Room 1

Poster Title: Marketing and Ethics.

Group Members: Cormac O'Regan, Ian Mulvey, Colin Nicholson, Darragh Honan

Overview: This Junior Cycle Short Course aims to equip the learner with knowledge and skills of both marketing and ethics. Students will have the competence to plan, develop, and assess a marketing campaign. Students will discuss ethical issue in marketing and identify how multinationals have affected both local communities and the developing world. Development education will be integrated within this module to allow students make a greater connection in their learning between theory and reality.

Poster Title: Sustainable Development: Developing an Appreciation for the World

Group Members: Fiachra O'Dwyer, Paul Doherty, Mairead McNamara, Siobhan Weir

Overview: Our short course is on sustainable development. It is a cross curricular course which integrates Technology, ICT, Economics, Art and SPHE while developing an appreciation for the world around the students. The course aims to help develop the student’s understanding and awareness of sustainable development and how they can help influence how the world is managed around them.

Poster Title: Outdoor Education

Group Members: Christine Commane; Joanne Lynch, Pat O' Sullivan, Daniel Clifford

Overview: Our short course is based on Outdoor Education with the emphasis on inclusive andcooperative learning. The aim of this short course is develop knowledge, skills and appreciation of the outdoor environment by actively participating in theoretical and practical elements. The rich task which they will complete at the end of the six weeks is to design and implement an orienteering event.

Poster Title: Discovering the Design Process

Group Members: Claire McKenna, Garrett Spellman, Craig Cox, Eoin Kennedy

Overview: Students will become actively engaged in their communities by designing and prototyping an “Educational Toy” for young children (2-4yrs). Using a cooperative approach, students will discover the “Design Process”; creative concept generation and sketching. Students will then develop their ICT and visualisation skills to present their designs as 3D virtual models using SolidWorks and Augmented Reality, leading onto further realisation through model prototyping using simple craft materials.

Poster Title: Shaping my Future

Group Members:Christine Mannion, Sinead Griffin, Katrina Beehan, Robert Costigan

Overview: Students will work in groups to analyse living on social welfare. To do this they must research different prices of food, rent and bills. Furthermore they must assess if they will be able to do things that they enjoy and use communication skills to research how people in their community live on social welfare. Moreover they will have an opportunity to examine if there is a correlation between mental health and living on social welfare. Students will be given an opportunity to justify their research through a means of presentation chosen by them.

Poster Title:Harness Racing - Enabling Children to be active, healthy and independent

Group Members:Paul Mullaney, Kevin Crotty, Barry McGill, Alan Bartley

Overview: The harness racing programme has been developed as a student led initiative which will allow pupils to become change agents within their own lives and in their local communities. The course will be based on recent proposals by councillors within Limerick City Council, that local authority land could be developed as a sports facility for harness racing

Poster Title: Sports Management

Group Members: Patrice Rooney, Stephen Guing, Steven Danils, Christine O'Neill

Overview: Our poster is based on a short course in Sports Managment. This short course combines Health, Fitness, Sports and Related modules with core Business subjects in mind.

Room 2

Poster Title: Mathematics, Work and Real Life

Group Members: Marie Keaver, Mark Lyons, Kate McGuane, Ciaran Mac Raghnaill

Overview: Our Short Course poster is based on student's developing a deeper understanding of mathematics in relation to work and real life. Within our short course students are going to be working together in groups learning about Income tax, budgets, Income and Expenditure and tax. Students will be assessed throughout the course by both formative and summative assessment. Within their groups students will take part in a presentation at the end of this course displaying everything they have learned in relation to budgets

Poster Title: Holistic Development

Group Members: Emilie Molloy, Nicola o Mara, Liz Ruth, Emily Griffin

Overview: Our short course is based on Holistic Development. Throughout this course we aim to promote positive thinking and well-being and to challenge misconceptions and stigma around mental health and depression. Students will develop life long learning skills such as communication, teamwork, stress management and self-belief. We aim to develop students metacognition throughout this short course and build on their emotional intelligence.

Poster Title: Mathematics in the Real World

Group Members: Caoimhe Kennedy, Damien Kiely, Jackie O'Rourke, Patrick Woulfe

Overview: In an Ireland where Mathematics is heavily stigmatised, this short course aims to bring the relevance back to students. Through a student-centred learning experience, students will be able to discover the intricacies and nuances that make Mathematics so prevalent in everyday life, through a vast array of real life contexts. It is hoped that juxtaposing this with their own investigation and presentation of their own interests may unearth a love for Mathematics that students may not realise they had in them all along."

Poster Title: Personal Development

Group Members: Caitríona Kennedy, Marie Hennessey, Kelly O’Connll, Emma Guilfoyle

Overview: This short course encompasses three aspects of personal development which are the physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing of the student. The rationale for creating this short course is based on student, teacher, parent and teaching council values and concerns

Poster Title: Musical Composition in a Media Context

Group Members: Sinéad Mansfield, Liane Bradley, Eileen Kingston, Mary Donovan

Overview: 'Musical Composition in a Media Context' aims to encourage students to explore the use of music in the media through composition. It includes theoretical and practical elements which will help students to express themselves while learning about the complexities and fun elements behind composition.

Poster Title: Music Composition

Group Members: Cathall King, Fiona O' Connor, Deidre O' Brien, Mariead Carroll

Overview: Our short course is on appreciation of music composition

Poster Title: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Group Members: Fidelma Mulligan, Katie Moynihan, Nadine Delaney, Joanne Kelly

Overview: To develop an awareness of positive mental and physical health in order to fight the stigma around suicide, while endorsing factors which allow individuals and communities to thrive.

Room 3

Poster Title: Food, nutrition and health studies

Group Members: Amanda Power, Catriona Shanahan, Laura Scahill, LisaTalty

Overview: Our rationale behind the decision to create this short course is to provide awareness to young students around nutrition. Student will enhance theirknowledge of the nutritional value of foods, developskills and motivation to adopt healthy eating practices.

Poster Title: EinAbenteuerdurch Deutschland:AnadventurethroughGermany!

Group Members: JennieMoore,LauraGuilfoyle,RuthRobinson, KayleighWalsh.

Overview: This short course aims to cultivate entrepreneurial, communicative and creative skills to enhance cultural awareness in language learning. Students will work together to gain a broader insight into the socio-cultural aspects of the target language. Thereafter, with this newly acquired knowledge, students will be able to organise and host a variety of real-life events depicting German culture and traditions.

Poster Title: Science Maths 101

Group Members: Gerard Burke

Overview: This course is an integration of both Mathematics and Science taking the real life applications of the two curricula and allowing students to choose areas they wish to study. The integration of maths and science is a well researched area and the results have been very positive, they conclude that the integration of the two subjects should be done through contextually based lessons with an emphasis on a hands on approach and group work. Consequently I have designed the short course so that students will work in groups carrying out projects, writing reports and presenting to the class, they will partake in three group projects throughout the course.

Poster Title: The Functions of Music

Group Members: Sinéad Ryan, Eilis Coppinger, Georgina Ryan and Blaine Mackassey

Overview: In this short course students will study the different functions of music-music as business, music as therapy, music as technology and music as entertainment. The main assessment of the short course is cross-curricular, with students selecting and/or composing music appropriatefor apromotional video for the school,

Poster Title: Event Management

Group Members: Mark Mullan, Patrick McDonagh, James Walsh, Eric Corcoran, Cormac Doohan

Overview: The students will have to plan and organise a sports day for their school. The students will work in pairs and in groups. Some students will be in charge of approaching local businesses for sponsorship for medals and trophies, others will be in charge of promoting the event on Facebook etc. The activities on the day will have being decided by the students (over seen by class teacher and principle). Students will be given autonomy in this short course and the teacher will act as a facilitator of learning.

Poster Title: Integration of Mathematics and Physical Education

Group Members: Emma, Orla, Desmond & Cormac.

Overview: This short course aims to integrate the subjects of mathematics and Physical Education. This short course aims to add value through the use of real life situations in a physical education lesson. Students will become more motivated through these cross curricular links which makes learning more applicable.

Poster Title: Health related Fitness

Group Members: Pete Fleming, Lee McConalogue, Eamonn Melley, Mark Deagan

Overview: The short courseis on Health related Fitness(HRF) with an emphasis onathletics (6 week block).The aim of the short courseis to deliver a block of inclusive and holistic learning that meets the needs of the students. This will be through clear learning outcomes that incorporate practical and theoretical learning. The students learning experience isaligned to thecontent, assessment and outcomes and the values and factors that underpin the course incorporate a holistic and inclusive approach that integrates a progressive and developmental focus of learning. This is achieved through a strong partnership and collaboration between the teachers, parents, students and the Teaching Council.

Poster Title: Technology, Ethics and Society (TES)

Group Members: Jim Swift, Bryan O'Mahony, Brian Phelan, Alan Thornill

Overview:This Short Course will engage students with some of the most thought-provoking technological developments in contemporary times. They will come to understand that active citizenship and critical think are imperative in a world where technological development can improve our lives but also expose us to potential dangers and moral conundrums.

Poster Title: Holistic Development

Group Members: Emilie Molloy, Nicola o Mara, Liz Ruth, Emily Griffin

Overview:Our short course is based on Holistic Development. Throughout this course we aim to promote positive thinking and well-being and to challenge misconceptions and stigma around mental health and depression. Students will develop life long learning skills such as communication, teamwork, stress management and self-belief. We aim to develop students metacognition throughout this short course and build on their emotional intelligence.

Poster Title: Management

Group Members: RonanBaxter, Wesley Carter, Cathal O'Mahony, JohnRyan

Overview:The poster that we designed is centred around Management. The students will apply the theory learned to organise and run an event of their choice for charity.

Poster Title: Fair Trade

Group Members: Elaine McCarthy, Denise O'Dwyer, Deborah O'Neill,Aileen Stack.

Overview:This course examines the history, theory and practice of the Fair Trade movement and how itdiffers from traditional principles of international trade. It willspecifically explore the impact that this movement has on small scale producers, consumers and more broadly on the global economic system.

Poster Title: Sport Science

Group Members: Danny O’Reilly, Kathleen Martin, Oisin Gately

Overview: This short course will provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of sports science. The three components that will be focused on include Nutrition, Physiology and Performance Analysis. The learning outcomes that are outlined to the students incorporate both theoretical and practical learning. The learning experiences the students will undertake are aligned to the values that are matched with the statements of learning.

CM Corridor

Poster Title: Social Media Studies

Group Members: Bridin Doyle, Vivienne Mulready, Darragh Cantillon, Liam Long

Overview: This course was developed to address an area of serious concern within the local and wider community relating to mental health and digital media. This course aims to tackle these concerns and bridge the gap between; parents, teachers, students and digital and social media. Through the investigation and critical evaluation of existing social media platforms, students will develop a foundation from which they will be able to construct a new cognitive understanding of marketing and how it has influenced social media. This new understanding will safeguard and promote their personal wellbeing and that of others. The students will be given the opportunity to express their learning and creativity through the design of a new social networking platform. Students will be afforded the opportunity to develop the assessment criteria which will measure student achievement and attainment of the learning outcomes. This process will develop a schema based on higher order thinking and critical evaluation.

Poster Title: Global Politics

Group: Lynn Jacob, Lesley McKenna, Marina McHale and Ciara O'Connor

Overview: This short course is titledGlobal Politics. This concept is based on Youth UN. This coursegives students an opportunity to debate global issues from different perspectives. The aim of the course is to develop students problem solving skills, global awareness andcommunication skills.

Poster Title: A Musical World Tour

Group Members: Dearbhla Murray, Muireann Hannon, Roisin Brogan, Meryl Ounnar

Overview: This poster visually illustrates the main values, and statements of learning underpinning the short course; A Musical World tour. This course gives students the opportunity to encounter a multicultural approach to learning through studying the music and culture of Ireland, Russia, South Africa and South America, while becoming more aware of related social areas in the countries being visited. This course is centred on the recommendations of a short course as set out by the NCCA, including collaboration (considering teacher, student, parent and teaching council perspectives), team work, student centred learning and a holistic approach to education.

Poster Title: Practical Programming

Group Members: Damien Cronin, Naomi Guerin, Lisa Grogan

Overview: This course aims to develop the pupils’ ability to formulate problems logically, to design, write and test code, to develop games, apps and animations and through these learning activities learn about computer science. Through this Practical Programming Short Course pupils will develop their lifelong learning skills such as ICT, communication, creative thinking and problem-solving.

Poster Title: Applications of Statistics

Group Members: Eoghan Rowley, Gearoid Sheehy, Shane Hayes & Conor Crowley

Overview: Real life application of Statistics: this short course provides students with an overview of statistics in a real life context, while allowing them explore and develop topics which they consider important (Development Education Issues). Students will acquire ability to work autonomously and collaboratively while forming opinions around the topic. Students will be asked to complete a project where they will be required to defend, present and justify their learning.