – Devise £650+VAT Cabinet £530+VAT + extras

It was proposed by Cllr Parkin & seconded by Cllr Hutchins that the Council should purchase the devise & cabinet b.2. All agreed. Action Clerk.

It was agreed that the apparatus should be placed on the outside wall of Baston Garage which had been agreed with the owner, security cameras in operation. Action Clerk.

c)  Payments 1. R H Woolley-salary £352.47

(pd standing order)

2. Jenny Hutchins-community cleaner-Nov £65.00

3. Jenny Hutchins-community cleaner-Dec £81.25

4. E Mort-plants for village tub £29.79

5. Smartheat-additional deposit=50% £1036.01

It was agreed that Cllrs Affleck & Wheatley sign cheques 912/3/4 items 2-4. All agreed. Action Clerk.

It was proposed by Cllr Hutchins & seconded by Cllr Affleck that cheque 915 Item 5 be paid. All agreed. Action Clerk.

d)  Precept 2015/16 –

i.  It was proposed by Cllr Affleck and seconded by Cllr Hutchins the following:-

·  The precept would increase from £11,000 to £11220. All agreed.

·  Insurance budget figure to £500. All agreed.

·  Accruals figure to £1514. All agreed.

·  BPFMC/grants/donations within the parish £3830. All agreed.

Action Clerk.

ii.  Baston Football Club - It was proposed by Cllr Hutchins & seconded by Cllr Parkin that the Parish Council would purchase equipment to the net value of £800 on condition that it remained with BPFMC & had ‘Donated by Baston PC’. All agreed. Action Clerk. Write to BPFMC & Phil, logo discussion feb.

iii.  Baby & Toddlers Group-It was proposed by Cllr Affleck & seconded by Cllr Hutchins that the Parish Council would purchase toys to the net value of £150. All agreed. Action Clerk.

iv.  Church – It was proposed by Cllr Hutchins & seconded by Cllr Hartley that the Parish Council would give a grant of £500 towards churchyard maintenance. All agreed. Action Clerk.

v.  British Legion – It was proposed by Cllrs Parkin & Hutchins to give a donation of £60 towards a wreath. All agreed. Action Clerk.

vi.  Village Tubs – It was agreed by Cllr Parkin & seconded by Cllr Hutchins to donate up to £60 to Mrs Mort for flowers/shrubs. All agreed. Action Clerk.

vii.  Amenity areas – It was proposed that the Parish Council take over the responsibilities of cutting grass etc within the parish as from 1st April 2015. Contractors to be agreed at a later date. Action Clerk/AH


a)  Temporary diversion of pt public footpath 5 – No representation. Action Clerk.

b)  Cllr Hutchins talked about the response by LCC regarding the sites of reactive signs.

c)  HGV’s through the village late/early mornings.

145/14 Village Concern

a)  Dog Fouling Waste Bins – It was agreed that Cllr Hartley would take the lead from Cllr Knight. He informed the Council that a campaign by ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ had produced A3 posters which had reduced dog fouling in some areas. Action JH/Clerk.

b)  Flooding – It was agreed not to proceed with the offer of sand & bags. All agreed.

c)  Additional –

  1. Cllr Parkin was concerned about the state of the windows in the Bus Shelter on A15 south bound. Action Clerk.
  2. Manor Close – residents complaining about leaves falling into their gardens.

146/14 Correspondence

  1. LCC – Cemex temporary diversion of part of public footpath No 5. Emailed Cllrs/BEG/Website 17.11.14. Noticeboard 18.11.14
  2. SKDC-Offer of sand & bags in case of flooding plus suggestion that a community emergency & flood plan be prepared & PC signs up to the flood warning service. Emailed Cllrs 19.11.14
  3. Late Items –
  1. LCC Winter maintenance, salting information, advice in snowy conditions, Parish Council taking on responsibility for salting with a ‘Snow Warden’. Emailed Cllrs 10.12.14
  2. LCC –Road Closure at Baston Outgang Road (South Meadow to Hacks Drove), re-scheduled for 05/01/15.
  3. LCC Letter regarding the car parking arrangements at Baston Primary School. Emailed Cllrs 10.12.14
  4. Requests for grants 2015/16 received from 1st Rainbows, Baston Baby & Toddler Group, Baston Football Club
  5. South Lincolnshire Fenlands Partnership information. Emailed Cllrs 10.12.14

147/14 Baston Standing Orders – February Meeting. Action Clerk.

148/14 South Lincolnshire Fenland Partnership

It was proposed by Cllr Affleck & seconded by Cllr Parkin that Cllr Kelly be the Parish Councils representative on the above committee. All agreed. Action JK

149/14 Reports from Outside Bodies –

1.  C.Cllr Martin Trollope-Bellew reported that Network Rail would be doing a presentation at Tallington in January about the proposed closure of level crossings in the area. He also reported that Lincolnshire Police had written to the Home Secretary about not being able to balance their books. Finally he wished everyone a Merry Christmas & New Year.

2.  Cllr Hutchins reported that Jessie Brudenell had left some money to BPFMC and part would be spent on providing a bench.

3.  Cllr Kelly reported that he had attended a South Lincs Fenland Partnership meeting and they were hoping to work with many organizations including Parish Councils. They looked at gravel sites past & future. It is hoped that a workshop will take place in early February, Councillors can attend.

150/14 To resolve whether the Council should move into closed session - None

151/14 Any Other Business - None

152/14 Date of next meeting

Thursday 12th February 2015 - The Barn at 8pm

Meeting closed 21.40

Closed 21:44