Have Fun

But be Safe!!

You and your friends Cody, Jamie, Casey, and Bobby are planning a bike trip out to the lake for the day. As you get ready to pack your backpacks, you wonder what you’ll need to take. It is not possible for you to take everything you want to take, so choose wisely. Remember, you’ll have to carry everything you take in your backpacks.

Search through these sites to help you decide what you need to take.

Supplies: http://www.kidcrosswords.com/kidoutdoors/home.htm


I hope you remembered a first aid kit. If you didn’t, go back and add it to your list because you don’t want to leave without it. Look through the First Aid Kit. Find three items in it and identify two reasons you might need to use each of these on your trip.

First Aid Kit: http://www.safensoundkids.com/sfnsnd13.html


Did you remember to bring sunscreen? Check out these sites and find out why you don’t want to leave home without sunscreen.

Sun Protection: http://www.sunprotection.org/


Since you’ll be riding your bike, you’ll want to make sure to be safe.

Name some safety precautions you should take.

Bike Safety: http://www.bikehelmet.org/


When you finally get to the lake you notice that the water is very murky and you wonder if it is safe to swim. What are some of the things you want to check out before you jump in?

Water Safety: http://members.aol.com/msdaizy/sports/safsw.html

You decide to take a walk through a wooded area and Jamie is hesitant to go because she’s afraid of snakes. What are some precautions she can take to avoid being bitten? What first aid measures should you take if someone is bitten?

Snakes: http://kidsportsrec.about.com/kids/kidsportsrec/cs/campinghiking/index.htm

After you come back, Cody starts itching. What are some things that could have caused this and how do you treat it?

Itching: http://www.lanakids.com/plants.html

You decide to do some rock climbing and are having a great time until Casey slips and badly skins her knee. Of course, you remembered to bring your first aid kit, so you rush over to take care of it. What items from the first aid kit do you use and what do you do?

First Aid:http://kidshealth.about.com/kids/kidshealth/cs/safety/index.htm




You’ve taken care of Casey’s injury and are ready to head home. The dark clouds blowing in from the west are ominous signs that a storm is brewing. Since you live in the heart of Kansas, you realize there’s a real possibility that this storm could produce a tornado. What precautions should you take if you don’t make it home by the time the tornado hits?

Severe Weather: http://www.azstarnet.com/anubis/zaphome.htm


You’ve learned a lot! You have had a safe trip to the lake and have successfully taken care of the problems you encountered. Way to Go!!