PTO Executive Meeting
Called to order 3:02p.m.
Attendance: Tracy Reis, Pam Ott, Carmen McIntyre, Darren Petschar, Mary Carlson,
Rupa Choragudi, Julie Watkins, Vicki Maycunich,
I.Treasurer’s report
Checking: $11,474.47
Savings: $6031.86
Author Visit $2,851.44(total)
a. Science Fair Boards $361 (on boards)
-Sold 91 at $4 each.
-Has supply for next year
-Might need headers
- $260 out for Sundae bar
- $485 Reading Olympics
- $250 for Taxes
- $43 for fall PTO meeting
- $180 for Yearly Planner
- $93 Teacher Appreciation
- $366 Boxtops/Guessing Jar
Received from the Reunion Pancake Breakfast $400
-$25 Girl Scout Shipping
-$43 PTO Meet Expenses
-$23.92 Santa’s Workshop
-$1200 in Yearbook sales (70 Yearbooks left)
-$1573 for 20th Anniversary T-shirts
Projected Expenses:
$96 Pencils
$793 T-Shirts for 5th Grade & Candy
$790 Field Trips
$1700 Covenant Pt
$650 Busing
$250 4th Grade
$365 3rd Grade
$220 2nd Grade(Norway Park)
$200 1st Grade
$365 Bouncey Kinders
Transfer $5000 to savings from checking.
School store earnings are down $700 this year. Also, projected deposits for May ’09 collected from Econo foods, Super One, and Boxtops are not available until school year ends.
44,600 points are collected from Campbell’s Soup Labels.
Orders are being made for tetherballs (points from the Campbell Soup Labels)
- Funding Request
A. Art Fair - $600 Approved.
- Lunch helpers end of year gift/event – Mary Carlson suggested that almost 90 5th Grade students helped the kindergartners with their lunch. A small bag $4.00 (each) will be given to the lunch helpers.
- Academic Planners/Calendar - $130 has been approved. This item has been tabled until we determine how many staff members would want one. Ask at Pod meetings.
- Business
A. $1000 Woodland scholarship awarded to Ashley Burkman
Next Year – Keep the Scholarships! Remove the teaching criteria.
B. Staff Appreciation will be Friday May 15th. Picnic theme for the end of the year.
C. Spring Field trips:
Kindergarten – Bouncers. [May 28th]
First grade – Marion park May 29th
Second grade – Norway Park [Date?]
Third grade – Pentoga park June 1st
Fifth grade – Covenant Point May 26th and 27th (two groups).
- Principals Report: (Darren and Mary)
Next Year 2nd Grade (Fall) to the Pumpkins.
V. Family Resource Center
Started sending out late notices and fines. Please return all the items before the end of the school year.
We are on the lookout for the FRC officer. If anyone is interested please call the office at 779-2865
Meeting was adjourned at 3:59 p.m.
Minutes respectfully recorded and submitted by Rupa C.
Thank you to all our 2008-2009 board members Tracy, Pam, Carmen and Wendy. Our Special thanks to Carmen - PTO will miss you!