Aging Q3 Hearing Loss Pre/Post Test

*1. A 65 yo Female with Diabetes Mellitus, last HGB A1C of 7.5, presents to clinic with 7 days of right ear pain, decreased hearing on the right side, and mild rhinnorhea. Her temperature is 98.6 degrees farenheit and her blood pressure is 124/76. She has no known drug allergies and takes Metformin and Glyburide approximately 5 days per week. Otoscopic exam reveals Middle Ear Effusion Serous. Which is the most appropriate next course of action?

A. Referral for audiology evaluation and consideration for hearing aid

B. Treat with decongestant medication for 4 days, monitor symptoms, and reevaluate if symptoms worsen or persist

C. Treatment with 10 day course of Levofloxacin 500 mg daily and reevaluate if symptoms worsen or persist

D. Treatment with 10 day course of Amoxicillin 90 mg/kg divided into BID or TID dosing and reevaluate is symptoms worsen or persist

E. Referral to ENT for evaluation

*2. Please rate how confident you are in your ability to:

Diagnose abnormalities on otoscopic exam for your older adult patients

Not at all confident

Somewhat confident

Moderately confident

Very confident

Extremely confident


Aging Q3 Hearing Loss Pre/Post Test

*1. A 65 yo Female with Diabetes Mellitus, last HGB A1C of 7.5, presents to clinic with 7 days of right ear pain, decreased hearing on the right side, and mild rhinnorhea. Her temperature is 98.6 degrees farenheit and her blood pressure is 124/76. She has no known drug allergies and takes Metformin and Glyburide approximately 5 days per week. Otoscopic exam reveals the following: (see image below- Middle Ear Effusion Serous). Which is the most appropriate next course of action?

A. Referral for audiology evaluation and consideration for hearing aid

B. Treat with decongestant medication for 4 days, monitor symptoms, and reevaluate if symptoms worsen or persist

C. Treatment with 10 day course of Levofloxacin 500 mg daily and reevaluate if symptoms worsen or persist

D. Treatment with 10 day course of Amoxicillin 90 mg/kg divided into BID or TID dosing and reevaluate if symptoms worsen or persist

E. Referral to ENT for evaluation

*2. Please rate how confident you are in your ability to:

Diagnose abnormalities on otoscopic exam for your older adult patients

A.  Not at all confident

B.  Somewhat confident

C.  Moderately confident

D.  Very confident

E.  Extremely confident