Catholic Primary School
Orientation Booklet
Prep 2014
This booklet has been compiled in order to answer some early questions you may have. Please feel free to approach the school about anything else that might be of concern to you or your child.
Teachers for 2014
Tahnee Allen – Miss Tahnee
Kylene Gray – Miss Kylene
Michelle Richards - Mrs Richards
Maddie Gillett – Miss Maddie
Jane Laidler – Miss Jane
Kerryn Sells – Miss Kerryn
Marianne Caddy – Miss Marianne
Our School Vision
Inspired by Mary and guided by our faith in her Son, Jesus, we aspire to be a respectful, nurturing and engaging learning community. (August 2011)
Scripture Reference:
“I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Tuesday 28 Staff Day
Wednesday 29 Students Return. Preps first day at school from 8.50-12.45
Thursday 30 Preps attend 8.50-12.45
Friday 31 Preps attend 8.50-12.45
Monday 3 Preps commence full days - 8.50-3.30
Wednesday 5 No school for Preps
Wednesday 12 No school for Preps
Tuesday 18 9.15am: Opening of School Year Mass
Wednesday 19 No school for Preps
Sunday 23 11am Parish Mass and Welcome to 2014 Preps, Parish and School Picnic
Wednesday 26 No school for Preps
Friday 28 School Closed-Staff Professional Learning Day
Wednesday 5 Ash Wednesday
No school for Preps
Monday 10 School Closed-Labor Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 12 School for Preps
Friday 4 2.30pm dismissal for conclusion to Term 1
Tuesday 22 Term 2 commences
Friday 27 2.30pm dismissal for conclusion to Term 2
Monday 14 Term 3 commences
Friday 19 2.30pm dismissal for conclusion to Term 3
Monday 6 Term 4 commences
Thursday 18 3.30pm dismissal for conclusion to Term 4
Term 1: Wednesday 29 January – Friday 4 April
Term 2: Tuesday 22 April–Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July–Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October–Thursday 19 December
School Newsletter
Please ensure that you read the weekly newsletter, which is published on Mondays and e-mailed to families. The newsletter keeps you informed about school organisation and events.
Student Absence
If your child is unexpectedly absent from school due to illness or an appointment please call the school after 8.30am or email A written explanation of absence is required upon their return. If your child will be absent for a planned period of time please let their teacher know in writing prior to their absence. If your child attends Out of School Hours Care or private music lessons it is your responsibility to cancel or change their booking.
Messages for Student
Office staff will take messages for students and pass them on at the end of each break and after 3.15pm. If you need to pass a message on to a child please call the school office by 3.15pm. Students cannot be paged during learning times.
The school website is updated to include information about school procedures and news and events. Visit the website to access curriculum information, medical forms, direct debit information, fees information, canteen menu, uniform order forms, important dates and events.
Our Lady Star of the Sea App
Download the school App from the Apple App Store or via Google Play for Android devices. You can access the app via the direct links below, or by searching for the school name. for Androids or for Apple, The App is used to send notifications and reminders to the school community. It is not available for parents to notify of student absences.
We appreciate the tremendous parental support and help within the classroom and on excursions. We encourage you to be part of the many and varied activities that we do.
A Parent Helper Information session will be offered in the first few weeks of Term 1. A Parent Helpers roster will be arranged within the first month of school, so don’t keep any of your talents hidden. The school encourages parents to join in class activities, functions, projects, parent groups and meeting. Being involved with the school through these activities builds up a sense of belonging and acceptance, both important aspects for children beginning school.
What does this mean for parents at Star of the Sea school?
Parents who volunteer to go on camp, excursions or help in the classroom will need to have a Working with Children Check.
What do you need to do?
An application guide and form can be obtained from a participating Australia Post outlet. The application is to be completed and submitted together with a proof of identity document and a passport sized photo.
How much does it cost?
An application for a Working with Children Check is free for volunteers.
Why do I need to register with the school?
Parents who have a Working with Children Check, and register with the school will be able to volunteer for camp, excursions and help in the classroom and yes, we do need you.
8.50am Children come into class to get ready for the day.
9.00am Classes commence.
A fruit break is taken during this session or fruit is to be eaten at morning recess.
11.00am Morning recess
11.30am Classes resume
1pm Lunches are eaten in classrooms or supervised area
1.10pm Lunch recess
2pm Classes resume
3.30pm School dismissal
Each classroom has its own timetable of regular activities so please see the class teacher for further information.
When bringing your child to school or collecting them after school, come to the classroom.
It is important to remember learning and teaching session begin at 9:00am. You are asked to ensure your child is punctual and organised to help get them into good habits. Your child needs to be at school at 8.50am to prepare for the school day.
· children feel safe and happy.
· there is a sense of both challenge and achievement.
· people feel as if they belong.
· a wide range of learning experiences is provided.
· individuals are allowed to learn at their own pace.
· parents and teachers feel that they are genuine partners.
Starting Time for school
Students need to be at school at 8.50am to prepare for the school day.
First day: Wednesday 29 January 2014
From 8:50am, parents and children are welcomed into the classroom.
Bag spaces and containers are located, then children join an activity table. This helps them to settle quickly for parents to depart. Children are required to bring their lunch daily from the first day of school. Parents are most welcome to have refreshments in the staff room on this morning.
First week: Wednesday 29 January – Friday 31 February Children are collected from the classroom at 12:45pm. The children eat their lunch at school before going home.
First term
From the week beginning Monday 3 February, the Preps will commence full days of attendance 8.50am -3:30pm except Wednesdays - February 5, 12, 19 & 26, March 5.
Monday March 10 is the Labor Day Public holiday and the school is closed.
Initial Literacy & Numeracy testing will be completed in Term 1. Testing will take place on the Wednesdays in February. A timetable for each child to attend will be drawn up at the beginning of the school year.
Classroom teachers are released from teaching duties to plan learning and teaching opportunities for the students. During these times the specialist programs are offered and may include: Library, Physical Education, The Performing Arts and Exploring Other Cultures
and Language. Children wear their sports uniform on this day, usually either Wednesday or Thursday. You will be notified of the allocated day.
Term 2: Tuesday 29 April 11.30-1pm Tabloid Team Games
Tuesday 6 May Sports Day at Landy Field
Term 4: Swimming Program
Terms 1, 2 3 & 4: The Perceptual Motor Program, a series of physical activities designed to develop children’s skills and co-ordination. Parent helpers are required.
Our shared area is both a pick up point and more importantly, a learning space.
In order for us to utilise this area effectively, we need your co-operation in leaving workstations as they are set up.
1. Sunsmart (hat and sunscreen)
2. Lunch
3. Water bottle
4. Reading folder / library bag
Please support your child in becoming more independent and organised by encouraging them to check their bags for the Fabulous Four each day. On library borrowing day this becomes the FABULOUS FIVE to include their books in a library bag.
The best preparation you can give your child is reading to them every day and reciting nursery rhymes, songs and poems. In the first few weeks of school we encourage you to attend the Success for Beginning Readers Session.
A copy of the handwriting we use in the school has been included in your child’s “Me” Bag and is the Victorian Modern Cursive. We particularly place emphasis on the formation of lower case letters in the first year. A pencil (2B) is included in the pack for your child to practice writing with before starting school.
We have included some number cards for your child to use at home.
The Student Well Being Handbook outlines our school’s rationale and management in relation to student wellbeing. A copy of the Student Wellbeing Handbook is included in your Information pack.
Class and school rules are based on safety and respect.
For their first year at school, Prep children are allocated a Year 6 buddy. This responsibility is taken very seriously by the older children and has become both a successful and popular program within the school. It helps the Preps to trust older students in the school ground, have confidence and feel safe. Throughout the year the buddies participate in varied classroom activities.
The Religious Education program is about the knowledge of the Catholic Faith, the Catholic Church, the rites and sacraments, celebrating the tradition as their own faith and introduces Jesus through Scriptures, play, signs and symbols, prayer and celebrating together.
Our Lady Star of the Sea School is a Catholic Primary School of Holy Trinity Parish. The school has important links with the parish. You are invited to the Parish Mass at 11am on Sunday, 23 February which will be followed by a school and parish picnic. Father Michael Richardson, our Parish Priest, and the parish community will welcome you and your family.
On Tuesday 18 February at 9.15am our school will be celebrating the opening of the school year with Mass. You are invited to attend Mass.
1. From the very first day, we ask you to place a change of underwear and socks in your child’s bag. You just never know!
2. It is also very important to have every item of clothing labeled.
3. During Terms 1 and 4 whilst outside the children need to wear school hats. Children need to have their own personal roll on sunscreen and roll on insect repellant that they can apply.
4. Each student needs a water bottle for daily use in class, preferably without a screw top lid as these are prone to leaking.
5. Students are to bring fruit or vegetables for a morning fruit break at approximately 10am each day.
6. Children are asked not to bring toys or possessions to school unless specifically requested to do so by the class teacher. Swapping, trading or selling items such as fad toys and collectables is not permitted.
7. Your child will need an art smock, which could be an old oversized shirt, to be used for painting and pasting activities. This is to save you unnecessary washing at home!
The aim of the Canteen Policy is: to provide an effective canteen service, which provides healthy food in a manner that complies with all health regulations and requirements. Our canteen is opened on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A lunch order, to be placed by 9.00am, is to be written on a paper lunch bag with the child’s name, class and requirements. Correct money should be placed into the bag. Each class is responsible for taking a tub with orders to the canteen. Snacks can be purchased at lunchtime. A canteen menu is available from the school office or on the school website.
A school assembly is held on the basketball court during Term 1 & Term 4 on Friday mornings at 9.00am. In Terms 2 & 3 junior assemblies are held in the shared junior area, near the staff room. You are always welcome to attend assemblies.
Student banking is available through CDF (Catholic Development Fund). Application forms are included in your Information pack or from our school office. School banking day is Monday.
If your child is required to have medication at school, please leave medication, written instruction and permission at our school office. All medication is administered from our school office. Forms are available on the school website or from the school office.
Parents with children who have ongoing medical conditions are to provide a written plan with a photo to the child’s classroom teacher and a copy of the plan is to be left at our school office. A copy will be provided to the Canteen Manager. In respecting children who have allergies and intolerance to foods we have the no sharing food rule. We request that students do not bring nut or coconut products.
A learning and teaching focal point for our school community is implementing a strategic plan for the school that improves our understanding and behaviours in relation to sustainability and the environment and to use the waste hierarchy: refuse/reduce, reuse, recycle, compost and close the loop. Sustainability is about the future, about the type of world we are leaving for future generations – the children of today, their children and grandchildren, and all other living creatures on the planet.