Round Hill PTA
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, September 15th, 2015
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Minutes – Terri Whitchurch and Stacy Mongello
- Correspondence – Thank you cards for gift cards from Debbie Zanat and Carol O’Donoghue, thank you card for luncheon from Mrs. Moscowitz and Mrs. Huntz, 3 staff comments on membership signup- very positive.
- Treasurer Report – Starting year off with a budget of $13,000.
- Old Business–
- Field day- went very well.
- Rosmarins- 2nd year there, went well.
- Moving Up Ceremony- in high school, great not to worry about bad weather.
- Presidents Luncheon- C and G Deli did a great job.
- Pre-K Open House membership drive and reception- small turn out, very quick due to hot weather, went well.
- New Business–
- Sprit Wear (fundraiser)- flyer was sent home 9/15, all orders need to be in by 9/28.
- Family Fun Day- Fri. 9/18 4-7: concession stand with hamburgers and hotdogs, water, cotton candy and snacks; Pat’s Pals Show, Macaroni the Clown, DJ, Photo Booth and inflatable’s.
- Open Houses membership drive and reception- ongoing: 9/16, 9/17, 9/30.
- RH hosting BOE meeting- 9/21; architect will be there to discuss changes to buildings in Facilities Proposal.
- Mad Science after school program begins (8 weeks)-starts on 9/29. Had to switch Mad Science with art due to the closing of Kidz Art program. Accept students on first com first serve basis; 1st and 2nd graders meet on Tuesdays and 3rd-5th meet on Thursdays in the art room. 12-20 students in a group, $108 for each child.
- Bingo Night- 10/2 Chocolate bar bingo. Bring a bar of chocolate as admission.
- Open Committees- Looking for chair people for the following committees: Art Show, After School Programs, Box Tops, Cultural Events, Hospitality, I-Decide, Moving Up Day, PARP, Plant Sale, Red Ribbon Week, Rosmarins, Science Fair, Spring Baskets, Square One Kids’ Art. Descriptions are on webpage. Chair person will make a two year commitment.
- Committee Reports- ongoing committees-
- Membership- 65 members so far; being emailed membership cards for the first time.
- Box Tops- need chair person to collect box tops and send them in; can be done at home.
- Grapevine- can send pictures to Kristie Johnson.
- PTA webpage- looks great.
- Beautification- fall decorations, welcome back to school bulletin boards; we accept donations.
- Legislative Report – RH will host the BOE meeting on 9/21 at 7pm. The vote for the Facilities Proposition will be on 10/20.
- Administrative Report –
- Update emergency contact information for early dismissal; county wide early dismissal on 9/17.
- Arts assemblies and Wizard Math will continue.
- ELA- writers/readers workshop; independent reading inventory to decipher levels, leveled reading library.
- Parent/teacher conferences- 10/8- half day 11:30 dismissal; sign up online (pick a time), 6-8pm on 10/8, 10/14, and10/21.
- AIS Open House on 9/29 and Self- contained Open House on 9/30.
- News/Info/Questions & Announcements from the floor – We have a PTA Facebook page as well as website. Victoria will volunteer on Friday for Family Fun Day.
- Adjournment – Melissa Kascheres and Kathy Ciolkosz