
Unit 5 Travelling abroad

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

adjust to, advantage, find out, youth hostels, community

b. 交际用语

You might ...

It’s a possibility ...

Probably ...

It’s (very) possible that ...

It could happen.

Most probably ...

It’s not very likely... I doubt it.

He / She / They will probably ...

2. Ability goals能力目标

a. Enable the students to talk about travelling aboard and studying abroad.

b. Enable the students to talk about probability and improbability with the target language.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

a. Help the students learn how to talk about probability and improbability with the target language.

4. Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点

Practice expressing probability and improbability.

5. Teaching methods教学方法

Discussion, brainstorming and speaking.

6. Teaching aids教具准备

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方法

Step Ⅰ Warming up

Let the students talk about the questions in Warming Up.

T: Did you watch the TV series about four Chinese students who live and study in Canada? ... How will you describe their life there? Do you want to study abroad like them?

S: I watched it on the CCTV. They are about our age, so I enjoyed watching it. I think life in a foreign country is very interesting and challenging. You can make friends with people there and learn about different culture and customs.

S: I want to study abroad. I think living in a different country will enrich my knowledge and make me independent. Because you have to deal with many things by yourself. You will learn to solve problems and take care of yourself. That’s really exciting!

T: Yes, travelling abroad and studying abroad are very popular nowadays, as many people can afford to travel and study in a foreign country. If you could go anywhere in the world, which country would you like to visit and why? Turn to Page 37. Work in groups, discuss and answer the questions in Warming Up.

After discussion, ask several students to report their answers to the class.

T: What’s your answer to the first question?

S1: If I have a chance to travel abroad, I’d like to visit New Zealand. It’s said that it’s a beautiful country. I’d like to enjoy the beautiful scenery in New Zealand.

S2: If I have a chance, I’d like to go to America. Maybe it is better if I could work or study there, then I could learn English well. I like American English. I think it’s the best place for me to learn English. What’s more I want to visit some tour attractions such as Disneyland, Statue of Liberty, Times Square etc.

S3: I’d like to go to Egypt, because it has a long history and I want to know about the ancient culture. There I can visit Pyramid and Aswan High Dam.

S4: I prefer to go to Cambodia, because it’s an old Country. I especially want to visit Angkor Wat in Cambodia(柬埔寨吴哥窟).

T: Then, what kind of things would you learn best by being a tourist in the country you talked about and what would you learn best by working or studying there?

S: When we travel to another country, maybe we could learn about the architecture of the country, the beautiful scenery, the economic situation and so on.

S: When we work or study in the country, maybe we could know more about the culture and customs of the country. We could learn English better, we could communicate with the local people to improve our English.

T: Suppose you are going to spend two years in America, how difficult or easy do you think it is to adjust to living there? What kind of difficulties might you experience?

S: I don’t think it would be difficult to adjust to living there. Because I have learned English for many years and communication won’t be a big problem. I have learned a lot about American culture and customs from movies, books and TV programs. I think Americans are open, friendly and easy to live with.

T: Very good. Have you talked to anyone who has spent some time in another country? What did they find unusual or difficult about it?

S: Well, I once talked to my friend who had been to India. He told me something different or interesting there. For example, in India, most people don’t eat meat, especial beef. They like to eat vegetables and fruits, so if you invite an Indian for dinner, never order steak for them.

Step Ⅱ Speaking task

Deal with SPEAKING TASK in the workbook. Let the students practice expressing probability and improbability.

T: Well, we talked about the things that we could learn while travelling or studying in a foreign country. Then, what kind of problems or dangers could happen while travelling in a foreign country? Now list the dangers and problems on a piece of paper.

Possible problems and dangers:

  1. have difficulty in communicating with the local people;
  2. lose your way;
  3. get robbed;
  4. have your money stolen;
  5. traffic accident;
  6. get sick;
  7. race discrimination ...

Let the students speak out the problems and dangers they have written and write all of them on the Bb.

T: Now look at the list on the Bb and discuss which situations could possibly happen and which are very unlikely to happen. You can use the expressions in Activity 2 in your discussion. Let’s go through the expressions first.

After discussion, let the students rank the situations on their lists 1-3 from unlikely to very possible.

T: Now look at the situations you have ranked 2 and 3. How would you prevent these situations happening when you are travelling in a foreign country? Discuss with your partners. Before you start, read the example in Activity 4.

After a few minutes, ask some students to present their ideas to the class.

T: Well, are you ready? Who’d like to share your ideas with us?

S: While travelling, it’s possible that you lose your way, because you don’t know the country very well. To prevent this:

You’d better take a map of the country with you.

Don’t leave alone without saying a word.

Pay attention to the notable signs, for example, some famous buildings, some special road signs, so that you can ask the way while you are lost.

S: It’s likely that we could meet malefactors—robber, thief or others. Probably, we will get hurt. To prevent this:

Don’t show your valuable belongings to others.

You’d better go along with other people.

Should you face dangers, call the police.

S: It’s (very) possible that we could have difficulty in communicating with the local people. To prevent this:

Try to learn some simple and basic local language.

Try to know about the manners and customs of the country.

Try to get familiar with formality in everyday life.

Step Ⅲ Talking

Deal with TALKING in the workbook.

T: It’s very important to know how to deal with the problems while travelling in a foreign country. It is important to make good preparations before you go there. Here is a question: How do you find information that is helpful for your trip? Think about it.

S: We could go to some travel agency for information. They can provide the most useful and complete information.

S: I would search on the Internet for some information. There are many websites which provide information on travelling both home and abroad. You could also visit some of their forums. The web pals are willing to offer their advice and ideas.

T: Good ideas! If you don’t have much money for an overseas trip, how would you arrange your trip?

S: Maybe we could travel on foot or by bike.

S: We could stay at inexpensive small hotels. But the conditions may not be satisfactory.

T: Nowadays many young people manage to travel around the world with limited amount of money. The youth hostels make it possible. Have you heard about it? What kind of service do they offer? Let’s find more information about it. Turn to Page 78. Mei Jie is planning a three-week holiday in Italy and France. She has been using the Internet to find out information for her trip. Look at the web page. It is from the web site where she searched for information. Read the web page carefully and discuss the question in groups.

About 5 minutes later. Ask the students to answer the questions.

Suggested answers:

1. They are cheap. They offer quality accommodation at low cost.

2. 4, 5, or 6 people.

3. You can save money by cooking for yourself instead of eating in restaurants. You can eat food that you like.

4. If you have a Youthpass you can travel in European countries at cheap prices.

5. You must be less than 26years old.

6. If you get sick or have an accident in a foreign country, it can be quite expensive to get medical treatment.

7. Various answers are possible.

Well, I would like to stay in a youth hostel. Because I like travelling alone, I like to enjoy the feeling of freedom. I can do whatever I like. Also, it’s convenient for travellers to stay in youth hostel.

Step Ⅳ Homework

  1. Preview the reading passage on Page 38.
  2. Look up the new words in the dictionary.