Module 3 CheckpointPage 1 of 3

Module 3Checkpoint
Self-AssessmentEvaluate your understanding of this module by answering the following questions.
1.The______feature automatically moves text to the next line when one line is full.
2.The ______feature enables you to see how a document will look when it is printed.
3.The ______tab on the Ribbon is the place where documents are created.
4.Before character formats can be applied to existing text, the text must be______.
5.The alignment used to begin and end all lines at the same position on the left and right margins is______.
6.Use the ______function to copy a paragraph format to another paragraph.
7.Standard business format for the date is the ______format.
8.A green wavy line under text indicates a potential ______error.
9.A potential spelling error is indicated by a ______wavy line.
10.The ______function reverses changes made in formatting or keying text.
11.The ______contains the commands needed to work with files (such as Save/Save As; New, Open, and Close).
12.Commands such as Save, Redo, and Undo can be accessed easily from the ______toolbar.
13.The ______group contains Cut, Paste, Copy, and Format Painter commands.
14.The functions to add the date and page numbers to a document are located on the ______Command tab on the Ribbon.
15.Select the ______command to access the Remove Space After Paragraph option.
16.Use the ______to view the document in a larger or smaller version than appears on the screen.
17.The ______toolbar appears when you select text.
18.The three basic components of the ribbon are: ______,
19.______, and
Performance Assessment
Document 1
Rough Draft /
  1. Key the text shown below, double-spaced; make all corrections noted by the proofreaders’ marks.
  2. Justify the paragraphs.
  3. Add the title The Hassles of Air Travel; apply Cambria, 14-point bold format; center-align.
  4. Right-align your name a double space below the last line of the document. Change font to 10 point and apply bold to your name. Insert the date and time using the option without seconds on the line directly below your name.
  5. Check and close. (checkpoint3-d1)

Document 2
Indent and Paragraph Formatting /
  1. Tap enter three times. Key the title Using Time Effectively; format it using 18-point Cambria font; bold; centered.
  2. Key the following text; use wide margins and Calibri 12point font.
  3. Indent the second paragraph a half-inch from each margin.
  4. Key your name right-aligned after the last paragraph. Insert the date below your name; use 00/00/0000 format.
  5. Use the Numbering command to key the tips.
  6. Check and close. (checkpoint3-d2)
Successful businesspeople learn to manage their time effectively. They recognize that everyone has exactly the same amount of time each day, and no one will ever get any more than 24 hours in a day. Yet they frequently hear employee complaints such as:
I do not have enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done. How can you expect me to take on additional responsibilities?
Try these tips for using your time to your best advantage:
  1. Examine how you spend your time. Identify the time wasters. Do you spend excessive time with e-mail or on the Internet? Often, the biggest time wasters are things you like to do.
  2. Determine the most important things to do and give them priority. Working on these items is the best use you can make of your time.
  3. Plan and organize the tasks that you have to do. Many interruptions will tempt you, but you must learn to control and avoid them.
  4. Recognize that you may not be able to do everything, but you can do the things that are important if you do not procrastinate.
  5. Learn to value your time as much as you value your money and other resources.

College Keyboarding, Certified Series 17e