Mun Vita - 1

Rachel U. Mun, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology

University of North Texas

Matthews Hall 322-B

1155Union Circle #311335|Denton, TX 76203-5017

(206) 422-8962 |

November 13, 2017


Ph.D. Education, Learning SciencesUniversity of Washington, Seattle,WA

& Human Development (Ed Psych)Specializations: Gifted Education, Mixed

2015Methods, Immigrant Education

Graduate Certificate: Mixed MethodsUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WA

in Education Sciences


M.Ed. Counseling PsychologyWashington State University, Pullman, WA


B.A. Psychology (Cum Laude)University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX



2016-PresentAssistant Professor, Educational Psychology (Gifted and Talented)

Department of Educational Psychology, University of North Texas, Denton, TX

2017-PresentProgram Steward (Masters Program in Gifted and Talented)

Department of Educational Psychology, University of North Texas, Denton, TX

2015-2016Research Scientist (PI Del Siegle)

National Center for Research on Gifted Education (NCRGE), University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Funded by the Javits Grant, Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA)

2016Independent Educational Consultant

  • Professional Development Curriculum Writer. Javits Hi-CapPLUS Project Grant, Robinson Center for Young Scholars, University of Washington. Topic: Access and Equity.

2012-2015Pre-doctoral Research Associate (PI Nancy B. Hertzog) Robinson Center for Young Scholars,University of Washington,

Seattle, WA

2014-2015GraduateResearch Fellow

LeadersUp Fellowship, Seattle, WA

2012-2013Pre-doctoral Research Associate (PI John Bransford, Co-PI Nancy Vye)

Learning in Formal and Informal Environments (LIFE) Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA


2017First Place Dissertation Award Competition, 2017 National Association for Gifted Children Conference

2014-2015Boeing International Fellowship, University of Washington, Graduate School

2014-2015LeadersUp Graduate Research Fellowship

2014-2015Morishima Scholarship, University of Washington, College of Education

2014 First Place Research Gala Competition for “In-progress, doctoral-level research,” 2014 National Association for Gifted Children Conference

PUBLICATIONS (Last name changed to Mun in 2016)

Mun, R. U., Hertzog, N. B. (In press). Teaching and learning in STEM enrichment spaces: From doing math to thinking mathematically. Roeper Review STEM Special Issue.

Hamilton, R., McCoach, D. B., Tutwiler, S. M., Siegle, D., Gubbins, E. J., Callahan, C. M., . . . Mun, R. U. (2017). Disentangling the roles of institutional and individual poverty in the identification of gifted students. Gifted Child Quarterly. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/0016986217738053

Hertzog, N. B., Mun, R. U., DuRuz, B., & Holliday, A. A. (2017). Identification of strengths and talents in young children. In S. I. Pfeiffer, Shaunessy-Dedrick, E., & Foley-Nicpon, M. (Eds.), APA handbook of giftedness and talent (pp. xx-xx). Washington, DC: APA Books.

Mun, R. U., Langley, S. D., Ware, S., Gubbins, E. J., Siegle, D., Callahan, C. M., . . . Hamilton, R. (2016, December). Effective practices for identifying and serving English Learners in gifted education: A systematic review of the literature. Storrs, CT: National Center for Research on Gifted Education (NCRGE).

Mun, R. U. (2016). Identifying and assessing highly capable students. Washington Educational Research Association Educational Journal (WEJ), 8(2), 14-17.

Siegle, D., Gubbins, E. J., O’Rourke, P., Langley, S. D., Mun, R. U., Luria, S. R., . . . Plucker, J. A. (2016). Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted programs and possible solutions. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 39, 103-131.doi:10.1177/0162353216640930

Chung, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2015). University of Washington Robinson Center for Young Scholars: A review of current research. Washington Educational Research Association Educational Journal (WEJ), 8(1), 33-36.

Hertzog, N. B.,Chung, R. U. (2015). Outcomes for students on a fast track to college: Early college entrance programs at University of Washington. Roeper Review, 37, 39-49.

Akin, C., Chung, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (Eds.). (2015). Highly Capable Program Handbook. Retrieved from

Chung, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2014, December). Early college entrance: How will my child do?Parenting for High Potential, pp. 9, 16-18. (Invited Publication)


Mun, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2016).The influence of parental and self-expectations on high-achieving Asian American women. Manuscript in revision.

Mammadov, S., Hertzog, N. B., & Mun, R. U. (2017). Early entrance to college: An examination of self-determination within alumni of an early college entrance program. Manuscript in revision.


Ezzani, M. D., Mun, R. U., Ellis-Lee, L. (2017). Culturally relevant district reform efforts in gifted education.

Mun, R. U., Langley, S. D., Ware, S., Siegle, D., Gubbins, E. J., McCoach, D. B., … Callahan, C. M., (2016). Identifying and serving English Learners in gifted education: Looking back and moving forward. Manuscript in preparation.

Mun, R. U., Ezzani, M., D., Bower, J., & Kim, S. (2017). Culturally responsive leadership in

gifted education: A systematic literature review.

Mun, R. U. (2017). Parental expectations and career decision-making for Asian American men who entered college early.

Hertzog, N. B., Mun, R. U., & Campa, D. M. (2016). Life confidence: More than measurable outcomes of early entrance to college programs.

Mun, R. U., & Ezzani M. D. (2017). Culturally relevant leadership to address systematic inequities in gifted education: A case study in one school district-working title.

Brodersen, A., Mun, R. U., & Hamilton, R. (2017). Patterns of cultural responsiveness.

Mun, R. U., Wai, J., Hertzog, N. B. (2017). STEM career choices for children of immigrants who entered college early working title.

Mun, R. U., & Hamilton, R. (2017). Identification of EL gifted from parents’ perspective:

Challenges and recommendations.

Mun, R. U., Dai, D., & Hertzog, N. B. (2017). Reframing identification and services for English Learners working title.


Summer 2015HiCapPLUS Project – Washington State Application for New Grants Under the Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program, CFDA 84.206A, Approved OMB Number: 1894-0006.

Approximately 1.2 million funded for three years.

Assisted Washington State Highly Capable Program in developing and writing grant proposal. Named as a consultant in the proposal.


2016-2017Faculty Courses (*Online)

University of North Texas, College of Education, Denton, TX

Undergraduate Courses

HDFS1013: Human Development, Fall 2016, *Summer 2017, Fall 2017, *Spring 2018

Graduate Courses

*EPSY5105: Nature & Needs of the Gifted and Talented Student, Fall 2016, 2017

*EPSY5210: Program planning for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students, Spring 2017, Spring 2018

EPSY 6620: Multicultural Gifted Education, Spring 2017

EPSY 6900: Special Problems, Fall 2017

Summer 2014, 2015Professional Development Workshops Co-Facilitator

University of Washington, Robinson Center for Young Scholars,


Gifted Education for K-3 Learners, Teacher Workshop.

Differentiating Instruction, Teacher Workshop.

Gifted Education for Administrators, Administrator Workshop.

Fall 2014Graduate Teaching Assistant

University of Washington, College of Education, Seattle, WA

Education of the Highly Capable Learner, Graduate Course

Fall 2014Data Analyst (Doctoral internship)

Advanced Learning/Highly Capable Programs, Seattle Public School District, Seattle, WA

2005-2006School Counselor (Masters Internship) Pullman High School, School Counseling Dept., Pullman, WA


Mun, R.U., Hertzog, N. B., & Leppien, J.H. (2016). Challenges and issues in addressing diversity. Online professional development module for Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Highly Capable Program, HiCapPLUS Javits grant project.

Hertzog, N. B., Leppien, J. H., & Mun. R. U. (2016). Developing an array of services for highly capable students. Online professional development module for Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Highly Capable Program, HiCapPLUS Javits grant project.

Leppien, J. H., Hertzog, N. B., & Mun, R. U. (2016). A deep dive into the uses of multiple criteria. Online professional development module for Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Highly Capable Program, HiCapPLUS Javits grant project.


REFEREED (*Non-presenting Author)

Ezzani, M. D., & Mun, R. U. (2018, April). Culturally relevant district reform efforts in gifted education. Paper presentation at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), New York, NY.

Mun, R. U., Ezzani, M. D., Bower, J., & Moriel, R. D. (2017, November). Culturally responsive leadership in gifted education. Session presentation at the 64th annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Professional Development Network, Charlotte, NC.

Mammadov, S., Hertzog, N. B., & *Mun, R. U. (2017, November). Self-Determination and success outcomes in students who enter college early. Presentation at the 64th annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Research and Evaluation Network, Charlotte, NC.

Gubbins, E. J., Puryear, J., Hamilton, R., Siegle, D., Mun, R. U., Carpenter, A., Peters, P., & Bloomfield, E. (2017, November). Exploratory study on the identification of English Learners in gifted and talented programs. Session presentation at the 64th annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Special Populations Network, Charlotte, NC.

Brodersen, A., Hamilton, R. A., Mun., R. U. (2017, November). Patterns in cultural responsiveness. Session presentation at the 64th annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Special Populations Network, Charlotte, NC.

Margot, K., & Mun, R. U. (2017, November). Helping gifted students cope with perfectionism. Poster presentation at the 64th annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Counseling and Guidance Network, Charlotte, NC.

Treat, A. R., Sedillo, P. J., Hosey, L., Manzella, T. R., Mun, R. U., Castellano, J., & Lawson-Davis, J. (November, 2016). The great reveal: NAGC's new diversity toolbox for administrators, teachers, and parents! Signature Session Presentation at the 64th annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Special Populations Network, Charlotte, NC.

Mammadov, S., Hertzog, N. B., & *Mun, R. U. (2017, July). Examining self-determination in graduates who entered college early. Parallel Session Presentation at the 2015 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) 22ndBiennial World Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Mun, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2017, April). The influence of parental expectations on career decision-making for Asian Americans who entered college early. Poster presentation at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), San Antonio, TX.

Mun, R. U., & Langley, S. D. (2017, April). Identifying and serving English Learners for gifted and talented education: A systematic literature review. In D. Siegle (Chair), Talent ignored: Investigating the under identification of English Learners for gifted programs. Paper presentation in symposium at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), San Antonio, TX.

Hamilton, R., & Mun, R. U. (2017, April). Identification of EL gifted from parents perspective: Challenges and recommendations. In D. Siegle (Chair), Talent ignored: Investigating the under identification of English Learners for gifted programs. Paper presentation in symposium at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), San Antonio, TX.

Hertzog, N. B., & Mun, R. U. (2017, April). Small change, big impact: From doing math to thinking mathematically. Paper session presentation at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), San Antonio, TX.

Siegle, D., Puryear, J., Estepar-Garcia, W., Callahan, C. M., Gubbins, E. J., McCoach, D. B., *Mun, R. U., & Amspaugh, C. (2017, April). Gifted education structures in elementary schools and their connections to program focus. Paper session presentation at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), San Antonio, TX.

Mun, R. U., & Puryear, J. S. (2016, December). Promising practices for identifying gifted English Language Learners. Session presentation at the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT), Dallas, TX.

Margot, K., & Mun, R. U. (2016, December). Helping students cope with perfectionism. Session presentation at the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT), Dallas, TX.

Mun, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2016, November). The influence of parental expectations on Asian American men who entered college early. Session presentation at the 63rd annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Research and Evaluation Network, Orlando, FL.

Mun, R. U., Hamilton, R., & Luria, S. R. (2016, November). Challenges and promising practices in identifying gifted English Learners: A review of research. Poster presentation at the 63rd annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Special Populations Network, Orlando, FL.

Hamilton, R.,Mun, R. U. (2016, November). Involvement of ELL parents in gifted programs. Roundtable presentation at the 63rd annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Parent & Community Network, Orlando, FL.

O’Rourke, P., Siegle, D., Mun, R. U., Brodersen, A., & Amspaugh, C. (2016, November). A theory of change: A framework for expanded access and achievement in gifted education. Session presentation at the 63rd annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Conceptual Foundations Network, Orlando, FL.

Chung, R.U., Hertzog, N.B., & DuRuz, B. (2015, November). Teaching and learning in math enrichment spaces. Session presentation at the 62nd annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), STEM Network, Phoenix, AZ.

Chung, R.U., & Holliday, A. (2015, October). Identification of strengths and talents in early childhood (K-2): Current issues and recommendations. Session presentation at the 2015 annual conference of the Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted (WAETAG), Tacoma, WA.

*Chung, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2015, August). Internalized expectations: The influence of parental expectations for Asian American women who entered college early. Parallel Session Presentation at the 2015 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) 21st Biennial World Conference, Odense, Denmark.

Hertzog, N. B., & *Chung, R. U. (2015, August). Radical early college entrance: Missing the college experience and being “out of whack!” Parallel Session Presentation at the 2015 World Council for Gifted and talented Children 21st Biennial World Conference Life, Odense, Denmark.

Chung, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2015, April). The influences of parental and self-expectations on high-achieving Asian American women. Paper session presentation at the 2015 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), Chicago, IL.

Hertzog, N. B.,Chung, R. U., & Campa, D. M. (2015, April). Life confidence: More than measurable outcomes of early entrance to college programs. Paper session presentation at the 2015 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), Chicago, IL.

Hertzog, N.B.,Chung, R. U. (2014, December). Is it beneficial to go to college at 14? Session presentation at 29th Annual Washington Educational Research Association (WERA)/OSPI Washington State Assessment Conference, Seattle, WA.

Chung, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2014, November). Study of early entrance to college graduates after 35 years. Session presentation at the 61stannual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Research and Evaluation Network, Baltimore, MD.

Hertzog, N.B.,Chung, R.U. (2014, October).Benefits, costs, and the role of parental expectations for alumni of early entrance to college programs. Session presentation at the 2014 annual conference of the Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted (WAETAG), Tacoma, WA.

Hertzog, N. B., & Chung, R. U. (2014, March). Study of early entrance graduates after 35 Years. Poster presentation at the 11th Biennial Henry B. & Jocelyn Wallace National Research & Policy Symposium on Talent Development, Arlington, VA.

Chung, R.U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2013, October). Breaking math: The importance of making mistakes. Session presentation at the 2013 annual conference of the Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted (WAETAG), Tacoma, WA.


Chung, R. U. (2014, November). The perceived influence of parental expectations on Asian American women who entered college early. Paper presented in poster session at the 61st annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children, Research & Evaluation Network, Graduate Student Research Cracker Barrel, Baltimore, MD.

Chung, R. U., & Herzog, N. B. (2013, November). Teaching and learning in hybrid enrichment spaces: Changing math identities and motivation. Paper presented in poster session at the annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children, Research & Evaluation Network, Graduate Student Research Cracker Barrel, Indianapolis, IN.


Gubbins, E. J., Siegle, D., Hamilton, R., O’Rourke, P., Puryear, J. S., Peters, P., Carpenter, A. Y., Bloomfield, E., Cross, K., Mun, R. U., Amspaugh, C. M., Langley, S. D., Roberts, A., Estepar-Garcia, W., McCoach, D. B. (2018, April). The influence of parental expectations on career decision-making for Asian Americans who entered college early. Paper submission at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), New York, NY.


Mun, R. U. (2017, November). Parental expectations for Asian Americans who entered college early: Influences on their academic and career decision-making. Paper presented at the Research and Evaluation Dissertation Winners special session, 64th annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Charlotte, NC.

Mun, R. U., & Ezzani, M. D. (2017, July). Culturally responsive leadership and underserved gifted (working title). Invited presentation for Second Annual Gifted Education Summer Conference, Office for Giftedness, Talent Development, and Creativity, College of Education, University of North Texas, TX.

Mun, R. U. (2017, February). The self-fulfilling prophecy of parental expectations: Explicit and implicit influences on career trajectories. Invited presentation in Great Conversations Fundraising Event, Honors College, University of North Texas, TX.

Hertzog, N. B., & Mun, R. U. (2016, October). Is it beneficial to go to college at 14? Invited presentation at National Consortium of Early College Entrance Programs (NCECEP), Texas Academy of Math and Sciences (TAMS), Denton, TX.

Siegle, D., Gubbins, E. J., Mun, R. U., & Renzulli, J. S.(2016, July 27). Overview of the National Center for Research on Gifted Education. Invited presentation (in Korean), Presentation for South Korean Educators and Dr. Seokhee Cho, National Center for Research on Gifted Education, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Hertzog, N. B., Chung, R. U., & Akin, C. (2014, October). Beyond the WACS: The new online HCP document handbook and program Infrastructure. Invited presentation at the 2014 annual conference of the Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted (WAETAG), Tacoma, WA.

Mun, R. U. (2017, February). ORC Brown Bag: Securing a job in academia. Invited faculty panel in College of Education, Office of Research Consulting (ORC), University of North Texas, TX.

Mun, R. U. (2016, November). Gifted education. Invited guest lecture in undergraduate course EDSP 3200: Educational Aspects of Exceptional Learners, Department of Educational Psychology, University of North Texas, Denton, TX.

Chung, R. U. (2015, October). Measuring intelligence. Invited guest lecture in graduate course EDPSY 535Educating the Highly Capable Learner, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Hertzog, N.B., Chung, R.U., & Campa, D.M. (2015, February). Robinson Center alumni study reveal. Research presented at the 2015 Robinson Center for Young Scholars Alumni Study Reveal Event, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Campa, D.M., Chung, R.U., & Hertzog, N.B.(2015, February). Robinson Center alumni interviews: Reflections of the social experience. Poster presentation at the 2015 Robinson Center for Young Scholars Alumni Study Reveal Event, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Chung, R. U. (2014, November). The perceived influence of parental expectations on Asian American women who entered college early. Paper presentation at the Autumn Quarter 2014 Research and Inquiry Presentations, College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Chung, R.U. (2014, July). Differentiation strategies: Making school math playful. Invited Presentation at Differentiating Instruction: Addressing Diversity in the Classroom Workshop, Robinson Center for Young Scholars, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Chung, R.U. (2014, June). The perceived influence of parental expectations on motivation, achievement, decision-Making, and social emotional well-being on gifted Asian American women. Research presented at the College of Education, 24th Annual Conference on Qualitative Research, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.