Lesson 8 – The Power and Love of Christ(Part 2)

Ephesians 3:14-21

It is important that we understand not only the truth of all that we possess in Christ, but also that we are divinely enabled to live out our great salvation. Do you feel sure of God’s love for you? Why or why not?

When have you felt God’s power working in your life? How did you know? Explain.

The Context

Most churchgoers are woefully ignorant of the vast spiritual wealth that is theirs in Christ. Others know a food deal about the Bible and the Christian faith, and yet fail to live by these truths. Either way, a meager spiritual existence is a tragedy, for

Paul reminded the Ephesians in the first part of the epistle, the children of God possess riches and resources beyond measure. We have the capacity to experience an abundant life (John 10:10).

In order for God to receive the glory He deserves and in order for use to find fulfillment and purpose for which we were created, we need God to move in our hearts. We need illumination and motivation. This study looks a Paul’s magnificent intercession for the Ephesians. In a passionate pastoral prayer, he gives a glimpse of the kind if rich existence that is possible when we are “filled with all the fullness of God.”

Being “filled with all the fullness of God” has to do with living out fully that which we already possess fully. It means to be so strong spiritually, so compelledby divine love, that one is totally dominated by the Lord with nothing left of self. Human comprehension of the fullness of God is impossible, because even the most spiritual and wise believer cannot completely grasp the full extent of God’s attributes and characteristics.

Keys to the Text

Fullness of God: Being “filled with all the fullness of God” has to do with living out fully that which we already posses fully. It means to be so strong spiritually, so compelled by divine love, that one is totally dominated by the Lord with nothing left of self. Human comprehension of the fullness of God is impossible, because even the most spiritual and wise behavior cannot completely grasp the full extent of God’s attributes and characteristics – His power, majesty, wisdom, love, mercy, patience, kindness, and everything He is and does. But believers can experience the greatness of God in their lives as a result of total devotion to Him.

Unleashing the Text

Read Ephesians 3:14-21

  1. Why does Paul pray for the inner strength of the Spirit?
  1. What is the result of the fact that Christ dwells in our hearts through faith?
  1. What does it mean to “know the love of Christ which passes knowledge?
  1. How are God love and power related?

Going Deeper

Read Romans 8:31-39

  1. How do God’s actions confirm His love for us?
  1. In what ways does Psalm 96 depict more of the fullness of God?

Truth for Today

God is love. His mercy is over all His works. He manifests His love to all. But the highest expression of His love is manifest to those who He lovingly draws to Himself by sheer grace. For those of us who believe, God’s love is a uniquely precious reality, albeit and unfathomable one. There is no way we can scale the height of it. There is no way we can imagine the breath of it or span the width of it. Nevertheless, by God’s grace we can know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge (Eph. 318-19).

Ultimately the love of God is the basis for all hopes. It is the source and fulfillment of our faith. It’s the very basis for His grace to us. As Christians, we ought to see that everything we enjoy in life is an expression of the great love wherewith God loved us (Eph 2:4). The blessing of His love comes to us not because we deserve it, but simply and only because of His sovereign grace. For certainly we do not deserve His blessing, but the very opposite. Yet He pours out His love without measure, and we are invited to partake of its benefit freely