Exam 3 Material
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Brandon
Course: / Biol 212
Instructor: / Dr. Coffman/Manz
Date: / 4/28/2017

Chapter 50

·  Describe sexual reproduction.

·  Describe asexual reproduction.

·  What is spermatogenesis?

·  What is oogenesis?

·  Starting with a spermatogonium, what events take place to produce a mature sperm?

·  Starting with an oogonium, what events take place to produce a mature egg (ovum)?

·  How does the structure of a sperm cell aid in fertilization and the development of the zygote?

·  External fertilization most commonly occurs in animals that live in which type of environments?

·  How is external fertilization done?

·  What are two ways in which internal fertilization can occur?

·  For oviparous animals, the majority of embryonic development takes place where?

·  How do ovoviviparous organisms differ from viviparous organisms?

·  Where does spermatogenesis and sperm storage take place in the male reproductive system?

·  Describe the transportation of eggs to the uterus?

·  The sex hormones testosterone and estradiol play a key role in what three events?

·  What is the function of Luteinizing Hormone (LH)?

·  What is the function of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)?

·  What is the function of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH)?

·  What is progesterone?

·  What process leads to an increase in testosterone and estradiol?

·  In what ways does the mother’s respiratory and circulatory systems change and what are four examples of these changes?

Chapter 4

·  Given the following DNA strand what will its complementary DNA strand look like?






·  How do DNA polymerase and mismatch repair reduce errors during DNA synthesis?

·  What pathway describes how genetic information is converted into the production of proteins? Draw this pathway.

·  Given the following DNA sequence, what will be the subsequent sequences?


5’ / ATG / CTA / GCC / TAT / TCG / AGG / TGA / 3’
3’ / 5’


5’ / 3’

Amino acids

·  Given the following mRNA sequence, what type of point mutation occurred?

Original mRNA sequence:

5’ / CCA / CAU / AUU / GGA / UUU / 3’


5’ / CCA / CAU / AUU / GGG / UUU / 3’


5’ / CCA / CAU / UAA / GGA / UUU / 3’


5’ / CCA / CAA / AUU / GGA / UUU / 3’


5’ / CCA / CAA / UUG / GAU / UU / 3’

Chapter 17

·  How does transcription differ in eukaryotes in comparison to bacteria?

·  Describe the process of RNA splicing.

·  What is the function of the 5’ cap and the poly(A) tail in mRNA?

·  Compare and contrast where and when the process of translation occurs in bacteria and eukaryotes.

·  What is the function of tRNAs?

·  Describe the three step protein synthesis sequence by ribosomes?