Primary Schools Assembly 2017:

Brighten Up

For teachers: If you are having a CAFOD visitor this Harvest, please let them know if you are planning to use this assembly with your students, so they do not repeat it.

For volunteers: Remember to check with your schools whether they are planning to run this Harvest Assembly themselves.

/ Slide 1: Introduction
Good morning/afternoon everyone. Welcome to our CAFOD Brighten Up assembly. I am here with you today to think about how we can support CAFOD by Brightening Up
[If you have not been to this school before or if you know they have not done much with us you may want to spend a little more time on our name and the logo using the CAFOD cards you have.] / Slide 2: Who can remind me what CAFOD stands for?
[Invite responses from the children.]
CAFOD works to help bring about a fair and just world. We walk alongside people in many countries sharing in their hope for a better future.
[Click to reveal the quote] / Slide 3:
We give thanks for the food we have. We think of others who live in poverty and do not have enough food, wherever they live in the world, nearby or far away.
We remember the words of the Gospel:
“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10
Today let’s think about how we can Brighten Up and play our part to build a brighter world, so that we can all live life to the full.
[Ask the children to talk to the person next to them before choosing a few children to share their experiences of growing things.] / Slide 4:
First, I want you to think about whether you have ever planted a seed. Have you or one of your friends grown cress, tomatoes or some other plant? How long did it take? What do seeds need to grow?
It takes time for seeds to grow. They need lots of different things to help them grow into strong and healthy plants, like water, sunlight and nutrients.
Just like seeds, people need different things to help them to live. Today we are going to think about some of the things people need to grow their way out of poverty.
[Click to reveal recent photos of Jacqueline and Diego.] / Slide 5:
Do you recognise these children?
[We first met Diego in 2015 in the Harvest Fast Day resources. Both Diego and Jacqueline feature in the KS2 El Salvador Geography pack.]
This is Jacqueline and Diego. These photos were taken a few years ago, when they were eight years old. Now Jacqueline is ten and Diego is eleven. With your support, CAFOD have been supporting their families for many years, so they can have the things they need to grow their way out of poverty.
[If possible, watch the Harvest animation.] / Slide 6:
Jacqueline and Diego live in El Salvador. Let’s watch the animation to find out more about them.
[Usually piñatas are broken as part of a ceremony or celebration. But this piñata is made from ribbons which, when pulled, open it up.] / Slide 7:
CAFOD’s partners have been helping lots of families in El Salvador to work their way out of poverty. You can see some of these families in the photo, with a special piñata that has ribbons attached to it.
In the animation, we heard about lots of different ways these families have been supported. Let’s see how many we can remember!
[Click the butterfly to reveal key words (on ribbons). As each word is revealed, talk about what it means and who they relate to in the animation.]
[Alternatively, you may wish to make your own piñata to use in the assembly. Attach ribbons to a decorated butterfly or use the butterfly template below. As you unfold each ribbon, talk about what the words mean and who they relate to in the animation.] / Slide 8:
·  Training – When Jacqueline was little, her family barely had enough to get by. Through training, they have learned how to grow their own seeds as well as better ways to grow food. They now grow more than 40 crops and have what they need.
·  Safe spaces – CAFOD’s partner set up safe spaces away from the gangs, so children like Diego can stay safe and learn skills to help them now and in the future. They can help build peace in their community.
·  Education – By aiming to get a good education and study science at university, children (like Isabel) are building a brighter future.
·  Small businesses – With support to set up small businesses, families (like Angela’s, Lazaro’s and Edelmira’s) can support themselves and buy the things they need, like food and uniforms for school.
·  Sharing skills – By sharing the skills they have learned with others, whole communities can grow their way out of poverty.
·  Support – With continued support from you, more families around the world can build a brighter future for themselves, free from poverty.
[Call ten to the front to help demonstrate this statistic.] / Slide 9:
Although things are improving, one in ten people in the world still live in extreme poverty – this means families do not have enough food and children miss out on school and achieving their dreams.
/ Slide 10:
That’s why we are asking you to Brighten Up– to help build a brighter world and support more families around the world to work their way out of poverty, so that we can all share in the Harvest.
/ Slide 11:
£1 buys one week’s attendance at a children’s club, safe from gang violence
£38 gives a family grains, vegetables, organic manure and livestock to start a farm
£105 buys chickens and materials to start a family business
[ / Slide 12:
You can see lots of ideas in the photos but what can you do in school/class to Brighten Up? Use the bright colours of El Salvador to inspire you. Perhaps you could dress up in bright clothes or hold a bright cake sale.
How will you get involved and raise money, to help build a brighter world?
[Invite ideas from the children.]
/ Slide 13: We are going to finish with a prayer, so let’s sit quietly for a minute. Close your eyes and think about one thing that has struck you from today.
Let’s pray together:
Loving God,
Help us to work together to build a brighter world,
where each of us can become the best person we can be.
Let us learn from communities around the world,
who are working hard to grow their way out of poverty.
We pray we may share generously all you have given us.
/ Thank you for inviting me in today. Tell someone at home something you have learnt today in assembly and thank you for helping CAFOD and our partners Brighten Up the world. I would love to hear about anything which you do to support CAFOD.